Court Upholds DRBC Fracking Ban
September 19, 2022
The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants
November 18, 2022Our clean drinking water is at risk! Sign this petition telling the DRBC to BAN the import of toxic frack waste into the Delaware River Basin.
New York City’s award winning, wonderful tap water is imperiled by the Delaware River Basin Commission’s (DRBC) proposed new regulations that could allow toxic and radioactive drilling waste to be imported and “treated” in the Delaware River Basin (DRB).
- There is no way to actually clean (“treat”) this waste so that it is not still harmful.
- Any movement of waste into or through the DRB will make illegal dumping, spills and accidents more likely. Frack wastes are transported in 5,000 or 10,000 gallon tanker trucks, even potentially near the NYC reservoirs!
- Not only are the wastes not tracked, because the oil and gas industry has exemptions to major provisions of protective federal laws, but also the workers are not covered by the OSHA rules that every other industry must follow. Therefore, workers can be forced to work very long hours, leading to more illegal dumping, spills and accidents.
- The 5 DRBC voters (the 4 basin state governors and the feds) are politicians and will respond to having lots of public outcry. We got the ban of actual drilling in the Delaware Basin (as of last February) after much fussing and hard work. Now, to complete the Full Ban, we must demand that no oil or gas drilling waste be imported into the DRB, or water exported for drilling elsewhere.
- ANY “waste treatment facility” that accepts frack waste will produce toxic radioactive air pollution.
Sign the petition here! MANY MORE DETAILS are in the petition, which can be signed by individuals or groups.
Note: All contacts collected will only be used for outreach to the DRBC, the Governors, and the federal component.
Much more information is available on the DCS website. Feel free to contact DCS for help if you or your organization are writing your own letter.