Don't Allow the Industry to Park Crude Oil Barges on the Hudson
November 22, 2016Tell the DRBC to Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin
December 11, 2016
Water Contamination in Dimock, PA
DCS has been involved in the EPA study since it was first proposed by NY Congressman Hinchey in 2009. We have submitted strong and detailed comments at every opportunity and gotten many scientists and impacted citizens to also testify about hydraulic fracturing and related activities impacting the drinking water cycle. The scientists testifying about how contamination happens and the documented instances and impacted citizens detailing the effects on their health and surroundings.
This petition, if strongly supported, will make an impression – please sign and circulate further. It closes Sunday, December 4.
From Americans Against Fracking:
The EPA needs to embrace the truth about the inherent dangers of fracking. To get this done, it’s imperative that we act now, before the Trump administration takes power.
Here’s why:
Last year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a draft study of fracking’s impacts to drinking water. The study’s executive summary stated, “We did not find evidence that these mechanisms [hydraulic fracturing operations] have led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States.”
That statement has been widely used by the fracking industry and its backers to claim that fracking is “safe.”
But it’s not, and we know it – and so do they. Furthermore, the report’s own data, finds several clear incidents of contamination and doesn’t support their conclusion.
And now, even the EPA’s own Science Advisory Board has taken the EPA to task, challenging the EPA to either provide hard evidence to support its conclusion or to retract the conclusion.
There is an overwhelming amount of science that show how fracking poses a high risk for contaminating drinking water supplies. One found that, even with safety measures, fracking still poses a serious threat to human health. No surprise there. But now we need to make sure this is documented, and that the EPA’s conclusions match their data. And we have a very limited time window to do so.
So please sign this petition and share with your community. And push it far and wide.
Fracking can’t be made safe, and it’s absolutely critical that we make sure this important study isn’t watered down by industry and their cronies.