NYC Wants Ban on Drilling in Its Watershed
December 25, 2009Environmental Concerns Rise in NE PA as Natural Gas Drilling Spreads
January 4, 2010Conference of Environmental Health Directors (CEHD)
Comments on the draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) on Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale
Dear Mr. Dahl:
The Conference of Environmental Health Directors (CEHD) has reviewed the dSGEIS on Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale and finds that issues related to protecting public health and water resources from the potential impacts of gas drilling are inadequately addressed. We support and urge your thoughtful consideration of the following concerns presented on behalf of the CEHD:
- Oversight and Regulatory Coordination
- Groundwater Monitoring
- Pits and Centralized Surface Impoundments
- Setbacks
- Gas Well Construction and Related Requirements
- Associated Environmental Impacts and Other Concerns