Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22!
December 3, 2021
DCS is Fighting to Save a Treasure!
January 2, 2022The latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules
Written comments can be submitted to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) via their online form (see the DRBC’s instructions for submitting comments and their schedule of hearings) or by mail. The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition is working to get comments via email accepted and to get more public hearings, in addition to the one on February 3, 2022.
DCS Analysis of Loopholes in the proposed DRBC frack waste import and water export rules.
This letter from The Coalition argues that the current comment process is inadequate: more public hearings are needed, more ways to comment are needed, more time to comment is needed!
Please submit a comment supporting this letter.
In this webinar, DCS speaks about the potential impacts of fracking wastewater storage (at about minute 21).
Please use the online form to comment regarding the radioactive and toxic properties of wastewater produced by fracking. As was exposed by Justin Nobel in his investigations and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) report “Hot Fracking Mess” and discussed by Mr. Nobel on the Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition’s webinar “Too Hot to Handle” August 18, the radioactivity of fracking waste is an unrecognized, poorly regulated, and dirty industrial secret that is polluting our world.
Yet the DRBC issued its draft gas regulations that will allow the import of this wastewater into the Delaware River Watershed for processing, discharge, storage and re-use – disposal is prohibited, import is allowed!
Please take a moment now to file a comment to the DRBC to say: BAN FRACKING WASTEWATER IN THE WATERSHED! with a reason or two or more! – even if you have done this before! Remember you can file as many written comments as you want.
I thought fracking was banned in the Watershed?
Yes, fracking is permanently banned throughout the Delaware River Watershed, but on October 28, regulations were proposed governing whether the wastewater produced by fracking elsewhere can be brought in – and water from the Delaware Basin can be exported for fracking elsewhere – yes, yes – unbelievable but true!
We have to make sure we let the commissioners (the Governors of the 4 Basin states and a federal representative) know what WE WANT and are DEEPLY CONCERNED ABOUT by filing many comments.
What? Deliberately import and discharge radioactive waste?
Unbelievably, DRBC has proposed this despite having banned fracking as too dangerous and threatening to the water supply for over 17 million people, to public health, and to the outstanding natural assets that would be lost. Import of the waste can endanger these very assets that the DRBC exists to protect!
On our webinar last month, Dusty Horwitt, the author of the bombshell PSR report, “Fracking with Forever Chemicals” revealed that highly toxic PFAS chemicals have been used in fracking (and they remain in the environment) and the Philadelphia Inquirer found that fracked wells in Pennsylvania had used these chemicals. Each stunning fact revealed about fracking adds to the overwhelming conclusion that fracking must be stopped, its waste production ended – and certainly not imported into the Delaware Basin!
Please speak out to the DRBC. Call for the prevention of pollution by instituting a FULL Frack Ban!