PA Senate Bill 1100: A Moratorium on New Permits for Fracking
September 22, 2013Philadelphia, The Grassroots Anti-Fracking Movement’s New Old Front
September 29, 2013PFSC, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs*, spoke out loud and clear at the 9/17 hearing on HB 1576 (a bill which takes power and funding away from PGC and PFBC regarding Threatened & Endangered species).
Melody Zullinger expressed our dismay at the misconceptions and misinformation touted by politicians. She clearly demonstrated how the Commissioners of our two independent wildlife agencies perform the best oversight to strike the right balance between the science and social concerns as regards our T&E species. The Commissions are the defenders of our most imperiled species.
She concluded by recognizing the need for responsible development and resource extraction, but stated that because development and resource extraction will have an impact on our environment, we must work to minimize the damage to Penn’s Woods.
Melody summed it all up by stating that sportsmen and women are stewards of our resources and our environment and asked the legislators to do their duty to protect our interests, our resources and the environment, and oppose this legislation (HB 1576).
Download the entire testimony as a pdf.
Speak out now. Contact your State Representative now and tell him/her to OPPOSE HB 1576. Then contact your State Senator and state your opposition to SB 1047, the companion bill. Use parts of the PFSC testimony as your talking points, but also mention your experiences in Penns Woods and what protection of our native species means to you.
Do not let this legislation pass; we can’t afford to lose this battle.
* PFSC represents 221 clubs and 70,000 individuals.