Bomb Trains Along the Delaware River?
February 19, 2024
Restore the Skinners Falls Bridge!
April 15, 2024In January, 2024, President Biden announced a pause on export permits for liquefied natural gas (LNG). In their letter regarding this pause, published in The River Reporter on February 8, PA Senators Casey and Fetterman conclude: “If this decision puts Pennsylvania energy jobs at risk, we will push the Biden administration to reverse this decision”. My letter to Senator Casey (below) challenges this conclusion. I sent a similar letter to Senator Fetterman.
Dear Senator Casey,
You had my financial support, and my vote, when you ran for the Senate in 2018. I was deeply disappointed by your letter in the February 8 issue of the River Reporter questioning President Biden’s pause of LNG exports. The only problem I have with President Biden’s policy is that it is only a pause, not a permanent ban.
Jobs in the natural gas industry are highly subsidized due to the externalities involved. The burning of any fossil fuel releases CO2, which is driving climate change. The production of natural gas results in methane leaks and methane causes significantly more warming than CO2 over a 20 year time frame. Methane leaks from LNG exports are even more substantial and make it worse for the climate than burning coal. We are spending billions now to mitigate the effects of climate change and, unless action is taken, will be spending many billions more going forward. As U. S. climate chief John Kerry stated recently: “The choice is, will we do this in time to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis? The question is, are you going to put your head in the sand and do business as usual, because you’re so greedy?”
In addition to the climate issue, the production of natural gas via fracking exposes those living nearby to significant health hazards. Fracking also produces millions of gallons of toxic wastewater that the industry has no way to dispose of safely. In western Pennsylvania, this wastewater has been spread on dirt roads, exposing local residents to another health hazard.
I am dismayed that you support subsidized jobs that harm the health of Pennsylvania residents and threaten the stability of Earth’s climate. Renewable energy is cost effective, does not contribute to climate change and is not a health hazard. Jobs building our renewable energy infrastructure are high paying. We need leadership that will get us off fossil fuels, promote renewable energy and take us into a clean, sustainable future.
Unless you change your position on LNG exports, I will not be giving you any further financial support. I believe you are running for re-election in 2024. Whether or not you get my vote will depend on the options available. I hope I will have the option of voting for someone who shows true leadership on these issues.
The addresses for Senators Casey and Fetterman are:
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Russell Senate Office Building
Suite 142
Washington, DC 20510