DCS's Letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu
January 31, 2012
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DCS's Letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu
January 31, 2012
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DCS Urges YOU to Contact President Obama

DCS urges YOU to send a letter and call President Obama to tell him he is wrong to encourage fracking for shale gas as our energy future. This is a live-in experiment going horribly wrong.

The excellent letter below was written by our Coalition partners United For Action.

If you send the prepared letter it is best to add something at the beginning so it is personalized.  If you go to the President’s comments web page you have 2,500 CHARACTERS, not words – so be sure to look at the end of your comment to see if it is all there and revise accordingly.  Feel free to take from our letter and send multiple comments on different aspects of this complicated subject if you can – that’s what DCS did.

1) Go to  ACTION PAGE HERE, and submit the open letter through the link on that page. Or, you can just follow THIS LINK and write your own message to Obama on the White House Comments Page.

2) Next, call the White House and tell President Obama that the fracking for shale gas will poison our water, dirty our air, increase global warming, and leave America in ruins.

White House Phone Lines:

Thanks for taking action! With your help and the powerful work of our coalition partners, we will bring this country into a sane energy future, where we are not forced to poison ourselves to power our lives!



Please copy the letter below and paste it into the message field in THIS LINK HERE.

Dear President Obama,

We cringed when you claimed in your State of the Union speech that fracked shale gas is clean, is abundant in supply for 100 years, and will bring about 600,000 jobs.

These are oil and gas industry talking points and not based on science and facts.  A peer-reviewed, not industry funded, independent scientific study published by professors Howarth, Ingraffea and Santoro of Cornell University proved that shale gas (methane) extraction contributes more to climate change than coal.  This evidence is also corroborated by Dr. James Hansen of NASA.  At the January 9, 2012 Physicians Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy national conference held in Washington, D.C., a group of doctors, public health researchers and scientists presented reports on the public health threats posed by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) shale gas extraction and called for a moratorium on fracking until safety to public health can be demonstrated.  Moreover, your own Energy Information Agency announced on Monday January 23, 2012 that it is cutting its estimate for natural gas reserves in the Marcellus shale formation by 66 percent from previous estimate of 410 trillion cubic feet of gas down to about 141 trillion.  The Agency also lowered its estimates for shale basins across the United States by 42 percent from 827 trillion down to 482 trillion.  Your Agency estimated Marcellus reserves would meet U.S. gas demand for about 6 years down from 17 years in the previous outlook.

President Obama, why would you want to jeopardize the health and living condition of our children and their children for a short term energy fix?  Please study the facts and science.  Natural gas is a fossil fuel which is finite, dirty and comes from a dying industry of the past century.   It is imperative that we move the United States to an  energy future that is both sustainable and compatible with human health.

We are asking you to please listen to your grassroots supporters who are deeply opposed to fracking.  Fracking’s disastrous health and environmental consequences are too great.  You must keep your promise to stand with the American people and not the big oil and gas industry.  The only sensible solution is to invest in renewable energy now which will create lasting jobs for Americans without devastating our health and our country’s resources.

Thank you.

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