Tell Your Representatives How You Feel About the SF Bridge and FIMFO

Experts Have Cost Effective Plan to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge
January 28, 2025
Support DCS Efforts to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge
February 2, 2025
Experts Have Cost Effective Plan to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge
January 28, 2025
Support DCS Efforts to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge
February 2, 2025
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Tell Your Representatives How You Feel About the SF Bridge and FIMFO

It’s crunch time for the Skinners Falls Bridge and the proposed Camp FIMFO, but especially for the bridge, which PennDOT intends to demolish asap. DCS, in conjunction with Wrought Iron Bridge Works, has presented a cost effective plan to save the bridge. Now is the time for all who want to save the bridge, and stop Camp FIMFO, to contact your political representatives and tell them how you feel.

DCS recommends calling, emailing and/or writing your state representatives, your governor and the National Park Service. If they have a Facebook page that accepts messages, this is another good option.

DCS has a simple message regarding the Skinners Falls Bridge: RESTORE the Skinners Falls Bridge, it can be done. Do NOT destroy it. The plan presented by DCS is safe, cost effective, non-destructive and can be implemented in phases. It will save public money in the long run, retain tourism, reduce environmental/archeological/historic impact, ensure that river communities remain connected, and that the valuable historic resource of the Skinners Falls Bridge remains for future generations.

DCS also has a simple message regarding the proposed Camp FIMFO: Theme Parks Don’t Belong on the Upper Delaware River. Camp FIMFO risks our water, environment and community safety. It is out of character with the Upper Delaware National Scenic River Corridor, and it does not comply with the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Management Plan.

If you live in Pennsylvania:

Governor Shapiro has an active Facebook presence, both “official” and “personal”. Note that on the “official” page one cannot post a personal message. You can, however, use his “personal” page and personal email to post messages. You should get a “received” acknowledgement.

Governor Shapiro can also be reached here:
Hon. Josh Shapiro
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

If you live in New York State:

Governor Hochul also has an active Facebook page, but it doesn’t allow for direct messaging, nor does it provide a direct email address. However, you can send a message via her official website (see below).

Governor Hochul can also be reached here:
The Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
518-474-8390 (Office hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm)

You can also contact the National Park Service, which can influence both of these projects:

Lindsey Kurnath, NPS/UPDE
National Park Service
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River
274 River Road
Beach Lake, PA 18405
Their Contact page also has an email form you can use.

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