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American Clean Energy Agenda

Damascus Citizens is a member of The Committee for an American Clean Energy Agenda

Beyond Business As Usual

Realizing an American Renewable Energy Future by 2030

Initiated by the Civil Society Institute and the Environmental Working Group, and endorsed by 120 organizations around the country representing over 2 million Americans, the American Clean Energy Agenda calls for a number of bold steps to move the United States toward a clean, safe energy future.


As crafted by the groups, the new American Clean Energy Agenda calls for a number of bold steps.

These steps include: phasing out nuclear power, natural gas, coal and industrial biomass in favor of efficient use of renewable, non-polluting resources; opposition to a “clean energy standard” that includes coal, nuclear, oil, gas and unsustainable biomass; retooling federal “loan guarantees” to make smarter investments in renewable energy; greater emphasis on renewable energy and energy efficiency programs; and avoiding a future in which Americans suffer the consequences of mountaintop mining for coal and fracking of shale gas that is then exported for use in other nations.

The Agenda is guided by the Precautionary Principle, which dictates that lawmakers’ priority must be protecting public health and natural resources. This principle should guide future policy toward a safe and sustainable energy future. We know there are alternatives with energy efficiency and off the shelf, sustainable energy wind and solar. A critical move away from the political power of the industry-driven ‘business as usual’ and ‘all of the above’ approach will only happen with grassroots organizing and a coming together around actionable political demands rooted in a principled approach to policy that puts the public welfare above politics and corporate influence.

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