Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas
August 9, 2014DCS Letter to Incoming DRBC Director Tambini
August 21, 2014Press Release: Test first of its kind in New York State
Download the Town of Delaware Methane Baseline Report as a pdf.
See the Video of the public meeting.
See short version of the Video of the public meeting.
Whether or not you live in the Town of Delaware, if you think communities need “insurance” against the ravages of gas extraction, this testing project is invaluable. Help us continue this work by visiting our donation page today.

Comparing ambient methane concentrations in Damascus Township, PA and in Dimock Township, PA. At the same methane measurement scale, Dimock peak maximum is 15.4 ppm compared to 3.5 ppm in Damascus. What will Town of Delaware look like? Picture Credit: Gas Safety, Inc.
NARROWSBURG, NY — Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) will hold a public meeting at which the results of its baseline methane testing in the Town of Delaware, Sullivan County, NY, will be reported and reviewed, on Sunday, August 24 from 12 noon until 2 p.m. at the Delaware Youth Center on Creamery Road in Callicoon, NY.
Invite your local town or other officials to the event using our handy letter which includes email contacts for many local policy-makers.
The study was performed by Gas Safety, Inc., an industry leader in methane and gas leak detection; and Bryce R. Payne Jr., PhD, a researcher at Wilkes University. Ambient methane levels on all public roads throughout the Town of Delaware were measured, and translated into an easy-to-read map with graph lines showing areas of greater or lesser natural methane concentrations. The study provides a basis for comparison should natural gas drilling or the building of natural gas infrastructure such as pipelines take place in the town in the future. Called “insurance policies” by some media, such studies enhance landowner and community safety by providing a sound basis for determining when and if increases in methane levels and related drilling-related emissions are occurring, as well as providing the basis for property owners to protect themselves, via data admissible in court, against any adverse impacts from the effects of gas extraction activities, and obtain redress if appropriate.
The meeting will be led by expert Robert Ackley, president of Gas Safety. The findings for the Town of Delaware will be presented and interpreted, and compared with locations in which natural gas drilling has actually taken place. Printed copies of the map and report will be available for those interested. The event is free, but DCS is accepting donations to go toward additional baseline work.
For more information visit www.damascuscitizens.org or call 845/252-6677.