Accidents–Advocates–Air Pollution–Air Testing–Art–Banned Here–Biomass–Climate Change–Colorado–Connecticut–Cumulative–Decline Rate–Delaware–Dimock, PA–DRBC–Economic–Experts–Federal/EPA–Gas Industry–Gasland–Geology–Global Market–Health–Health Impact Registry–Impacts–Industry Documents–Industry Hype–Jobs–Landscape Disturbance–Legal Action–Legislation–Maps / Aerial Views–Maryland–Methane Emissions–Mortgages–News Archives–New Jersey–New York–Ohio–Pellet Stoves–Pennsylvania–Political Influence–ProPublica Series–Radioactivity–Real Estate–Regulatory Failure–Regulatory Reports / Studies–Renewables–Resources–Rural Economies–Secrecy / NDAs–SRBC–Take Action–Toxic Chemicals–Video–Waste and Disposal–Water Contamination–Water Testing–Wildlife–Workers–Zoning–Zoning Assistance
- Bomb Trains Along the Delaware River? (2/19/2024)
- Stop LNG by Rail (3/22/2022)
- Pipelines Continue to Catch Fire and Explode – Are They Insured? (8/27/2021)
- Worries Growing About Dangers Oil Field Workers Face (2/18/2019)
- Don't Allow the Industry to Park Crude Oil Barges on the Hudson (11/22/2016)
- As US Rushes to Build Gas Lines, Failure Rate of New Pipes Has Spiked (1/31/2016)
- Video Makes Visible CA’s Unseen Natural Gas Disaster (12/31/2015)
- Massive Natural Gas Storage Leak Alarms CA Residents, Climate Activists (12/7/2015)
- What Are Gas Drilling Jobs Really Like? (10/14/2015)
- Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (10/7/2015)
- Gas Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (9/14/2015)
- PA DEP Reaches Penalty Agreements with 3 Natural Gas Exploration Companies (8/26/2015)
- A Hard Look at the Risks of Transporting Oil on Rail Tanker Cars (2/27/2015)
- Pipeline Company Gives Up On Cleaning Its Oil Spill (2/12/2015)
- Pipeline Leaks Oil Into the Yellowstone River (1/22/2015)
- New Tracers Can Identify Fracking Fluids in the Environment (11/19/2014)
- FERC Approves NY Methane Storage Project (10/6/2014)
- 2 Derailments in 2 States by 1 Company in 1 Day (5/2/2014)
- Explosion Shuts Natural Gas Processing Plant (4/25/2014)
- Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away (11/13/2013)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Coal Displacing Nat Gas…Already (10/31/2013)
- Is there a Media Blackout on the Fracking Flood Disaster in Colorado? (9/16/2013)
- Drilling injury lawsuit settled (9/8/2013)
- An Unstoppable Oil Leak is Flowing in Alberta (7/26/2013)
- Leaking Test Well in Upstate NY (5/18/2013)
- Colorado 'promotes' natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River (4/26/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- Death on the Gas Field (2/21/2013)
- Drilling Spills Reaching Colorado Groundwater; State Mulls Test Rules (1/8/2013)
- Former Gas Industry Worker Blows the Whistle (12/26/2012)
- Oil Sheen Mysteriously Appears Off Louisiana's Gulf Coast (10/8/2012)
- In PA, 3,355 Marcellus Violations between 2008 and 2011 (7/10/2012)
- Independent Study Finds Significant Fault Line Methane Leaks Near PA Natural Gas Operations (7/8/2012)
- Inventory of Oil and Gas Well Stray Gas Cases (6/15/2012)
- Wyoming Neighbors of Leaking Chesapeake Well Evacuate (4/26/2012)
- Investigation Confirms PA Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic (7/16/2010)
- Accidents Bring Calls to Suspend Shale Drilling (6/10/2010)
- Marcellus Shale Well Shoots Gas into Sky for Hours (6/7/2010)
- Blowout at Pennsylvania Natural Gas Well (6/6/2010)
- PA’s Gas Wells Booming—But So Are Spills (1/29/2010)
- Swimming in Natural Gas (1/6/2010)
- PA Orders Cabot Oil and Gas to Stop Fracturing in Troubled County (9/27/2009)
- Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said (8/2/2009)
- Disposable workers of the oil and gas fields (4/2/2007)
- DCS Receives Radio Catskill 2024 Community Award (9/10/2024)
- David Hess Reflects on His Career and the Rise of Fracking (1/9/2024)
- Watch DCS Panel Discussion on Activism and the Skinners Falls Bridge (6/30/2023)
- Riverfest 2022 – July 24 in Narrowsburg, NY (7/20/2022)
- Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22! (12/3/2021)
- ‘Insist on Being Heard’ Re: Skinners Falls Bridge (9/2/2021)
- PennDOT Ignores Skinners Falls Bridge Public Comments – DCS Fights Back (8/29/2021)
- PennDOT’s Faulty Public Comment Process Re: Skinners Falls Bridge (8/28/2021)
- Save the Skinners Falls Bridge – Give to the Ed Wesely Fund (6/19/2021)
- National Park Service Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (6/17/2021)
- Greenworks Comprehensive Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (6/4/2021)
- Skinners Falls Bridge Does NOT Need More than a 10-Ton Limit (5/15/2021)
- Skinners Falls Bridge Comment Period Extended (5/6/2021)
- Skinners Falls Bridge Comments Coming In – Have YOU Made Yours? (4/26/2021)
- Ed Wesely’s Comment to PennDOT on the Skinners Falls Bridge (4/15/2021)
- YOU Can Be a Consulting Party for the Skinners Falls Bridge Project (4/14/2021)
- Why DCS is Getting Involved in the Skinners Falls Bridge Issue (4/13/2021)
- Hear Ed Wesely Speak About the Skinners Falls Bridge (4/8/2021)
- Josh Fox Says: Help DCS Fight for You (12/6/2020)
- Interview with Environmentalist Wilma Subra (2/3/2020)
- Help DCS Do More in 2020 (12/6/2019)
- “Amity and Prosperity”, by Eliza Griswold, Wins Pulitzer Prize (4/17/2019)
- Youth to Elites: Act As If Our House Is on Fire! (1/28/2019)
- Join Us 8/26 to Demand Fracking Ban in the DRB (8/19/2018)
- DCS at the DRBC Meeting to Urge a Ban on Fracking in the Basin (2/16/2017)
- Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits (8/20/2016)
- Living in the Shadow of Danger (1/29/2016)
- Interview with Barbara Arrindell of DCS (12/5/2015)
- The End of Growth in the Tar Sands (11/2/2015)
- Economics and International Trends Sour Shell’s Taste for South African Shale Gas (3/16/2015)
- Consultant Tells Energy Industry It Can 'Win Ugly or Lose Pretty' (11/18/2014)
- The Road to Damascus (9/25/2014)
- This Artist Creates Tiny Anti-Fracking Scenes with Vintage Figurines and Postcards (2/22/2014)
- Next Up For Pope Francis: Anti-Fracking Activist? (11/17/2013)
- Philadelphia, The Grassroots Anti-Fracking Movement’s New Old Front (9/29/2013)
- Josh Fox to President Obama: "Meet With Us" (7/9/2013)
- American Clean Energy Agenda (7/5/2013)
- Paean to Mr. Shepstone by David Slottje (7/1/2013)
- Decision To Frack NYS Delayed by Activists (6/29/2013)
- Environmental Prize Spurs Anti-Fracking Campaign (4/17/2013)
- Hunters and Anglers are Environmentalists (10/3/2012)
- Protect Our Water Before It's Too Late (8/22/2012)
- National Environmental Groups, Representing Millions, Tell Gov. Cuomo: Don’t Threaten Water and Land with Fracking (8/22/2012)
- GAS WELL FLARES (1/10/2012)
- Oil and Gas Drilling Within Allegheny National Forest (1/4/2012)
- Working Partnerships (1/3/2012)
- The Fracking Industry's War on the Truth (10/20/2011)
- Drilling, Earthquakes, and Motley Fools (10/15/2011)
- Delaware RiverKeeper, et al File Lawsuit (8/16/2011)
- Leading oil and gas reform organization expands presence in Gulf Region (5/2/2011)
- Benton gas well hearing canceled but protestors crowd community center (4/28/2011)
- Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspected cause of drinking water contamination (2/15/2011)
- As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, EPA Opens Public Hearings on Health and Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (9/14/2010)
- Not So Fast, Natural Gas: Why Accelerating Risky Drilling Threatens America’s Water (7/14/2010)
- Upper Delaware Named 2010-11 America’s #1 Most Endangered River (6/2/2010)
- Deep Drilling, Deep Pockets (5/11/2010)
- Oil and Gas Drilling Rig Hazards (7/1/2009)
- Hancock and the Marcellus Shale: Gas Extraction Along the Upper Delaware (4/15/2009)
- Open Letter to U.S. EPA From Environmental and Public Health Organizations Opposing White House Interference in EPA IRIS Chemical Assessment Program (9/17/2008)
- Drilling and Production Pits (1/17/2006)
- Oil and Gas Pollution Fact Sheet (1/17/2006)
- Oil and Gas Air Pollution Fact Sheet (10/20/2005)
Air Pollution
- NO Incinerator for the Catskills! (9/14/2024)
- Take A Deep Breath! Now Think What You Just Inhaled. If You Live Along A Dirt Road You Could Be Inhaling Oil & Gas Wastewater. (8/3/2023)
- As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health (12/2/2022)
- The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants (11/18/2022)
- Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air (5/6/2022)
- The New Coal: Plastics and Climate Change (10/30/2021)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- Poll Says Pennsylvanians Support More Regulations on Fracking (9/11/2020)
- Proposed Battery Recycling Facility in Endicott, NY a Hazard (12/3/2019)
- Tell PA DEP: Deny Elcon’s Hazardous Waste Permit Application (7/1/2019)
- A Fracking-Driven Industrial Boom Renews Pollution Concerns in Pittsburgh (3/27/2019)
- Climate Benefits of Natural Gas May Be Overstated (1/25/2019)
- New Study: Greenhouse Gas is More Dangerous than Regulators Thought (12/19/2018)
- Anticipatory Nuisance Claim Allowed Against Frac Sand Mine (11/12/2018)
- Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations (1/26/2017)
- High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites (7/3/2016)
- Harmful Chemicals from Fracking Pose Serious Threat to Infants & Children (5/14/2016)
- Compressor Stations and Health Impacts (3/18/2016)
- Community Groups Voice Opposition to Millennium Pipeline Compressor (2/23/2016)
- PA Fracker Can't Keep Pollution Tests From Residents (2/5/2016)
- Emissions From Natural Gas Wells May Travel Far Downwind (5/13/2015)
- New Look at BTEX: Are Ambient Levels a Problem? (5/8/2015)
- Health Impacts of Fracking (2/6/2015)
- Fracking Fumes: Where There's a Well, All is Not Well (12/23/2014)
- Cuomo to Ban Fracking in NY State, Citing Health Risks (12/17/2014)
- Bad Air Day (11/19/2014)
- PA Studies on Shale-Site Air Emissions Incomplete (10/25/2014)
- Proposed Monaca, PA Chemical Plant Threatens Residents (9/18/2014)
- Health Professionals Release Major Scientific Document on Fracking (7/13/2014)
- More evidence: Gas drilling GHG emissions vastly exceed government estimates (5/10/2014)
- It's he-e-e-re: National Assessment says climate change has arrived, and we're responsible (5/7/2014)
- Marcellus Compressor Station Exceeding Pollution Standard by 3X (2/8/2014)
- Small Emission Sources Could Mean Big Pollution, But No One’s Counting (1/18/2014)
- Study reports VOC-polluted air, health problems related to hydrocarbon development (10/28/2013)
- Caught in the Drill Zone (7/21/2013)
- Air Testing Shows Elevated Benzene Levels in the Barnett Shale (3/15/2013)
- More than Half of Ozone-Forming Pollutants in Erie, CO, Come From Drilling Activity (1/17/2013)
- An Exploratory Study of Air Quality Near Natural Gas Operations (11/14/2012)
- New Report Questions PA Environmental Chief's Assertion About Methane Contamination (9/8/2012)
- Utah Finds High Wintertime Ozone Pollution Near Oil, Gas Wells (2/29/2012)
- GAS WELL FLARES (1/10/2012)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction & Delivery in the United States (5/23/2011)
- Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental Problems (4/11/2011)
- Air Pollution Becoming a Basin Concern: Ozone levels in Utah (10/5/2010)
- Potential Shale Gas Extraction Air Pollution Impacts (8/24/2010)
- Urban Air Pollutants Can Damage IQs before Baby's First Breath (7/26/2010)
- Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With 'Gasland' Director Josh Fox (6/19/2010)
- As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns (6/12/2010)
- Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements (1/26/2009)
- Small Town, Big Changes (10/22/2008)
- Natural Gas Dehydration: Lessons Learned from the Natural Gas STAR Program (9/13/2007)
- Report on Air Sampling in Alabama (1/15/2007)
- Oil and Gas Air Pollution Fact Sheet (10/20/2005)
Air Testing
- Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations (1/26/2017)
- Rapid Method for Measuring Area Methane Emissions (1/24/2016)
- NYC Residents: Is There Radon in Your Kitchen? (3/14/2015)
- Survey of Ground-Level Ambient Methane Levels in Wyalusing, PA (3/5/2015)
- Bad Air Day (11/19/2014)
- Results of Town of Delaware Methane Testing to be Announced (8/10/2014)
- Town of Delaware Methane Baseline Study (7/30/2014)
- Air Testing Services in NYC (3/25/2013)
- Kids Sing Along at the DCS Storefront April 27 (4/23/2024)
- Watch DCS Panel Discussion on Activism and the Skinners Falls Bridge (6/30/2023)
- ACTIVATED – Join Our Panel, Live and on Zoom, June 25 (6/20/2023)
- Ezell: Food and Theatre at Willow Wisp Farm June 3 to 5 (5/29/2022)
- The Basement Rocks (5/27/2015)
- This Artist Creates Tiny Anti-Fracking Scenes with Vintage Figurines and Postcards (2/22/2014)
Banned Here
- A Remarkable DCS Accomplishment Related to the Whole Delaware Basin (5/1/2023)
- Agency Clarifies Frack Waste Ban in Delaware River Watershed (4/30/2023)
- An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules (12/12/2022)
- WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk (12/8/2022)
- Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin (12/1/2022)
- Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste (9/21/2022)
- Court Upholds DRBC Fracking Ban (9/19/2022)
- Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22! (12/3/2021)
- DRBC Proposed Regulations Don’t Approach a FULL BAN on Fracking! (10/29/2021)
- US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands (6/24/2021)
- How the Salvation of NYC Drinking Water Can Be a Model for Saving the Planet (3/19/2021)
- Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to BAN Fracking in the Watershed (2/25/2021)
- DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (9/5/2020)
- Irish Draft Programme for Government Includes a Green New Deal and a Ban on Fracked Gas Imports (6/27/2020)
- NY State Says NO to Fracking! (4/14/2020)
- Fracking Halted in England in Major Government U-Turn (11/4/2019)
- The DRBC Must Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin NOW! (10/15/2019)
- Join Us June 12 to Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking NOW! (5/31/2019)
- Environmental Leaders Applaud Delaware River Governors (5/20/2019)
- Governors Join Murphy in Support of Full Fracking Ban in Delaware River Basin (5/17/2019)
- International Human Rights Court Recommends Worldwide Frac Ban (4/5/2019)
- NJ Gov. Murphy Says NO to Fracking! (1/30/2019)
- Help Ban Fracking in the Basin in 2019 (12/12/2018)
- President of Mexico Vows to Ban Fracking (8/18/2018)
- YOUR Help Needed to Permanently Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/2/2017)
- Fracking Ban Proposed for Delaware River Basin (12/1/2017)
- Scotland Announces Fracking Ban (10/6/2017)
- France Plans to End Oil and Gas Production by 2040 (9/12/2017)
- Maryland to Ban Fracking! (3/29/2017)
- Case Dismissed! DRBC Can Regulate Fracking in the Basin (3/26/2017)
- DCS at the DRBC Meeting to Urge a Ban on Fracking in the Basin (2/16/2017)
- Commission Passes First Countywide Ban on Oil and Gas Waste in West Virginia (1/15/2016)
- NY State Officially Prohibits High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (7/2/2015)
- NYS to Make Fracking Ban Official, Not Permanent (5/2/2015)
- Will the Home of Fracking Bonanza Turn Against its Creation Next Month? (4/18/2015)
- Cuomo to Ban Fracking in NY State, Citing Health Risks (12/17/2014)
- Fracking Waste Moratorium Signed Into Law (7/8/2014)
- German Proposal Seeks to Sharply Curtail Fracking (7/7/2014)
- Gov. Malloy Signs Fracking Waste Moratorium (6/18/2014)
- Twelve NY counties ban fracking wastes (5/16/2014)
- Broomfield 5th City in CO to Pass Fracking Moratorium (12/7/2013)
- France Upholds Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing (10/12/2013)
- Fracking Ban Halts First Shale Gas Project in Spain (7/17/2013)
- French Fracking Ban Endorsed on US Environmental Repercussions (6/24/2013)
- Quebec Moves To Impose Regional Moratorium On Shale Gas (6/6/2013)
- 3rd NY Town Wins in Court Over Fracking Ban (3/20/2013)
- Fracking Moratoria, Bans, and Resolutions (10/25/2012)
- Vermont Governor Signs Bill Banning Hydraulic Fracturing (5/24/2012)
- UK Backtracks on Fracking (5/20/2012)
- No 'Fracking' Until Further Study, Says Irish Minister for Energy (5/16/2012)
- Vermont Bans Fracking (5/7/2012)
- Quebec Bans Any Fracking Pending Studies (4/5/2012)
- New York Judge Rules Town Can Ban Gas Hydrofracking (2/21/2012)
- N.J. Senate Passes Fracking Ban (6/29/2011)
- How the World's Wetlands Can Help Stop Climate Change
- Massachusetts Grants $3.5 Million to Renewable Thermal Industry
- Renewable Heat NY Funds 18 Woody Biomass Projects
- Howarth: methane must be controlled now
- Alliance for Green Heat submits comments on EPA heating rules
Climate Change
- DCS Supports RGGI with a Powerful Amicus (9/16/2024)
- 3 Farmers, 2 Generations, 1 Perspective (7/13/2024)
- Save the Date: Rare DRBC Meeting Wed. June 5 in Narrowsburg, NY (5/19/2024)
- A Climate Crisis Roadmap Seminar Co-Hosted by Josh Fox (4/19/2024)
- I Tell PA Senators: Support Renewable Energy Jobs, Not LNG Exports (3/1/2024)
- Biden Hits Pause on Natural Gas Projects Amid Plans for Carbon ‘Mega Bombs’ (1/27/2024)
- PA Plan to Charge for Greenhouse Gas Dumping Stopped by State Court (11/26/2023)
- Politics and the PA Supreme Court: VOTE Nov. 7! (10/21/2023)
- What’s Going On With PA’s Green Amendment? (10/19/2023)
- Pennsylvania Climate Convergence, October 1 – 2 (9/30/2023)
- Community Members Rally to End Fossil Fuels (9/18/2023)
- March to End Fossil Fuels 9/17 (9/10/2023)
- Big Win for the Environment in Montana (9/5/2023)
- Stop LNG by Rail (3/22/2022)
- The New Coal: Plastics and Climate Change (10/30/2021)
- NY DEC Denies Permit for Danskammer Power Plant near Newburgh (10/28/2021)
- Dutch Pension Fund to Divest from Fossil Fuel Producers (10/26/2021)
- Climate Poses Many Threats To U.S. Financial System & Natural Gas May Be Major Risk (10/22/2021)
- The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About (3/9/2021)
- Health Professionals Oppose Gibbstown LNG Export Terminal (12/5/2020)
- Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes (12/5/2020)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- Poll Says Pennsylvanians Support More Regulations on Fracking (9/11/2020)
- Is This the End of New Pipelines? (7/9/2020)
- Irish Draft Programme for Government Includes a Green New Deal and a Ban on Fracked Gas Imports (6/27/2020)
- Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021 (6/26/2020)
- Solar Panels are More Efficient Than You’ve Heard (5/18/2020)
- Fracking Halted in England in Major Government U-Turn (11/4/2019)
- The Research is In: Stop Fracking ASAP (10/2/2019)
- Oil is a Horrendously Bad Investment (8/11/2019)
- Is Shale Gas a Major Driver of Recent Increase in Global Atmospheric Methane? (7/23/2019)
- New Jersey Rejects Transco NESE Pipeline Under Raritan Bay (6/7/2019)
- New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future (5/22/2019)
- International Human Rights Court Recommends Worldwide Frac Ban (4/5/2019)
- A Fracking-Driven Industrial Boom Renews Pollution Concerns in Pittsburgh (3/27/2019)
- US Judge Halts 100’s of Drilling Projects in Groundbreaking Climate Change Ruling (3/21/2019)
- Youth to Elites: Act As If Our House Is on Fire! (1/28/2019)
- Climate Benefits of Natural Gas May Be Overstated (1/25/2019)
- New Study: Greenhouse Gas is More Dangerous than Regulators Thought (12/19/2018)
- The Climate Report That Trump Tried to Bury (12/14/2018)
- NYC Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change (1/16/2018)
- NYC Will Divest Pension Funds from Fossil Fuel Companies (1/15/2018)
- Scotland Announces Fracking Ban (10/6/2017)
- France Plans to End Oil and Gas Production by 2040 (9/12/2017)
- 3 Years Left to Turn the Corner on Global Warming (7/2/2017)
- Join the Global Movement for Fossil Fuel Divestment (2/24/2017)
- Study Finds Rise in Methane in PA Gas Country (2/12/2017)
- Media Silent as Native Americans Successfully Halt Construction on Oil Pipeline (8/22/2016)
- March for Clean Energy July 24! (7/5/2016)
- New Film by Josh Fox at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, June 25 (6/19/2016)
- Stop the Seneca Lake Gas Storage Project (5/13/2016)
- VICTORY in Landmark Climate Case! (4/11/2016)
- Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry (3/25/2016)
- EPA Will Limit Methane from Existing Oil and Gas Facilities (3/12/2016)
- How Bad of a Greenhouse Gas Is Methane? (2/18/2016)
- CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together (2/1/2016)
- As US Rushes to Build Gas Lines, Failure Rate of New Pipes Has Spiked (1/31/2016)
- CA to Investigate Whether Exxon Mobil Lied About Climate-Change Risks (1/22/2016)
- Video Makes Visible CA’s Unseen Natural Gas Disaster (12/31/2015)
- Letter to President Obama on Methane Emissions (12/11/2015)
- Massive Natural Gas Storage Leak Alarms CA Residents, Climate Activists (12/7/2015)
- Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline After 7 Years Of Review (11/7/2015)
- Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by NY Attorney General (11/7/2015)
- Fossil Fuel Companies Risk Plague of Lawsuits (11/5/2015)
- The End of Growth in the Tar Sands (11/2/2015)
- Exxon's Funding of Climate Denial Turned Americans Against Their Own Government for Profit (10/31/2015)
- Landmark Paper Underestimated Methane Leaks from Gas Production (8/6/2015)
- The Climate Deception Dossiers (8/5/2015)
- How the World's Wetlands Can Help Stop Climate Change (7/22/2015)
- Fossil Fuel Industry Must 'Implode' to Avoid Climate Disaster (7/20/2015)
- The Oceans are Warming So Fast (1/30/2015)
- DOD Climate Change ‘Roadmap': Bumpy Ride Ahead (11/30/2014)
- The Military Takes on Climate Change Deniers (11/2/2014)
- Groups Condemn Federal Ruling on Cove Point LNG Export Facility (10/6/2014)
- Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas (8/9/2014)
- Fracking Study Finds New Gas Wells Leak More (7/3/2014)
- Howarth: methane must be controlled now (5/15/2014)
- More evidence: Gas drilling GHG emissions vastly exceed government estimates (5/10/2014)
- It's he-e-e-re: National Assessment says climate change has arrived, and we're responsible (5/7/2014)
- A Real Plan to Reduce US Carbon Emissions (2/13/2014)
- Fracking Away Our Air, Water and Land (1/31/2014)
- Fracking = Climate Change (10/12/2013)
- Action on Climate Change is a Moral Imperative (9/30/2013)
- Shale Gas Worse for Climate than Coal Over 20 Years (8/31/2013)
- Gangplank to a Warm Future (7/31/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions Press Release (3/27/2013)
- Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions Final Report (3/27/2013)
- Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions (3/27/2013)
- US Climate Bomb is Ticking (3/9/2013)
- 50,000 Rally in DC AGAINST the Keystone XL Pipeline and FOR Action on Climate Change (2/19/2013)
- Boosted By Methane Releases, Oil And Gas Sector Is Number Two in Global Warming Pollution (2/11/2013)
- Divesting from Fossil Fuels (1/24/2013)
- Methane Leaks Erode Green Credentials of Natural Gas (1/8/2013)
- NYS AG Schneiderman Prepares Methane Suit Against EPA (12/14/2012)
- Fracking good for the climate? What a load of hot air (11/30/2012)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting From The Petroleum And Natural Gas Industry (1/24/2012)
- Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions: From Shale Gas Compared to Coal (7/15/2011)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction & Delivery in the United States (5/23/2011)
- Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental Problems (4/11/2011)
- Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations (3/13/2011)
- Radioactive Costs of Oil & Gas (11/6/2021)
- Opinion: The Sun Sets on Western Slope Farms (10/20/2016)
- Help Save Colorado's North Fork Valley (9/23/2016)
- CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together (2/1/2016)
- Another City in CO Considers a Fracking Ban (4/17/2014)
- Sponsor Kills Oil Pipeline Bill (4/13/2014)
- Broomfield 5th City in CO to Pass Fracking Moratorium (12/7/2013)
- Drilling, Fracking Cause Concern (7/21/2013)
- Scrap Frack Pipe is Potentially Explosive (7/2/2013)
- Colorado 'promotes' natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River (4/26/2013)
- Colorado Docs Chafe at Secrecy Oath Needed for Access to Chemical List (3/20/2013)
- Fracking: Colorado’s Dystopian Nightmare (3/12/2013)
- Fracking Waste Moratorium Signed Into Law (7/8/2014)
- Youth to Elites: Act As If Our House Is on Fire! (1/28/2019)
- The Climate Report That Trump Tried to Bury (12/14/2018)
- Join Us 8/26 to Demand Fracking Ban in the DRB (8/19/2018)
- Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin (1/27/2018)
- Fracking Ban Proposed for Delaware River Basin (12/1/2017)
- Live in the DRB? DCS is Fighting for Your Health! (2/20/2017)
- EPA Retracts Conclusion of "No Widespread or Systemic" Risk from Fracking (12/13/2016)
- Tell the DRBC to Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/11/2016)
- Opinion: The Sun Sets on Western Slope Farms (10/20/2016)
- Help Save Colorado's North Fork Valley (9/23/2016)
- Judge Blocks Central California Oil Development Over Fracking (9/13/2016)
- DCS and the EPA's Fracking Study – What Have We Been Up To? (8/24/2016)
- Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (4/13/2016)
- VICTORY in Landmark Climate Case! (4/11/2016)
- Pipeline Continues New York’s Shame (3/1/2016)
- Obama Signs Exxon-, Koch-Backed Bill Expediting Pipeline Permits (1/4/2016)
- Mt. Pleasant Family Takes Range Resources to Court (12/2/2014)
- Groups Condemn Federal Ruling on Cove Point LNG Export Facility (10/6/2014)
- DCS Letter to Incoming DRBC Director Tambini (8/21/2014)
- Health Professionals Release Major Scientific Document on Fracking (7/13/2014)
- German Proposal Seeks to Sharply Curtail Fracking (7/7/2014)
- Federal Court Rules FERC Violated Federal Law When Issued Approvals for NEUP Pipeline Project (6/7/2014)
- Stop the Cove Point LNG Export Facility (4/9/2014)
- Fracking is Depleting Water Supplies in America's Driest Areas (2/8/2014)
- Fracking Away Our Air, Water and Land (1/31/2014)
- Small Emission Sources Could Mean Big Pollution, But No One’s Counting (1/18/2014)
- Key Impacts of Dirty Drilling (10/17/2013)
- The Mother of All Unfunded Mandates (6/24/2013)
- French Fracking Ban Endorsed on US Environmental Repercussions (6/24/2013)
- A "Sacrifice Zone" for Fracking (5/17/2013)
- Oilsands Contaminants Travel Further than Expected (11/17/2012)
Decline Rate
- Will the Fracking Revolution Peak Before Ever Making Money? (10/8/2019)
- The Shale Reckoning Comes to Oklahoma (3/21/2016)
- Shocking Deterioration In Tight Oil (2/16/2015)
- Today's Shale Era Is The Retirement Party For Oil Production (2/15/2015)
- Gas Well Decline Rates (11/16/2013)
- The Shale Gale is a Retirement Party (3/28/2013)
- Dramatic Decline Rates of 4 Gas Fields Confirmed by Industry Study (3/26/2013)
- Comments from Susquehanna River Basin Citizen (11/2/2012)
- Gas Production Dropping Like Rocks! (8/27/2012)
- Chesapeake Shows the Real Decline Curve to the SEC and Investors (1/3/2012)
- DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information (8/31/2020)
- Don't Drill the Delaware / DRBC Regulations Vote–Meeting Cancelled (11/18/2011)
Dimock, PA
- Driller Must Pay for Dimock, PA, Contamination (3/10/2016)
- No One Will Ever Live at 1101 Carter Road in Dimock Again (10/27/2013)
- Endless Water Tankers in Dimock, PA (8/10/2013)
- Internal EPA Report Highlights Disputes Over Fracking and Well Water (7/29/2013)
- Dimock Water Problems Continue After 4-plus Years (3/28/2013)
- Are Leaking Wells Letting Methane Get Into Dimock's Water? (10/1/2012)
- Federal Health Officials to Assess Dimock Pollution Risk (9/6/2012)
- Observations on Selected USEPA Summaries of Well Water Analysis from Dimock, PA. (3/27/2012)
- So, Is Dimock’s Water Really Safe to Drink? (3/21/2012)
- The Environmental Dangers of Hydro-Fracturing the Marcellus Shale (1/3/2012)
- How Many Water Supplies Have Been Impacted by Gas Drilling? (11/16/2010)
- 'Fracking' yields fuel, fear in Northeast (9/3/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/23/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/21/2010)
- Environmental Concerns Rise in NE PA as Natural Gas Drilling Spreads (1/4/2010)
- US Energy Future Hits Snag in Rural PA (3/15/2009)
- Gas Driller Found in Violation for 'Polluting' Ground Water (3/12/2009)
- Dimock’s Dilemma (2/13/2009)
- 3 Farmers, 2 Generations, 1 Perspective (7/13/2024)
- Save the Date: Rare DRBC Meeting Wed. June 5 in Narrowsburg, NY (5/19/2024)
- DCS Comments at Nov. 13 DRBC Hearing on Rule Changes (11/14/2023)
- Say NO to DRBC Rule Changes that Threaten Public Input (11/7/2023)
- DRBC: Allow Remote Participation for Public Comments (6/20/2023)
- When We Need a Lawyer to Get the Job Done (5/14/2023)
- How Niggling About a Definition Kept Poison Out of Your Backyard (5/13/2023)
- A Remarkable DCS Accomplishment Related to the Whole Delaware Basin (5/1/2023)
- Agency Clarifies Frack Waste Ban in Delaware River Watershed (4/30/2023)
- DCS Requests Court to Void DRBC Wastewater Exemptions (1/11/2023)
- An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules (12/12/2022)
- WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk (12/8/2022)
- Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin (12/1/2022)
- Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste (9/21/2022)
- Court Upholds DRBC Fracking Ban (9/19/2022)
- Riverfest 2022 – July 24 in Narrowsburg, NY (7/20/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules (1/26/2022)
- YOUR Comments to the DRBC Needed to Keep Frack Waste Out of the Basin (12/11/2021)
- Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22! (12/3/2021)
- DRBC Proposed Regulations Don’t Approach a FULL BAN on Fracking! (10/29/2021)
- PennEast Gas Pipeline Defeated (10/4/2021)
- Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking (9/14/2021)
- Water is Life: Don’t Waste it on Fracking – Webinar (9/8/2021)
- Penn State: Frack Wastewater IS Toxic! – & on YOUR Road? (8/16/2021)
- US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands (6/24/2021)
- Fracking Wastewater is Radioactive (6/18/2021)
- Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to BAN Fracking in the Watershed (2/25/2021)
- Historic Event? DRBC Could Determine the Fate of the Delaware River Watershed Feb. 25 (2/19/2021)
- Environmental Groups Fight Lawsuit by PA GOP to Overturn Fracking Moratorium (1/17/2021)
- Health Professionals Oppose Gibbstown LNG Export Terminal (12/5/2020)
- Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes (12/5/2020)
- DRBC Postpones Vote on Gibbstown LNG Terminal (9/19/2020)
- DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (9/5/2020)
- River of the Year for 2020: The Delaware River (4/15/2020)
- The DRBC Must Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin NOW! (10/15/2019)
- Join Us June 12 to Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking NOW! (5/31/2019)
- Environmental Leaders Applaud Delaware River Governors (5/20/2019)
- Governors Join Murphy in Support of Full Fracking Ban in Delaware River Basin (5/17/2019)
- NJ Gov. Murphy Says NO to Fracking! (1/30/2019)
- Thanks to You, We Made Our Match! (1/12/2019)
- Still Relevant: Documents Presented to the DRBC (12/20/2018)
- Help Ban Fracking in the Basin in 2019 (12/12/2018)
- Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking (9/11/2018)
- Join Us 8/26 to Demand Fracking Ban in the DRB (8/19/2018)
- Against Fracking in the DRB and the Proposed PennEast Pipeline (6/13/2018)
- More than 40,000 Comments Support a Complete Fracking Ban in the Delaware River Basin (4/12/2018)
- Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin (1/27/2018)
- Help Save the Delaware River Basin (12/17/2017)
- YOUR Help Needed to Permanently Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/2/2017)
- Fracking Ban Proposed for Delaware River Basin (12/1/2017)
- Mis-Representative Fritz (11/21/2017)
- DCS is Back in Court, Fighting for the Health of DRB Residents! (10/14/2017)
- Up in Arms on the Upper Delaware Over a Proposed Fracking Ban (10/4/2017)
- Tell Your Governor: Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (8/1/2017)
- Case Dismissed! DRBC Can Regulate Fracking in the Basin (3/26/2017)
- Live in the DRB? DCS is Fighting for Your Health! (2/20/2017)
- DCS at the DRBC Meeting to Urge a Ban on Fracking in the Basin (2/16/2017)
- Tell the DRBC to Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/11/2016)
- Fracking in the Delaware River Basin Would Threaten Health of 45,000 (8/22/2015)
- PA Gov. Wolf Supports Drilling Moratorium in Delaware River Basin (3/14/2015)
- DCS Letter to Incoming DRBC Director Tambini (8/21/2014)
- Your Pictures Can Help Keep the Delaware River Watershed Frack-Free (11/19/2013)
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin (7/23/2013)
- Conservation in Delaware Basin Worth $8B Annually (7/7/2013)
- Federal Court Confirms Right of NY Attorney General and Environmental Groups to Compel Compliance with NEPA (9/27/2012)
- DRBC Receives Petition Asserting It Has Jurisdiction Over Pipelines (9/18/2012)
- Rendell Says He Supports a Drilling Moratorium Along the Delaware (9/18/2012)
- Gov. Corbett Turns Up Pressure on Neighbors (6/19/2012)
- Hydrogeologists say, Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in New York State and the Delaware River Basin (4/30/2012)
- DCS Letter to the Army Corps of Engineers Questions the Ecomomic Benefits of Fracking (4/19/2012)
- Expert Reports Challenge DRBC on Wells Drilled Within Watershed (12/8/2011)
- Don't Drill the Delaware / DRBC Regulations Vote–Meeting Cancelled (11/18/2011)
- DCS Files NEPA Lawsuit Emphasizing Need for Health Impact Assessment (8/17/2011)
- Delaware RiverKeeper, et al File Lawsuit (8/16/2011)
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (5/25/2011)
- Groups File Federal Lawsuit Against Delaware River Basin Commission (2/10/2011)
- Hinchey, Holt Urge DRBC to Suspend Hydrofracking Rulemaking Process (2/2/2011)
- Have Public Servants Charged with Protecting Drinking Water for 15 Million People Sold Out to the Gas Drilling Industry? (1/23/2011)
- DRBC hearing on some gas wells will be limited after groups withdraw (12/14/2010)
- Northeast Regulator Eases Proposed Natural Gas Drilling Curbs (12/9/2010)
- Commissioner Martin calls for safeguards on Marcellus shale gas-drilling to protect Delaware River (12/7/2010)
- Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling (12/6/2010)
- Arbitrary and capricious (11/2/2010)
- Philadelphia Seeks Ban on Gas Drilling Method (3/27/2010)
- Final Impact Assessment Report of Natural Gas Production in the New York City Water Supply Watershed (12/15/2009)
- Gas Drilling Critics Welcome Move by U.S. Regulator (6/1/2009)
- Radioactive Costs of Oil & Gas (11/6/2021)
- Dutch Pension Fund to Divest from Fossil Fuel Producers (10/26/2021)
- Climate Poses Many Threats To U.S. Financial System & Natural Gas May Be Major Risk (10/22/2021)
- How Exxon Is Being Forced To Accept The Reality Of Bad Fossil Fuel Investments (3/3/2021)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- Is This the End of New Pipelines? (7/9/2020)
- Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021 (6/26/2020)
- Solar Panels are More Efficient Than You’ve Heard (5/18/2020)
- PA Governor Wolf Vetoes Natural Gas Tax-Break Bill (3/30/2020)
- Shale’s Debt-Fueled Drilling Boom Is Coming To An End (12/8/2019)
- UK Ban Adds to the Tremors Taking Down the Fracking Industry (11/9/2019)
- Fracking Halted in England in Major Government U-Turn (11/4/2019)
- Will the Fracking Revolution Peak Before Ever Making Money? (10/8/2019)
- The Research is In: Stop Fracking ASAP (10/2/2019)
- Oil is a Horrendously Bad Investment (8/11/2019)
- Are Investors Finally Waking up to North America’s Fracked Gas Crisis? (2/12/2019)
- The Fracking Industry’s Water Nightmare (9/25/2018)
- World’s Biggest Sovereign Wealth Fund Proposes Ditching Oil and Gas Holdings (11/19/2017)
- We Could Be Witnessing the Death of the Fossil Fuel Industry (5/11/2016)
- Letter from Lebanon Supervisor (3/24/2016)
- The Shale Reckoning Comes to Oklahoma (3/21/2016)
- Oil Workers Say Their Pay Was Stolen Before the Bust (3/15/2016)
- Feds Reject Jordan Cove LNG Terminal (3/14/2016)
- Study: Fracking Lowers Home Values by $30K (1/2/2016)
- Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure (11/17/2015)
- The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here (6/1/2015)
- The Economic Benefits and Costs of Frac-Sand Mining (4/11/2015)
- Why This Tea Party Leader Is Seeing Green on Solar Energy (4/8/2015)
- TxDOT Ends Program That Converts Paved Roads to Gravel (10/27/2014)
- Shale Drillers Feast on Junk Debt to Stay on Treadmill (5/21/2014)
- Chesapeake Energy’s $5 Billion Shuffle (3/13/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- MA Has Double the Jobs in Clean Energy That PA Has in Natural Gas (2/18/2014)
- A Real Plan to Reduce US Carbon Emissions (2/13/2014)
- Cornell Faculty Senate Votes to Divest from Fossil Fuels (12/12/2013)
- State subsidies to gas industry could reach $1 billion over a decade (11/5/2013)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Coal Displacing Nat Gas…Already (10/31/2013)
- Attend a Deborah Rogers presentation on 'Frackonomics' (9/8/2013)
- Frackers Avoid Paying Royalties (9/8/2013)
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin (7/23/2013)
- Fracktivists Celebrate Cancellation of Gas Leases in NE PA (7/20/2013)
- NE PA Newfield Hess Leases Abandoned (7/17/2013)
- Conservation in Delaware Basin Worth $8B Annually (7/7/2013)
- Poll: Small Business Supports Clean Energy (7/3/2013)
- Post-Production Costs Reduce Gas Royalty Payments to PA Leaseholders (7/1/2013)
- Fracked-up roads: Texas, NY (4/28/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- The Shale Gale is a Retirement Party (3/28/2013)
- Dramatic Decline Rates of 4 Gas Fields Confirmed by Industry Study (3/26/2013)
- Shale Game – It's an Ugly Picture (3/15/2013)
- Elected Officials to Protect NY Speak Out on Fracking (3/9/2013)
- Experts Have Cost Effective Plan to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (1/28/2025)
- A Climate Crisis Roadmap Seminar Co-Hosted by Josh Fox (4/19/2024)
- Interview with Environmentalist Wilma Subra (2/3/2020)
- Still Relevant: Documents Presented to the DRBC (12/20/2018)
- 3 Years Left to Turn the Corner on Global Warming (7/2/2017)
- The Need for Realistic and Transparent Oil & Gas Analysis (1/2/2017)
- Scientists Slam EPA For “Walking Away” From Fracking Pollution Study (4/7/2016)
- Rapid Method for Measuring Area Methane Emissions (1/24/2016)
- Letter to President Obama on Methane Emissions (12/11/2015)
- Theo Colborn’s Legacy Will Be Kept Alive By TEDX (4/22/2015)
- Health Impacts of Fracking (2/6/2015)
- Fracking Risk Compared to Thalidomide and Asbestos (11/29/2014)
- New Tracers Can Identify Fracking Fluids in the Environment (11/19/2014)
- Letter of Dr. Paulson to PA-DEP on Fracking Impacts on Children (7/5/2014)
- Tests Prove Fracking to Blame for Flaming Parker County Wells (6/8/2014)
- Estimate of Recoverable Monterey Shale Oil Cut by 96% (5/22/2014)
- Howarth: methane must be controlled now (5/15/2014)
- Concerned Health Professionals of NY Comment on the NYS Energy Plan (4/25/2014)
- Caution on Fracking Wise (4/18/2014)
- Don't Use Our Water for Fracking (4/9/2014)
- NY State Consultant Slams Fracking (3/14/2014)
- Fracking Methane Leakage Study Financed by Gas Industry with Partner, EDF, is Deeply Flawed (9/22/2013)
- TEDX Upcoming Events (8/30/2013)
- Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published (8/10/2013)
- Gangplank to a Warm Future (7/31/2013)
- Conservation in Delaware Basin Worth $8B Annually (7/7/2013)
- The Shale Gale is a Retirement Party (3/28/2013)
- The Shale Gas Boom and Market Manipulation (2/20/2013)
- More than Half of Ozone-Forming Pollutants in Erie, CO, Come From Drilling Activity (1/17/2013)
- From Industry Insider to Implacable Fracking Opponent (1/8/2013)
- New Fears Over Fracking Groundwater Contamination (1/8/2013)
- Viability of Shale Gas Power Source in Doubt Due to Cost (12/26/2012)
- Letter to the President About Chemicals Disrupting our Bodies (12/18/2012)
- The Crisis in Oil and Gas Regulatory Enforcement (11/20/2012)
- Oilsands Contaminants Travel Further than Expected (11/17/2012)
- An Exploratory Study of Air Quality Near Natural Gas Operations (11/14/2012)
- Danger If Ohio Watershed Conservancy District Leases Reservoirs for Fracking (11/14/2012)
- Well Casing Failures Explained (11/4/2012)
- Comments from Susquehanna River Basin Citizen (11/2/2012)
- Louis W. Allstadt – From Supporter to Skeptic on NYS Fracking (10/18/2012)
- New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer's Recommendations on Shale Gas (10/18/2012)
- History of Oil and Gas Well Abandonment in NYS (10/18/2012)
- EPA Fracking Investigation in Wyoming Revisited After Objections (10/15/2012)
- Safe Fracking is a Fairy Tale (10/11/2012)
- Can Fracking Ever Be Done Safely? (9/21/2012)
- Gas Drilling, Homeowners Don't Mix (9/21/2012)
- New Report Questions PA Environmental Chief's Assertion About Methane Contamination (9/8/2012)
- Gas Production Dropping Like Rocks! (8/27/2012)
- NYC Council Senator Tony Avella Conducts Fracking Forum (7/31/2012)
- Study Examines Ownership, Control of Land with Marcellus Shale Gas (7/27/2012)
- Fluids From Marcellus Shale Likely Seeping Into PA Drinking Water (7/10/2012)
- Municipal Water Supply Administrators Want MORE Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing (7/8/2012)
- Independent Study Finds Significant Fault Line Methane Leaks Near PA Natural Gas Operations (7/8/2012)
- New Yorkers to Have Radon With Dinner (5/23/2012)
- Barbara Arrindell of DCS with the Click and Clack of Frack Weekly on WFTE 90.3 FM (5/5/2012)
- The Environmental Dangers of Hydro-Fracturing the Marcellus Shale (1/3/2012)
- Overestimation of benefits from shale gas drilling and underestimation of its historic costs (10/6/2011)
- Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions: From Shale Gas Compared to Coal (7/15/2011)
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (5/25/2011)
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction & Delivery in the United States (5/23/2011)
- Chemical and Biological Risk Assessment for Natural Gas Extraction in New York (1/21/2011)
- Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling (12/6/2010)
- Natural Gas Operations From a Public Health Perspective (9/10/2010)
- Former Oil and Gas Producer Tells NYS to "scrap proposed DEC regulations"…wait for EPA to issue its new guidelines (7/25/2010)
- Unanswered Questions About The Economic Impact of Gas Drilling In the Marcellus Shale: (3/27/2010)
- Drilling Around the Law (1/20/2010)
- Products and Chemicals Used in Fracturing (2/2/2009)
- Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements (1/26/2009)
- Cornell Fracture Group (12/29/2008)
- TEDX to NYC Council: "The western experience should be taken seriously by those in the East" (9/9/2008)
Federal / EPA
- DCS Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (2/28/2025)
- I Tell PA Senators: Support Renewable Energy Jobs, Not LNG Exports (3/1/2024)
- Biden Hits Pause on Natural Gas Projects Amid Plans for Carbon ‘Mega Bombs’ (1/27/2024)
- DCS Opposes Proposed Injection Well in Fayette Co., PA (7/29/2023)
- The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants (11/18/2022)
- Stop LNG by Rail (3/22/2022)
- Climate Poses Many Threats To U.S. Financial System & Natural Gas May Be Major Risk (10/22/2021)
- DC Circuit Rejects FERC Approval of Existing Spire Gas Pipeline (6/26/2021)
- The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About (3/9/2021)
- The Game-Changing Biden Order You Haven’t Heard About (1/25/2021)
- YIKES! EPA Proposes Broad Science Restrictions in Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic (3/29/2020)
- Loopholes for Polluters (10/14/2019)
- The Climate Report That Trump Tried to Bury (12/14/2018)
- FERC Will NOT Overrule NY's Denial for Constitution Pipeline Permit (1/14/2018)
- EPA Retracts Conclusion of "No Widespread or Systemic" Risk from Fracking (12/13/2016)
- Tell the EPA to Tell the Truth About Fracking (12/1/2016)
- Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station (8/30/2016)
- DCS and the EPA's Fracking Study – What Have We Been Up To? (8/24/2016)
- Potential Impacts of Fracking on Drinking Water Resources (EPA Study) (8/11/2016)
- Scientists Find Fracking Contaminated Wyoming Water After EPA Halted Study (4/14/2016)
- Is the IOGCC, Created by Congress in 1935, Now a Secret Oil and Gas Lobby? (4/12/2016)
- Scientists Slam EPA For “Walking Away” From Fracking Pollution Study (4/7/2016)
- Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes (3/31/2016)
- Feds Reject Jordan Cove LNG Terminal (3/14/2016)
- EPA Will Limit Methane from Existing Oil and Gas Facilities (3/12/2016)
- EPA Finding on Fracking's Water Pollution Disputed by Its Own Scientists (11/25/2015)
- Forest Service Questions Pipeline Plan (8/19/2015)
- Widespread and Systemic Contamination Found – at the EPA (6/16/2015)
- Fracking Beyond the Law (1/29/2015)
- Groups Condemn Federal Ruling on Cove Point LNG Export Facility (10/6/2014)
- FERC Approves NY Methane Storage Project (10/6/2014)
- It’s Boom and Bust for Federal Well Inspections (6/17/2014)
- Federal Court Rules FERC Violated Federal Law When Issued Approvals for NEUP Pipeline Project (6/7/2014)
- Alliance for Green Heat submits comments on EPA heating rules (5/10/2014)
- What the EPA Hoped You'd Miss This Holiday Season (12/30/2013)
- Chesapeake to Pay $3.2M in Water Pollution Fines (12/29/2013)
- In Texas Water Contamination Case, the Fire Still Burns (12/7/2013)
- US Forest Service Set to Decide on Fracking in GW National Forest (9/22/2013)
- Petition: Reopen EPA Investigations into Fracking-Related Water Contamination (8/30/2013)
- Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published (8/10/2013)
- Internal EPA Report Highlights Disputes Over Fracking and Well Water (7/29/2013)
- Feds Sue Exxon for Polluting PA Drinking Water with Toxic Fracking Waste (7/26/2013)
- Halliburton Cited for OSHA Violations in Liberty, PA (7/21/2013)
- EPA to Allow Consumption of Toxic Fracking Wastewater by Wildlife and Livestock (7/17/2013)
- Josh Fox to President Obama: "Meet With Us" (7/9/2013)
- League of Women Voters Speaks Out on Fracking (5/16/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Why 'Safe' Regulation of Fracking of New York Is a Fiction (2/11/2013)
- Boosted By Methane Releases, Oil And Gas Sector Is Number Two in Global Warming Pollution (2/11/2013)
- Alarming Questions about EPA’s Oversight of Oil and Gas Drillers (1/31/2013)
- EPA Initiates New Effort for Low-Dose, Hormone-Like Chemicals (12/14/2012)
- NYS AG Schneiderman Prepares Methane Suit Against EPA (12/14/2012)
- Chesapeake Appalachia Sentenced for Clean Water Act Violations (12/5/2012)
- EPA Fracking Investigation in Wyoming Revisited After Objections (10/15/2012)
- Federal Health Officials to Assess Dimock Pollution Risk (9/6/2012)
- The U.S. EPA Official who Oversaw the George W. Bush Administration’s 2004 Study of Hydraulic Fracturing says its Conclusions about Safety have been Exaggerated for Years. (4/29/2012)
- Federal Scientists Warn NY of Fracking Risks (3/2/2012)
- Charting the Government’s Moves on Fracking (2/8/2012)
- DCS Urges YOU to Contact President Obama (1/31/2012)
- DCS's Letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu (1/31/2012)
- Health Effects of Fracking for Natural Gas Need Study, Says CDC Scientist (1/4/2012)
- Federal Resources (12/29/2011)
- A Citizens Guide to Risk Assessments and Public Health Assessments at Contaminated Sites (12/29/2011)
- Public Health Assessment Petitions (12/28/2011)
- EarthJustice and Citizens Challenge Pipelines in Strategic Federal Intervention (12/20/2011)
- Report Government Fraud (12/18/2011)
- Feds link water contamination to fracking for the first time (12/8/2011)
- EPA Finds Compound Used in Fracking in Wyoming Aquifer (11/10/2011)
- ATSDR Leroy Township report finds elevated well water chemicals – Exact cause of elevated levels unclear (11/7/2011)
- Does an Old EPA Fracking Study Provide Proof of Contamination? (8/16/2011)
- New York Unplugged Wells (8/16/2011)
- Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Devonian Marcellus Shale of the Appalachian Basin Province, 2011 (8/15/2011)
- New York Attorney General Files Suit Against Federal Agencies (6/1/2011)
- Obama forms panel to improve fracking safety (5/5/2011)
- Federal EPA Demands Answers from Chesapeake Energy on Well Blowout in Bradford County Last Week (4/28/2011)
- Chesapeake Well in Bradford County, PA has Blowout; Chesapeake Temporarily Stops All Drilling Until Cause is Known (4/20/2011)
- Drilling fluid gushes from natural gas well in Bradford County (4/20/2011)
- Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment (3/30/2011)
- EPA Investigates PA DEP (3/7/2011)
- EPA close to launching hydraulic fracturing study (2/3/2011)
- Hinchey, Holt Urge DRBC to Suspend Hydrofracking Rulemaking Process (2/2/2011)
- Drillers Defend Injecting Diesel into the Ground (2/1/2011)
- Waxman, Markey, and DeGette Investigation Finds Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids (1/31/2011)
- Feds Warn Residents Near Wyoming Gas Drilling Sites Not to Drink Their Water (9/3/2010)
- 1,200 hear Marcellus Shale debate (7/23/2010)
- Broad Scope of EPA’s Fracturing Study Raises Ire of Gas Industry (4/9/2010)
- Drilling Around the Law (1/20/2010)
- Water Worries Threaten U.S. Push for Natural Gas (10/3/2009)
- Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use (10/1/2009)
- US Finds Water Polluted Near Gas-Drilling Sites (8/29/2009)
- Bill to repeal the exemption for hydraulic fracturing in the Safe Drinking Water Act (6/9/2009)
- Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? (11/13/2008)
- Open Letter to U.S. EPA From Environmental and Public Health Organizations Opposing White House Interference in EPA IRIS Chemical Assessment Program (9/17/2008)
Gas Industry
- How Exxon Is Being Forced To Accept The Reality Of Bad Fossil Fuel Investments (3/3/2021)
- Gas patch jobs: not all they're cracked up to be (3/3/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away (11/13/2013)
- State subsidies to gas industry could reach $1 billion over a decade (11/5/2013)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Drilling injury lawsuit settled (9/8/2013)
- Frackers Avoid Paying Royalties (9/8/2013)
- Gas Driller Freezes Plans in UK (9/4/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- Chesapeake is looking for more foreign investors (2/17/2012)
- In Honor and Memory of Randy Moyers (8/6/2022)
- New Film by Josh Fox at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, June 25 (6/19/2016)
- Gasland: HBO Documentary Key Driver of Opposition to Fracking (9/3/2015)
- Josh Fox to President Obama: "Meet With Us" (7/9/2013)
- Ecological Theologian Reviews Gasland 2 (6/29/2013)
- A Conversation with Josh Fox (6/13/2013)
- The Return of Gasland (5/29/2013)
- Gasland 2 Premiere in Illinois (5/23/2013)
- Gaslandia: Josh Fox and the Fight Against Fracking (8/3/2012)
- Josh Fox Arrested at Hearing on Fracking (2/5/2012)
- Affirming Gasland (1/4/2012)
- Award winning documentary GASLAND (12/30/2011)
- Josh Fox on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (6/22/2010)
- Josh Fox Discusses "Gasland" on PBS (3/26/2010)
- Propane Storage Facility Rejected by NY DEC (7/15/2018)
- Series of Texas Quakes Likely Triggered by Oil and Gas Industry Activity (9/24/2016)
- Fracking Chemicals Detected in PA Drinking Water (10/5/2015)
- OK Court Rules Homeowners Can Sue Oil Companies Over Quakes (7/3/2015)
- Evaluating a Groundwater Supply Contamination Incident Attributed to Marcellus Shale Gas Development (5/12/2015)
- The Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma's Quakes Keeps Getting Stronger (4/9/2015)
- Gas Extraction Causing Earthquakes (2/20/2015)
- Scientists see Fracking as Cause of Earthquakes in Heartland (11/17/2014)
- New Insight on the Nation’s Earthquake Hazards (11/3/2014)
- Fracking In Ohio Triggered 400 Tiny Earthquakes in 3 Months (10/19/2014)
- FERC Approves NY Methane Storage Project (10/6/2014)
- Estimate of Recoverable Monterey Shale Oil Cut by 96% (5/22/2014)
- New Theory Holds Geology, Not Politics, Thwarts NY Fracking (10/27/2013)
- Study Raises New Concern About Earthquakes and Fracking Fluids (7/17/2013)
- Utica Shale Promises, Challenges Examined (6/24/2013)
- Fluids From Marcellus Shale Likely Seeping Into PA Drinking Water (7/10/2012)
- A Rash of Earthquakes Appears to be Related to Oil and Gas Drilling (3/30/2012)
- Officials: 4.0 magnitude quake in northeast Ohio related to wastewater injection well (12/31/2011)
- Anthony Ingraffea on Hydraulic Fracturing (12/15/2011)
- Fracking and Quaking: They're Linked (11/18/2011)
- Gas Migration into the Susquehanna River and Surrounding Area . . . (11/15/2011)
- Drilling, Earthquakes, and Motley Fools (10/15/2011)
- Shale Reserve Estimate Slashed (8/24/2011)
- Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Devonian Marcellus Shale of the Appalachian Basin Province, 2011 (8/15/2011)
- Cornell Fracture Group (12/29/2008)
Global Market
- How Exxon Is Being Forced To Accept The Reality Of Bad Fossil Fuel Investments (3/3/2021)
- Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes (12/5/2020)
- DRBC Postpones Vote on Gibbstown LNG Terminal (9/19/2020)
- Shale’s Debt-Fueled Drilling Boom Is Coming To An End (12/8/2019)
- Oil is a Horrendously Bad Investment (8/11/2019)
- Are Investors Finally Waking up to North America’s Fracked Gas Crisis? (2/12/2019)
- President of Mexico Vows to Ban Fracking (8/18/2018)
- World’s Biggest Sovereign Wealth Fund Proposes Ditching Oil and Gas Holdings (11/19/2017)
- Join the Global Movement for Fossil Fuel Divestment (2/24/2017)
- Judge Blocks Central California Oil Development Over Fracking (9/13/2016)
- We Could Be Witnessing the Death of the Fossil Fuel Industry (5/11/2016)
- The Shale Reckoning Comes to Oklahoma (3/21/2016)
- Feds Reject Jordan Cove LNG Terminal (3/14/2016)
- Political Contributions and the Lifting of the Oil Export Ban (2/4/2016)
- Cuomo Nixes Port Ambrose, Proposed Natural Gas Terminal Off Jones Beach (11/14/2015)
- Fossil Fuel Companies Risk Plague of Lawsuits (11/5/2015)
- Economics and International Trends Sour Shell’s Taste for South African Shale Gas (3/16/2015)
- Today's Shale Era Is The Retirement Party For Oil Production (2/15/2015)
- Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas (8/9/2014)
- Fracking for an Energy Renaissance that Will Not Come (1/14/2014)
- Frackers Caught Up In Their Own Hype (11/12/2013)
- Coal Displacing Nat Gas…Already (10/31/2013)
- Gas Driller Freezes Plans in UK (9/4/2013)
- Polish Farmers Blocking Chevron (7/5/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- The Shale Gale is a Retirement Party (3/28/2013)
- The Shale Gas Boom and Market Manipulation (2/20/2013)
- MD Dept. of the Environment: All Drilling Permits Have Been Withdrawn (1/24/2013)
- Viability of Shale Gas Power Source in Doubt Due to Cost (12/26/2012)
- Statoil to Move Marcellus Gas to Canada (5/6/2010)
- Campaign for a Safe and Healthy CA Scores Big Win Against Big Oil (7/10/2024)
- Dumped On: Do YOU Live in a DEP Disposal Facility? (5/18/2024)
- Should Toxic Gas Drilling Waste Be Spread on PA Roads? (1/10/2024)
- NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act (12/27/2023)
- DCS Comments at Nov. 13 DRBC Hearing on Rule Changes (11/14/2023)
- PA Gov.’s Agreement with Fracker Will Harm People’s Health (11/8/2023)
- Take A Deep Breath! Now Think What You Just Inhaled. If You Live Along A Dirt Road You Could Be Inhaling Oil & Gas Wastewater. (8/3/2023)
- An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules (12/12/2022)
- WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk (12/8/2022)
- As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health (12/2/2022)
- The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants (11/18/2022)
- In Honor and Memory of Randy Moyers (8/6/2022)
- DEP Advises 18 Municipalities: Road Dumping of Drilling Waste is Illegal And Considered Waste Disposal (6/13/2022)
- Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air (5/6/2022)
- Study Links Fracking, Drinking Water Pollution, and Infant Health (5/3/2022)
- Radioactivity Levels Found Outside Ohio Oilfield Waste Facility Called ‘Excessive’ (4/30/2022)
- Latest Penn State Report On Environmental Impact Of Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater Will Have ‘Immediate,’ ‘Large,’ ‘Intense’ Impact (4/29/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater Is Tearing Apart Dirt Roads & Creating Environmental Hazards (11/20/2021)
- Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics (11/8/2021)
- The New Coal: Plastics and Climate Change (10/30/2021)
- Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking (9/14/2021)
- Tell PA DEP: Ban Road Spreading of Drilling Waste (9/8/2021)
- Water is Life: Don’t Waste it on Fracking – Webinar (9/8/2021)
- Radioactivity in Fracking! Too Hot to Handle – Webinar (9/4/2021)
- Penn State: Frack Wastewater IS Toxic! – & on YOUR Road? (8/16/2021)
- “Forever Chemicals” Used in Fracking Threaten Groundwater and Health (7/22/2021)
- Fracking: The Stress of Being Surrounded (3/7/2021)
- Harmful Chemicals and Unknowns Haunt Pennsylvanians Surrounded by Fracking (3/2/2021)
- Health Professionals Oppose Gibbstown LNG Export Terminal (12/5/2020)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office (8/29/2020)
- NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous (8/25/2020)
- PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators (6/29/2020)
- Stay Well: Information on COVID19 (3/19/2020)
- America’s Radioactive Secret (2/25/2020)
- PA Wants to Allow Dumping of Toxic Drilling Waste on an Unpaved Road Near You (11/13/2019)
- The Research is In: Stop Fracking ASAP (10/2/2019)
- Oil is a Horrendously Bad Investment (8/11/2019)
- Babies Born Near Oil and Gas Wells Are Up to 70% More Likely to Have Congenital Heart Defects (7/22/2019)
- Still Wasting Away – Frack Waste is a BIG Problem (7/11/2019)
- Tell PA DEP: Deny Elcon’s Hazardous Waste Permit Application (7/1/2019)
- “Amity and Prosperity”, by Eliza Griswold, Wins Pulitzer Prize (4/17/2019)
- International Human Rights Court Recommends Worldwide Frac Ban (4/5/2019)
- A Fracking-Driven Industrial Boom Renews Pollution Concerns in Pittsburgh (3/27/2019)
- Our Dirt Roads: Dump Sites For Oil & Gas Well Wastewater? (3/24/2019)
- Is Drilling and Fracking Waste on Your Sidewalk or in Your Pool? (2/22/2019)
- NJ Gov. Murphy Says NO to Fracking! (1/30/2019)
- Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard (11/7/2018)
- Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking (9/11/2018)
- Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin (1/27/2018)
- DCS is Back in Court, Fighting for the Health of DRB Residents! (10/14/2017)
- Tell Your Governor: Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (8/1/2017)
- Fracked Gas Exposes Families in PA and NY to Radioactivity (6/23/2017)
- Live in the DRB? DCS is Fighting for Your Health! (2/20/2017)
- Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations (1/26/2017)
- Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA (1/24/2017)
- Fracking Contamination Case Can Go to Trial (1/4/2017)
- Tell the EPA to Tell the Truth About Fracking (12/1/2016)
- Amish Oppose Use of Drilling 'Brine' Wastewater on Roads (11/2/2016)
- PA Doctors Call for State Ban on Drilling and Fracking (10/28/2016)
- Help Stop the Brookman Corners Compressor Station (9/8/2016)
- Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station (8/30/2016)
- Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits (8/20/2016)
- NYC Bans Use and Disposal of Fracking Waste Water (8/18/2016)
- Potential Impacts of Fracking on Drinking Water Resources (EPA Study) (8/11/2016)
- High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites (7/3/2016)
- Keep Frack Waste Out of New York City (6/5/2016)
- YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED for New PA Oil and Gas Regulations (5/31/2016)
- Harmful Chemicals from Fracking Pose Serious Threat to Infants & Children (5/14/2016)
- Scientists Slam EPA For “Walking Away” From Fracking Pollution Study (4/7/2016)
- Compressor Stations and Health Impacts (3/18/2016)
- Community Groups Voice Opposition to Millennium Pipeline Compressor (2/23/2016)
- PA Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported (2/21/2016)
- CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together (2/1/2016)
- Living in the Shadow of Danger (1/29/2016)
- Commission Passes First Countywide Ban on Oil and Gas Waste in West Virginia (1/15/2016)
- Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure (11/17/2015)
- New Information Surfaces in Washington County Water Well Contamination Complaint (10/20/2015)
- Fracking Industry Wells Associated With Premature Birth (10/10/2015)
- Fracking in the Delaware River Basin Would Threaten Health of 45,000 (8/22/2015)
- PA Study Links Fracking to Health Hazards in Fetuses, Infants, and Young Children (8/17/2015)
- Study Finds Those Living Near Shale Wells More Likely to be Hospitalized (7/19/2015)
- The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here (6/1/2015)
- Emissions From Natural Gas Wells May Travel Far Downwind (5/13/2015)
- New Look at BTEX: Are Ambient Levels a Problem? (5/8/2015)
- Theo Colborn’s Legacy Will Be Kept Alive By TEDX (4/22/2015)
- Will the Home of Fracking Bonanza Turn Against its Creation Next Month? (4/18/2015)
- Rise of Deadly Radon Gas in PA Buildings Linked to Fracking (4/12/2015)
- NYC Residents: Is There Radon in Your Kitchen? (3/14/2015)
- Health Impacts of Fracking (2/6/2015)
- Fracking Beyond the Law (1/29/2015)
- Environmental Risks of Fracking (1/28/2015)
- Fracking Fumes: Where There's a Well, All is Not Well (12/23/2014)
- Cuomo to Ban Fracking in NY State, Citing Health Risks (12/17/2014)
- Terry Greenwood Dies of Brain Cancer After Years of Fighting Fracking (12/5/2014)
- Fracking Risk Compared to Thalidomide and Asbestos (11/29/2014)
- Bad Air Day (11/19/2014)
- Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing (10/13/2014)
- DCS Letter to Susan G. Komen re: Fracking (10/11/2014)
- Shale Gas Development and Infant Health (10/10/2014)
- Groups Condemn Federal Ruling on Cove Point LNG Export Facility (10/6/2014)
- FERC Approves NY Methane Storage Project (10/6/2014)
- Frac Sand Rush Threatens American Towns (10/4/2014)
- The Road to Damascus (9/25/2014)
- Proposed Monaca, PA Chemical Plant Threatens Residents (9/18/2014)
- Fracking Workers Exposed to Dangerous Amounts of Benzene (9/17/2014)
- Time is Short to Avert Shale Industry’s Imminent Radioactive Dilemma (8/29/2014)
- Leaked Documents Show Fracking Concerns (8/4/2014)
- Expert: PA Didn't Address Fracking Health Impacts (7/14/2014)
- Health Professionals Release Major Scientific Document on Fracking (7/13/2014)
- Fla. DEP Gives Oil Drilling Company 9 Demands (7/11/2014)
- Letter of Dr. Paulson to PA-DEP on Fracking Impacts on Children (7/5/2014)
- More evidence: Gas drilling GHG emissions vastly exceed government estimates (5/10/2014)
- Concerned Health Professionals of NY Comment on the NYS Energy Plan (4/25/2014)
- Caution on Fracking Wise (4/18/2014)
- Another City in CO Considers a Fracking Ban (4/17/2014)
- Medical Society of the State of NY Passes a Resolution on Radon (4/13/2014)
- NY State Consultant Slams Fracking (3/14/2014)
- Albany Bars Crude Processing Expansion at Port (3/14/2014)
- Toxic chemicals 'pre-polluting' our children (2/24/2014)
- 1,000+ Health Care Professionals Call on President Obama to Halt Fracking (2/21/2014)
- Radionuclides in Fracking Wastewater (2/8/2014)
- Marcellus Compressor Station Exceeding Pollution Standard by 3X (2/8/2014)
- NYS Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal's Letter to Con Ed Concerning Radon in Natural Gas (12/29/2013)
- Researchers Find Fracking Chemicals Disrupt Hormone Function (12/18/2013)
- Environmental Group Warns of Fracking Waste on NY Roads (12/6/2013)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Study reports VOC-polluted air, health problems related to hydrocarbon development (10/28/2013)
- Drilling injury lawsuit settled (9/8/2013)
- TEDX Upcoming Events (8/30/2013)
- Jerusalem Sung To Honour Those Harmed in PA by Fracking (8/12/2013)
- Drilling, Fracking Cause Concern (7/21/2013)
- Halliburton Cited for OSHA Violations in Liberty, PA (7/21/2013)
- Fracking Poses Health Risks to Pregnant Women and Children (6/13/2013)
- Fracking vs Food: NY's Choice (5/30/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- Air Testing Shows Elevated Benzene Levels in the Barnett Shale (3/15/2013)
- Fracking: Colorado’s Dystopian Nightmare (3/12/2013)
- Elected Officials to Protect NY Speak Out on Fracking (3/9/2013)
- Fracking: NY Reprieve for Health? (2/15/2013)
- Fracking Review Consultant Says in Depth, National Study Needed (2/11/2013)
- An Oil Boom Takes a Toll on Health Care (1/31/2013)
- Radiation in Fracking Wastewater (1/29/2013)
- Blockade at PA Fracking Site Highlights Risks to Farms and Food (1/28/2013)
- Fracking Our Food Supply (12/18/2012)
- Letter to the President About Chemicals Disrupting our Bodies (12/18/2012)
- EPA Initiates New Effort for Low-Dose, Hormone-Like Chemicals (12/14/2012)
- The Top Fracking Threats to Health NY Must Assess (12/3/2012)
- New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer's Recommendations on Shale Gas (10/18/2012)
- Cancer Action NY Letter to NYS DEC Commissioner Martens (10/8/2012)
- Shale Health Advisory Panel in Works (9/27/2012)
- Facts About Radon in Natural Gas in NYC (9/24/2012)
- New York State Plans Health Review as It Weighs Gas Drilling (9/24/2012)
- Press Release – Public Demands Hearings on Radon from Marcellus Shale Gas Coming into NYC Homes and Businesses (8/2/2012)
- 2nd Letter to NYC Council Re: Joint Hearings on Radon in Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale (7/31/2012)
- Link Between Low Birth Weight and Fracking (7/21/2012)
- Environmental Groups Say They Will Fight Cuomo’s Gas Drilling Plan (6/20/2012)
- NYC's Odd Sense of Good Health: No Big Sodas But Radioactive Kitchens (6/13/2012)
- Press Release – NY City Council Speaker Quinn is Asked for Hearings on Radon in Marcellus Gas Coming to NYC (6/5/2012)
- Letter to NY City Council Re: Joint Hearings on Radon in Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale (6/4/2012)
- New Yorkers to Have Radon With Dinner (5/23/2012)
- List of the Harmed (5/18/2012)
- Add Your Name to Our Mother’s Day Letter to Michelle Obama (5/14/2012)
- PA ignoring their residents' health complaints (5/12/2012)
- Advocates: Fracking Health Impacts Need to be Studied More (4/3/2012)
- Does a Provision in PA Act 13 Force Doctors to Remain Silent on Potential Public Health Risks Associated with Fracking? (3/30/2012)
- Ground-breaking scientific review calls for better methods for determining safety standards (3/26/2012)
- Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health (3/1/2012)
- Health Effects of Fracking for Natural Gas Need Study, Says CDC Scientist (1/4/2012)
- Toxic Chemicals Released During Oil and Gas Operations (1/4/2012)
- Drilling Down: Protecting Western Communities from the Health and Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Production (1/2/2012)
- The Truth about Gas Drilling and Your Health (1/2/2012)
- A Citizens Guide to Risk Assessments and Public Health Assessments at Contaminated Sites (12/29/2011)
- Public Health Assessment Petitions (12/28/2011)
- NYTimes: The Fracturing of Pennsylvania and other investigations (11/18/2011)
- Gas Migration into the Susquehanna River and Surrounding Area . . . (11/15/2011)
- ATSDR Leroy Township report finds elevated well water chemicals – Exact cause of elevated levels unclear (11/7/2011)
- Medical Experts Send Letter to Governor Cuomo (10/5/2011)
- Breast Cancer Rates Jump in the Barnett Shale (9/3/2011)
- PA Wants Gas Drilling Illness Database (6/18/2011)
- NY State Assembly on Potential Public Health Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing (5/26/2011)
- Antero gets extension to review Battlement Mesa Health Impact Assessment (5/21/2011)
- Local Experiences Related to the Marcellus Shale Industry (5/10/2011)
- Reducing The Staggering Costs Of Environmental Disease In Children, Estimated At $76.6 Billion In 2008 (5/9/2011)
- Children's Vulnerability to Toxic Chemicals (5/9/2011)
- Report: hundreds of gas wells drilled near schools, hospitals (5/6/2011)
- Public Health Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing (4/13/2011)
- Global Climate Change and Children’s Health: Threats and Strategies for Prevention (3/21/2011)
- Does natural gas drilling make people sick? (3/8/2011)
- Breathe carefully: air emissions of benzene may cause birth defects (10/26/2010)
- The Whole Fracking Enchilada (10/1/2010)
- Natural Gas Operations From a Public Health Perspective (9/10/2010)
- Urban Air Pollutants Can Damage IQs before Baby's First Breath (7/26/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/23/2010)
- Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With 'Gasland' Director Josh Fox (6/19/2010)
- As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns (6/12/2010)
- Tainted Water Spurs Evacuations (4/23/2010)
- Gas Sites Spur Air Worries (2/6/2010)
- Environmental Concerns Rise in NE PA as Natural Gas Drilling Spreads (1/4/2010)
- NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors: Comments on dSGEIS (12/30/2009)
- Water Worries Threaten U.S. Push for Natural Gas (10/3/2009)
- Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use (10/1/2009)
- US Finds Water Polluted Near Gas-Drilling Sites (8/29/2009)
- NYS Department of Health Addresses Concerns on NYS DEC dSGEIS (7/21/2009)
- Oil and Gas Drilling Rig Hazards (7/1/2009)
- Noise and Health (1/6/2009)
- Small Town, Big Changes (10/22/2008)
- Vibroacoustic disease: the need for a new attitude towards noise (12/19/1999)
Health Impact Registry
- PA ignoring their residents' health complaints (5/12/2012)
- A Citizens Guide to Risk Assessments and Public Health Assessments at Contaminated Sites (12/29/2011)
- Public Health Assessment Petitions (12/28/2011)
- ATSDR Leroy Township report finds elevated well water chemicals – Exact cause of elevated levels unclear (11/7/2011)
- UK Ban Adds to the Tremors Taking Down the Fracking Industry (11/9/2019)
- Fracking Halted in England in Major Government U-Turn (11/4/2019)
- The Fracking Industry’s Water Nightmare (9/25/2018)
- More than 40,000 Comments Support a Complete Fracking Ban in the Delaware River Basin (4/12/2018)
- Unbelievable! PA DEP Sues Towns in Favor of Frackers (4/10/2017)
- Series of Texas Quakes Likely Triggered by Oil and Gas Industry Activity (9/24/2016)
- Is the IOGCC, Created by Congress in 1935, Now a Secret Oil and Gas Lobby? (4/12/2016)
- Scientists Slam EPA For “Walking Away” From Fracking Pollution Study (4/7/2016)
- The Shale Reckoning Comes to Oklahoma (3/21/2016)
- CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together (2/1/2016)
- Groundwater Not as Renewable as Thought (11/23/2015)
- Gasland: HBO Documentary Key Driver of Opposition to Fracking (9/3/2015)
- OK Court Rules Homeowners Can Sue Oil Companies Over Quakes (7/3/2015)
- The Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma's Quakes Keeps Getting Stronger (4/9/2015)
- NY Court: Drilling Leases Expired Despite State Ban (4/1/2015)
- Gas Extraction Causing Earthquakes (2/20/2015)
- New Tracers Can Identify Fracking Fluids in the Environment (11/19/2014)
- Scientists see Fracking as Cause of Earthquakes in Heartland (11/17/2014)
- New Insight on the Nation’s Earthquake Hazards (11/3/2014)
- Fracking In Ohio Triggered 400 Tiny Earthquakes in 3 Months (10/19/2014)
- Health Professionals Release Major Scientific Document on Fracking (7/13/2014)
- Gov. Malloy Signs Fracking Waste Moratorium (6/18/2014)
- More evidence: Gas drilling GHG emissions vastly exceed government estimates (5/10/2014)
- It's he-e-e-re: National Assessment says climate change has arrived, and we're responsible (5/7/2014)
- Caution on Fracking Wise (4/18/2014)
- Gas patch jobs: not all they're cracked up to be (3/3/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- Toxic chemicals 'pre-polluting' our children (2/24/2014)
- This Artist Creates Tiny Anti-Fracking Scenes with Vintage Figurines and Postcards (2/22/2014)
- State subsidies to gas industry could reach $1 billion over a decade (11/5/2013)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Key Impacts of Dirty Drilling (10/17/2013)
- Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream (10/4/2013)
- Frackers Avoid Paying Royalties (9/8/2013)
- Gen. Petraeus and "Frackademia" (7/20/2013)
- Study Raises New Concern About Earthquakes and Fracking Fluids (7/17/2013)
- Utica Shale Promises, Challenges Examined (6/24/2013)
- French Fracking Ban Endorsed on US Environmental Repercussions (6/24/2013)
- A "Sacrifice Zone" for Fracking (5/17/2013)
- Fracked-up roads: Texas, NY (4/28/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- TX Supreme Court Won’t Hear Pipeline Case (2/27/2013)
- Fracking Experts Debate Economic, Environmental Impact (1/28/2013)
- Viability of Shale Gas Power Source in Doubt Due to Cost (12/26/2012)
- See Images of Marcellus Drilling in PA (12/18/2012)
- Danger If Ohio Watershed Conservancy District Leases Reservoirs for Fracking (11/14/2012)
- The Marcellus Shale Documentary Project (10/12/2012)
- Shell Fracks Egypt, Threatening Scarce Water Resources; Egyptians Demand Moratorium. (9/21/2012)
- National Environmental Groups, Representing Millions, Tell Gov. Cuomo: Don’t Threaten Water and Land with Fracking (8/22/2012)
- Is the Natural Gas Industry Buying Academics? (8/22/2012)
- How the Fracking Industry Keeps its Secrets (6/15/2012)
- Vermont Governor Signs Bill Banning Hydraulic Fracturing (5/24/2012)
- Insight: Peak, Pause or Plummet? Shale Oil Costs at Crossroads (5/23/2012)
- UK Backtracks on Fracking (5/20/2012)
- No 'Fracking' Until Further Study, Says Irish Minister for Energy (5/16/2012)
- The Facts on Fracking: Interview with Barbara Arrindell of DCS (4/30/2012)
- Md. House Votes to Require Energy Companies to Fund Safety Studies on Natural Gas Fracking (4/3/2012)
- A Rash of Earthquakes Appears to be Related to Oil and Gas Drilling (3/30/2012)
- Ground-breaking scientific review calls for better methods for determining safety standards (3/26/2012)
- Charting the Government’s Moves on Fracking (2/8/2012)
- DCS's Letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu (1/31/2012)
- Officials: 4.0 magnitude quake in northeast Ohio related to wastewater injection well (12/31/2011)
- Fracking and Quaking: They're Linked (11/18/2011)
- Home Mortgages, Homeowner Liability Affected by Gas Drilling (11/10/2011)
- Drilling, Earthquakes, and Motley Fools (10/15/2011)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/23/2010)
- Swimming in Natural Gas (1/6/2010)
- The Domestic Drilling Backlash (12/5/2009)
- Firms Drilling for Gas Would 'Destroy' Local State Game Lands (10/11/2009)
Industry Documents
- Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by NY Attorney General (11/7/2015)
- Exxon's Funding of Climate Denial Turned Americans Against Their Own Government for Profit (10/31/2015)
- The Climate Deception Dossiers (8/5/2015)
- Why the Gas Industry Fought For the 2005 Energy Policy Act (4/18/2013)
- Penn State’s Academic Integrity Tested by Complaint (9/25/2012)
- Complaint Filed Against Penn State (9/19/2012)
- New Josh Fox Video: The Sky Is Pink (6/27/2012)
- Fracking is Hardly Leakproof (6/23/2012)
- Chesapeake Shows the Real Decline Curve to the SEC and Investors (1/3/2012)
- Chesapeake CEO's Open Letter to Shareholders (12/21/2011)
- Texas Supreme Court Rules Big Gas Mafia Royalty Payment Fraud Okay (12/21/2011)
- Oil Executive Recommends Counterinsurgency Manual (11/8/2011)
- CEO Aubry McClendon speaks at the Marcellus Shale Insights Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (9/7/2011)
- Chesapeake Well in Bradford County, PA has Blowout; Chesapeake Temporarily Stops All Drilling Until Cause is Known (4/20/2011)
- NY DEC Information Requests (9/16/2010)
- Information From Gas-Drilling Companies Isn’t Coming Easily (7/22/2010)
- Startup Cracks Propane Fracture Puzzle, Provides 'Green' Solution (9/15/2008)
- Natural Gas Dehydration: Lessons Learned from the Natural Gas STAR Program (9/13/2007)
Industry Hype
- The New Coal: Plastics and Climate Change (10/30/2021)
- Shale’s Debt-Fueled Drilling Boom Is Coming To An End (12/8/2019)
- Will the Fracking Revolution Peak Before Ever Making Money? (10/8/2019)
- New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future (5/22/2019)
- Are Investors Finally Waking up to North America’s Fracked Gas Crisis? (2/12/2019)
- The Need for Realistic and Transparent Oil & Gas Analysis (1/2/2017)
- What Frackers Say Behind Closed Doors (8/3/2016)
- Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry (3/25/2016)
- Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by NY Attorney General (11/7/2015)
- The Climate Deception Dossiers (8/5/2015)
- Shocking Deterioration In Tight Oil (2/16/2015)
- Today's Shale Era Is The Retirement Party For Oil Production (2/15/2015)
- Consultant Tells Energy Industry It Can 'Win Ugly or Lose Pretty' (11/18/2014)
- DCS Letter to Susan G. Komen re: Fracking (10/11/2014)
- Pro-Fracking Newspaper Ad Banned by Advertising Standards Authority (9/4/2014)
- Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas (8/9/2014)
- Estimate of Recoverable Monterey Shale Oil Cut by 96% (5/22/2014)
- Shale Drillers Feast on Junk Debt to Stay on Treadmill (5/21/2014)
- Another City in CO Considers a Fracking Ban (4/17/2014)
- Gas patch jobs: not all they're cracked up to be (3/3/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- Fracking Away Our Air, Water and Land (1/31/2014)
- Fracking for an Energy Renaissance that Will Not Come (1/14/2014)
- Jobs Impact of Shale Drilling Exaggerated by Industry (11/24/2013)
- Frackers Caught Up In Their Own Hype (11/12/2013)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Fracking Methane Leakage Study Financed by Gas Industry with Partner, EDF, is Deeply Flawed (9/22/2013)
- Attend a Deborah Rogers presentation on 'Frackonomics' (9/8/2013)
- Frackers Avoid Paying Royalties (9/8/2013)
- Ohio Shale Gas Still Not Creating Promised Jobs (9/3/2013)
- Paean to Mr. Shepstone by David Slottje (7/1/2013)
- The Gas Industry's Hot Air (6/5/2013)
- "FrackNation" Part 2 – Koch Industries (6/4/2013)
- "FrackNation" Deploys Tobacco Playbook in Response to "Gasland 2" (6/4/2013)
- Gasland 2 Premiere in Illinois (5/23/2013)
- Ohio Fracking Boom Has NOT Brought Jobs (3/26/2013)
- Shale Game – It's an Ugly Picture (3/15/2013)
- The Shale Gas Boom and Market Manipulation (2/20/2013)
- Viability of Shale Gas Power Source in Doubt Due to Cost (12/26/2012)
- Louis W. Allstadt – From Supporter to Skeptic on NYS Fracking (10/18/2012)
- Penn State’s Academic Integrity Tested by Complaint (9/25/2012)
- Complaint Filed Against Penn State (9/19/2012)
- Where's the Gas? USGS Releases Damning EUR’s For Shale (9/5/2012)
- Gas Production Dropping Like Rocks! (8/27/2012)
- Is the Natural Gas Industry Buying Academics? (8/22/2012)
- "Truthland" Lies Exposed (7/13/2012)
- Fracking is Hardly Leakproof (6/23/2012)
- How the Fracking Industry Keeps its Secrets (6/15/2012)
- Okla. Billionaire’s Meltdown Could Mean More Pa. Fracking (6/7/2012)
- The Facts on Fracking: Interview with Barbara Arrindell of DCS (4/30/2012)
- The Big Fracking Bubble: The Scam Behind the Gas Boom (3/2/2012)
- Chesapeake Shows the Real Decline Curve to the SEC and Investors (1/3/2012)
- Overestimation of benefits from shale gas drilling and underestimation of its historic costs (10/6/2011)
- CEO Aubry McClendon speaks at the Marcellus Shale Insights Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (9/7/2011)
- Shale Reserve Estimate Slashed (8/24/2011)
- Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Devonian Marcellus Shale of the Appalachian Basin Province, 2011 (8/15/2011)
- Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush (6/26/2011)
- Under Siege by Marcellus Marauders (6/15/2010)
- Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data (7/8/2009)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- A Fracking-Driven Industrial Boom Renews Pollution Concerns in Pittsburgh (3/27/2019)
- The Shale Reckoning Comes to Oklahoma (3/21/2016)
- The Economic Benefits and Costs of Frac-Sand Mining (4/11/2015)
- Another City in CO Considers a Fracking Ban (4/17/2014)
- Gas patch jobs: not all they're cracked up to be (3/3/2014)
- MA Has Double the Jobs in Clean Energy That PA Has in Natural Gas (2/18/2014)
- Jobs Impact of Shale Drilling Exaggerated by Industry (11/24/2013)
- Ohio Shale Gas Still Not Creating Promised Jobs (9/3/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- Ohio Fracking Boom Has NOT Brought Jobs (3/26/2013)
- Experts: Shale Gas Drilling's Liabilities Far Outweigh Potential Economic Benefits (4/30/2012)
- Where the Real Jobs Are (1/1/2012)
- Hydrofracking a Boom-bust Endeavor (8/14/2011)
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (5/25/2011)
- Where are all the Marcellus Shale jobs? Some say predictions weren't based in reality. (4/9/2010)
- Disposable workers of the oil and gas fields (4/2/2007)
Landscape Disturbance
- NPS: FIMFO Will Have Adverse Impacts, Violates RMP (2/6/2025)
- What Do I Write in a Comment About FIMFO? (2/4/2025)
- Get YOUR FIMFO Comments In – Comment Period Extended (1/28/2025)
- Theme Parks Don’t Belong on Our River (1/27/2025)
- UDC Endorses Rehabilitation of Skinners Falls Bridge (4/5/2021)
- How the Salvation of NYC Drinking Water Can Be a Model for Saving the Planet (3/19/2021)
- Landowners Beat National Fuel in Court to Preserve Piece of Paradise (12/10/2018)
- Anticipatory Nuisance Claim Allowed Against Frac Sand Mine (11/12/2018)
- FERC Will NOT Overrule NY's Denial for Constitution Pipeline Permit (1/14/2018)
- Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits (8/20/2016)
- Damascus Citizens Reviewing Pond Eddy Bridge Permits, Process (8/17/2016)
- Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (4/13/2016)
- Pipeline Continues New York’s Shame (3/1/2016)
- Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure (11/17/2015)
- Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (8/31/2015)
- Fracking in the Delaware River Basin Would Threaten Health of 45,000 (8/22/2015)
- Forest Service Questions Pipeline Plan (8/19/2015)
- How the World's Wetlands Can Help Stop Climate Change (7/22/2015)
- The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here (6/1/2015)
- The Economic Benefits and Costs of Frac-Sand Mining (4/11/2015)
- Gas Extraction Causing Earthquakes (2/20/2015)
- Corbett's Own Witness Lukewarm to More Gas Leasing in State Forests and Parks (6/7/2014)
- Gas Drillers Should Minimize Impact on Nature, Poll Says (12/6/2013)
- Landscape Disturbance of Gas Exploration (11/24/2013)
Legal Action
- Support DCS Efforts to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (2/2/2025)
- DCS Opposes Destruction of Historic Skinners Falls Bridge (1/2/2025)
- Current DCS Legal Actions to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (11/23/2024)
- DCS Supports RGGI with a Powerful Amicus (9/16/2024)
- Politics and the PA Supreme Court: VOTE Nov. 7! (10/21/2023)
- What’s Going On With PA’s Green Amendment? (10/19/2023)
- Big Win for the Environment in Montana (9/5/2023)
- DCS Requests Court to Void DRBC Wastewater Exemptions (1/11/2023)
- Court Upholds DRBC Fracking Ban (9/19/2022)
- DC Circuit Rejects FERC Approval of Existing Spire Gas Pipeline (6/26/2021)
- US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands (6/24/2021)
- Environmental Groups Fight Lawsuit by PA GOP to Overturn Fracking Moratorium (1/17/2021)
- Josh Fox Says: Help DCS Fight for You (12/6/2020)
- PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office (8/29/2020)
- Is This the End of New Pipelines? (7/9/2020)
- PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators (6/29/2020)
- Help DCS Do More in 2020 (12/6/2019)
- Bait & Switch: DRBC Approves LNG Port in Gibbstown, NJ (8/10/2019)
- PA Commonwealth Court Ignores State Supreme Court Decision (8/6/2019)
- Toxic Frack Waste Damages Sewage Treatment Plant, Contaminates River (5/26/2019)
- PA Attorney General to Investigate Landfill Runoff Problems in Westmoreland County (5/26/2019)
- International Human Rights Court Recommends Worldwide Frac Ban (4/5/2019)
- US Judge Halts 100’s of Drilling Projects in Groundbreaking Climate Change Ruling (3/21/2019)
- Landowners Beat National Fuel in Court to Preserve Piece of Paradise (12/10/2018)
- Anticipatory Nuisance Claim Allowed Against Frac Sand Mine (11/12/2018)
- NYC Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change (1/16/2018)
- FERC Will NOT Overrule NY's Denial for Constitution Pipeline Permit (1/14/2018)
- DCS is Back in Court, Fighting for the Health of DRB Residents! (10/14/2017)
- Constitution Pipeline in NY Rejected by Court (8/18/2017)
- PA Supreme Court Rules State Forest Gas Royalty Transfers Unconstitutional (6/21/2017)
- Important Win for Transparency in NYC Zoning Variances (6/2/2017)
- Unbelievable! PA DEP Sues Towns in Favor of Frackers (4/10/2017)
- Case Dismissed! DRBC Can Regulate Fracking in the Basin (3/26/2017)
- Live in the DRB? DCS is Fighting for Your Health! (2/20/2017)
- Fracking Contamination Case Can Go to Trial (1/4/2017)
- Tell the DRBC to Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/11/2016)
- Law Unfairly Gave Shale Drillers 'Special' Treatment, PA Supreme Court Rules (9/30/2016)
- Judge Blocks Central California Oil Development Over Fracking (9/13/2016)
- NYC Bans Use and Disposal of Fracking Waste Water (8/18/2016)
- Damascus Citizens Reviewing Pond Eddy Bridge Permits, Process (8/17/2016)
- VICTORY in Landmark Climate Case! (4/11/2016)
- Oil Workers Say Their Pay Was Stolen Before the Bust (3/15/2016)
- Feds Reject Jordan Cove LNG Terminal (3/14/2016)
- Driller Must Pay for Dimock, PA, Contamination (3/10/2016)
- PA State Board OKs New Oil and Gas Regulations (2/10/2016)
- PA Fracker Can't Keep Pollution Tests From Residents (2/5/2016)
- CA to Investigate Whether Exxon Mobil Lied About Climate-Change Risks (1/22/2016)
- Why Coal Mining Outlaw Don Blankenship's Conviction Matters (12/5/2015)
- Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by NY Attorney General (11/7/2015)
- Fossil Fuel Companies Risk Plague of Lawsuits (11/5/2015)
- New Information Surfaces in Washington County Water Well Contamination Complaint (10/20/2015)
- W.Va. Shale Fields Fertile Ground for Nuisance Lawsuits (9/10/2015)
- OK Court Rules Homeowners Can Sue Oil Companies Over Quakes (7/3/2015)
- Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss Racketeering Suit Against Chesapeake Energy (4/4/2015)
- NY Court: Drilling Leases Expired Despite State Ban (4/1/2015)
- Terry Greenwood Dies of Brain Cancer After Years of Fighting Fracking (12/5/2014)
- Mt. Pleasant Family Takes Range Resources to Court (12/2/2014)
- NYS Judge Dismisses Lawsuits Challenging Fracking Delay (7/15/2014)
- NY Communities Triumph Over Fracking Industry In Precedent-Setting Case (7/3/2014)
- Federal Court Rules FERC Violated Federal Law When Issued Approvals for NEUP Pipeline Project (6/7/2014)
- Corbett's Own Witness Lukewarm to More Gas Leasing in State Forests and Parks (6/7/2014)
- Couple Sues Ohio to Stop Fracking Beneath Lake (4/11/2014)
- WY Court Rejects Fracking Industry Argument to Withhold Chemicals As Trade Secrets (3/14/2014)
- Major Solar Energy Plan for MN Wins Support Over Gas (1/3/2014)
- PA Supreme Court Strikes Down Controversial Portions of Act 13 (12/20/2013)
- Wastewater Case Raises the Concept of Underground Trespassing (12/8/2013)
- In Texas Water Contamination Case, the Fire Still Burns (12/7/2013)
- 'Caught up in their own hype' (11/11/2013)
- Frackers Avoid Paying Royalties (9/8/2013)
- PA DEP’s Fracking Record-Keeping Blocks Transparency (5/25/2013)
- This Town Took On Fracking and Won (5/9/2013)
- Court Rejects Exxon Bid to Dismiss Lawsuit (5/9/2013)
- Appeals Court Says NY Towns Can Ban Fracking (5/2/2013)
- How to Terminate a Gas Lease (3/22/2013)
- 3rd NY Town Wins in Court Over Fracking Ban (3/20/2013)
- TX Supreme Court Won’t Hear Pipeline Case (2/27/2013)
- Stop Gas Drilling — Sue Your Neighbor (2/13/2013)
- NYS AG Schneiderman Prepares Methane Suit Against EPA (12/14/2012)
- Chesapeake Appalachia Sentenced for Clean Water Act Violations (12/5/2012)
- Lawsuit Challenges Frackers' Waste Disposal Practices in Arkansas (10/10/2012)
- Federal Court Confirms Right of NY Attorney General and Environmental Groups to Compel Compliance with NEPA (9/27/2012)
- EWG Sues Cuomo Administration (9/21/2012)
- U.S. Probes Chesapeake, Rival Over Possible Collusion (7/4/2012)
- Successful Anti-Fracking Organization Damascus Citizens for Sustainability Embarks on New Legal Fight to Save Rivers (3/1/2012)
- Citizen Group Takes Action to Force Interstate Body to Show it is Protecting the Vital Water Resources of PA, NY State and MD from Fracking (3/1/2012)
- DCS SRBC FOIA Request (2/27/2012)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting From The Petroleum And Natural Gas Industry (1/24/2012)
- Expert Reports Challenge DRBC on Wells Drilled Within Watershed (12/8/2011)
- DCS Files NEPA Lawsuit Emphasizing Need for Health Impact Assessment (8/17/2011)
- Delaware RiverKeeper, et al File Lawsuit (8/16/2011)
- New York Attorney General Files Suit Against Federal Agencies (6/1/2011)
- Groups File Federal Lawsuit Against Delaware River Basin Commission (2/10/2011)
- PA Lawsuit Says Drilling Polluted Water (11/11/2009)
- Advocacy Day, Jan. 28, to Reduce Plastic Waste in NYS (12/3/2024)
- NYS Voters – What is Proposition 1? (11/2/2024)
- Campaign for a Safe and Healthy CA Scores Big Win Against Big Oil (7/10/2024)
- NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act (12/27/2023)
- DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY (11/22/2022)
- DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (9/5/2020)
- NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous (8/25/2020)
- NY State Says NO to Fracking! (4/14/2020)
- PA Governor Wolf Vetoes Natural Gas Tax-Break Bill (3/30/2020)
- The DRBC Must Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin NOW! (10/15/2019)
- Carlucci urges fracking study after PA visit (4/29/2013)
- Fracked-up roads: Texas, NY (4/28/2013)
- N.J. Senate Passes Fracking Ban (6/29/2011)
- Regulation Is Lax for Water from Gas Wells (2/26/2011)
- Proposed legislation would benefit landowners forced into drilling units (5/11/2010)
- Bill to repeal the exemption for hydraulic fracturing in the Safe Drinking Water Act (6/9/2009)
Maps / Aerial Views
- DCS Analysis of Leased Land in Damascus Township, Wayne County, PA Still Relevent (10/9/2017)
- Active Oil and Gas Wells in NY State (12/23/2014)
- New Insight on the Nation’s Earthquake Hazards (11/3/2014)
- US Energy Mapping System (4/25/2014)
- Fracked Gas Infrastructure in PA and NY (7/3/2013)
- Oil and Gas Drilling Within Allegheny National Forest (1/4/2012)
- Maps of the Delaware River Basin (1/3/2012)
- Photographs of Drilling Activity Across the Marcellus Shale (1/3/2012)
- Aerial Views of Drilling Sites (1/3/2012)
- New York State Multi-layer Spacing Map (12/13/2011)
- The Truth from Above (1/17/2007)
- Maryland to Ban Fracking! (3/29/2017)
- Stop the Cove Point LNG Export Facility (4/9/2014)
- MD Dept. of the Environment: All Drilling Permits Have Been Withdrawn (1/24/2013)
- Maryland Gov. O'Malley Proposes Funding Fracking Study (1/17/2013)
- Md. House Votes to Require Energy Companies to Fund Safety Studies on Natural Gas Fracking (4/3/2012)
Methane Emissions
- The Research is In: Stop Fracking ASAP (10/2/2019)
- Is Shale Gas a Major Driver of Recent Increase in Global Atmospheric Methane? (7/23/2019)
- Study Finds Rise in Methane in PA Gas Country (2/12/2017)
- Methane Plumes Downwind of Natural Gas Compressor Stations (1/26/2017)
- Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry (3/25/2016)
- EPA Will Limit Methane from Existing Oil and Gas Facilities (3/12/2016)
- How Bad of a Greenhouse Gas Is Methane? (2/18/2016)
- CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together (2/1/2016)
- As US Rushes to Build Gas Lines, Failure Rate of New Pipes Has Spiked (1/31/2016)
- Rapid Method for Measuring Area Methane Emissions (1/24/2016)
- Video Makes Visible CA’s Unseen Natural Gas Disaster (12/31/2015)
- Letter to President Obama on Methane Emissions (12/11/2015)
- Massive Natural Gas Storage Leak Alarms CA Residents, Climate Activists (12/7/2015)
- PA DEP Reaches Penalty Agreements with 3 Natural Gas Exploration Companies (8/26/2015)
- Landmark Paper Underestimated Methane Leaks from Gas Production (8/6/2015)
- Survey of Ground-Level Ambient Methane Levels in Wyalusing, PA (3/5/2015)
- Hancock, NY Methane Baseline Completed (12/8/2014)
- Results of Town of Delaware Methane Testing to be Announced (8/10/2014)
- Town of Delaware Methane Baseline Study (7/30/2014)
- Oil and Gas Well Leaks in PA – A Risk Analysis (7/17/2014)
- Fracking Study Finds New Gas Wells Leak More (7/3/2014)
- Tests Prove Fracking to Blame for Flaming Parker County Wells (6/8/2014)
- Howarth: methane must be controlled now (5/15/2014)
- More evidence: Gas drilling GHG emissions vastly exceed government estimates (5/10/2014)
- It's he-e-e-re: National Assessment says climate change has arrived, and we're responsible (5/7/2014)
- 3 Articles on Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Systems (3/23/2014)
- Fracking Away Our Air, Water and Land (1/31/2014)
- Harvard Study Blows Apart Obama's Case for Natural Gas (12/12/2013)
- In Texas Water Contamination Case, the Fire Still Burns (12/7/2013)
- Fracking Methane Leakage Study Financed by Gas Industry with Partner, EDF, is Deeply Flawed (9/22/2013)
- Gangplank to a Warm Future (7/31/2013)
- Methane Baseline Completed in Town of Delaware, NY (6/18/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions Press Release (3/27/2013)
- Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions Final Report (3/27/2013)
- Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions (3/27/2013)
- Methane Baseline Completed in Minisink, NY (2/25/2013)
- Methane Leaks Erode Green Credentials of Natural Gas (1/8/2013)
- Damascus Methane Baseline (11/2/2012)
- Methane Emissions in Leroy, PA (9/8/2012)
- Chesapeake to Pay $1.6 Million for Contaminating Water Wells in Bradford County (6/25/2012)
- Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations (3/13/2011)
- Gas Leasing May Violate Your Mortgage (2/14/2015)
- Fracking Boom Gives Banks Mortgage Headaches (11/15/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- Gas Drilling, Homeowners Don't Mix (9/21/2012)
- Mortgages for Drilling Properties May Face Hurdle (3/18/2012)
- Promises made, but not kept, and it's all legal (12/28/2011)
- Home Mortgages, Homeowner Liability Affected by Gas Drilling (11/10/2011)
- Rush to Drill for Natural Gas Creates Conflicts With Mortgages (10/19/2011)
- Houses for Shale (6/5/2010)
News Archives
- U.S. Cuts Estimate for Marcellus Shale Gas Reserves by 66% (1/24/2012)
- Pa. towns demand local oversight of fracking firms (1/16/2012)
- Oil Executive Recommends Counterinsurgency Manual (11/8/2011)
- NYC and NYS Are Nearly 7 Miles Apart on Protecting Water Supply (10/15/2011)
- Breast Cancer Rates Jump in the Barnett Shale (9/3/2011)
- Shale Reserve Estimate Slashed (8/24/2011)
- Loyalsock Township tables Shale gas zoning ordinance (8/24/2011)
- Hydrofracking a Boom-bust Endeavor (8/14/2011)
- Worst Drought in More Than a Century Strikes Texas Oil Boom (6/13/2011)
- Antero gets extension to review Battlement Mesa Health Impact Assessment (5/21/2011)
- Obama forms panel to improve fracking safety (5/5/2011)
- Benton gas well hearing canceled but protestors crowd community center (4/28/2011)
- Does natural gas drilling make people sick? (3/8/2011)
- EPA close to launching hydraulic fracturing study (2/3/2011)
- Drillers Defend Injecting Diesel into the Ground (2/1/2011)
- Have Public Servants Charged with Protecting Drinking Water for 15 Million People Sold Out to the Gas Drilling Industry? (1/23/2011)
- County plans to update zoning to regulate gas development (1/21/2011)
- 'Fracking' Mobilizes Uranium in Marcellus Shale, UB Research Finds (10/25/2010)
- As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, EPA Opens Public Hearings on Health and Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (9/14/2010)
- 'Fracking' yields fuel, fear in Northeast (9/3/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/21/2010)
- As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns (6/12/2010)
- Disposable workers of the oil and gas fields (4/2/2007)
New Jersey
- PennEast Gas Pipeline Defeated (10/4/2021)
- Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes (12/5/2020)
- DRBC Postpones Vote on Gibbstown LNG Terminal (9/19/2020)
- DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information (8/31/2020)
- NJ Turns Down Permits for Proposed 120-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline (10/18/2019)
- Bait & Switch: DRBC Approves LNG Port in Gibbstown, NJ (8/10/2019)
- New Jersey Rejects Transco NESE Pipeline Under Raritan Bay (6/7/2019)
- NJ Gov. Murphy Says NO to Fracking! (1/30/2019)
- Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits (8/20/2016)
- Tell Your Rep. to Ban Frack Waste in NJ (11/17/2015)
- Tell your NJ State Senator to Ban Frack Waste! (10/21/2014)
- What NJ Needs to Know About Gas Drilling Along the Delaware River (7/7/2013)
- NJ Senate Bans Treatment of Fracking Waste (6/26/2012)
- N.J. Senate Passes Fracking Ban (6/29/2011)
- Commissioner Martin calls for safeguards on Marcellus shale gas-drilling to protect Delaware River (12/7/2010)
New York
- NPS: FIMFO Will Have Adverse Impacts, Violates RMP (2/6/2025)
- What Do I Write in a Comment About FIMFO? (2/4/2025)
- Tell Your Representatives How You Feel About the SF Bridge and FIMFO (1/30/2025)
- Get YOUR FIMFO Comments In – Comment Period Extended (1/28/2025)
- Theme Parks Don’t Belong on Our River (1/27/2025)
- Advocacy Day, Jan. 28, to Reduce Plastic Waste in NYS (12/3/2024)
- NYS Voters – What is Proposition 1? (11/2/2024)
- NO Incinerator for the Catskills! (9/14/2024)
- Dumped On: Do YOU Live in a DEP Disposal Facility? (5/18/2024)
- NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act (12/27/2023)
- DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY (11/22/2022)
- Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics (11/8/2021)
- NY DEC Denies Permit for Danskammer Power Plant near Newburgh (10/28/2021)
- How the Salvation of NYC Drinking Water Can Be a Model for Saving the Planet (3/19/2021)
- DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information (8/31/2020)
- NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous (8/25/2020)
- NY State Says NO to Fracking! (4/14/2020)
- Proposed Battery Recycling Facility in Endicott, NY a Hazard (12/3/2019)
- New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future (5/22/2019)
- Landowners Beat National Fuel in Court to Preserve Piece of Paradise (12/10/2018)
- Propane Storage Facility Rejected by NY DEC (7/15/2018)
- NYC Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change (1/16/2018)
- NYC Will Divest Pension Funds from Fossil Fuel Companies (1/15/2018)
- FERC Will NOT Overrule NY's Denial for Constitution Pipeline Permit (1/14/2018)
- Constitution Pipeline in NY Rejected by Court (8/18/2017)
- Fracked Gas Exposes Families in PA and NY to Radioactivity (6/23/2017)
- Help Stop the Brookman Corners Compressor Station (9/8/2016)
- Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station (8/30/2016)
- NYS Model Solar Energy Law (8/26/2016)
- New York Denies Critical Permit for Natural Gas Pipeline (4/27/2016)
- Pipeline Continues New York’s Shame (3/1/2016)
- Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure (11/17/2015)
- Cuomo Nixes Port Ambrose, Proposed Natural Gas Terminal Off Jones Beach (11/14/2015)
- Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (8/31/2015)
- NY State Officially Prohibits High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (7/2/2015)
- NYS to Make Fracking Ban Official, Not Permanent (5/2/2015)
- NY Court: Drilling Leases Expired Despite State Ban (4/1/2015)
- NYC Residents: Is There Radon in Your Kitchen? (3/14/2015)
- Season's Greetings – A Poem (12/23/2014)
- Cuomo to Ban Fracking in NY State, Citing Health Risks (12/17/2014)
- Cuomo's Fracking Investment Scandal (8/6/2014)
- Leaked Documents Show Fracking Concerns (8/4/2014)
- Renewable Heat NY Funds 18 Woody Biomass Projects (7/31/2014)
- NYS Judge Dismisses Lawsuits Challenging Fracking Delay (7/15/2014)
- NY Communities Triumph Over Fracking Industry In Precedent-Setting Case (7/3/2014)
- NYers: Protect Your Family from Radon in Natural Gas (6/11/2014)
- Twelve NY counties ban fracking wastes (5/16/2014)
- Concerned Health Professionals of NY Comment on the NYS Energy Plan (4/25/2014)
- Caution on Fracking Wise (4/18/2014)
- NY State Consultant Slams Fracking (3/14/2014)
- Albany Bars Crude Processing Expansion at Port (3/14/2014)
- NYS Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal's Letter to Con Ed Concerning Radon in Natural Gas (12/29/2013)
- Fracking Industry Out-Lobbies Opponents, Still Loses Ground (12/9/2013)
- Environmental Group Warns of Fracking Waste on NY Roads (12/6/2013)
- New Theory Holds Geology, Not Politics, Thwarts NY Fracking (10/27/2013)
- Known Risks in LPG Caverns Hidden from Public (10/17/2013)
- Protest Minisink Compressor Station (7/20/2013)
- Poll: Small Business Supports Clean Energy (7/3/2013)
- Decision To Frack NYS Delayed by Activists (6/29/2013)
- The Mother of All Unfunded Mandates (6/24/2013)
- Thousands Rally in Albany Against Fracking and For Renewables (6/19/2013)
- NYS Radon in Natural Gas Health Protection Bills Need Action (6/16/2013)
- Fracking Poses Health Risks to Pregnant Women and Children (6/13/2013)
- Fracking vs Food: NY's Choice (5/30/2013)
- Leaking Test Well in Upstate NY (5/18/2013)
- Write Gov. Cuomo (5/13/2013)
- This Town Took On Fracking and Won (5/9/2013)
- NY Energy Policy Is Hitting Some Bumps (5/9/2013)
- Transportation of Fracking Waste Could Endanger NYC Water Supply (5/9/2013)
- Appeals Court Says NY Towns Can Ban Fracking (5/2/2013)
- Carlucci urges fracking study after PA visit (4/29/2013)
- Fracked-up roads: Texas, NY (4/28/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- Yes, a Drilling Moratorium (3/28/2013)
- How to Terminate a Gas Lease (3/22/2013)
- Poll Confirms that NYers Don't Want Fracking (3/21/2013)
- 3rd NY Town Wins in Court Over Fracking Ban (3/20/2013)
- NY State Can Rid Itself of Fossil Fuel in the Near Future (3/12/2013)
- Elected Officials to Protect NY Speak Out on Fracking (3/9/2013)
- Fracking: NY Reprieve for Health? (2/15/2013)
- NY Health 'Review' is Incomplete, Causing a Pause in NY Approval of Fracking (2/13/2013)
- NYS DEC Continues to Shut the Public Out of Fracking Review (2/13/2013)
- Call NY Gov. Cuomo and Tell Him to Ban Fracking Now (1/28/2013)
- Sandra Steingraber: Next 12 Steps to Stop Fracking in New York (1/28/2013)
- Feb. 13 may Signal Hydrofracking Fate in NYS (1/16/2013)
- Fracking Ban Rally Outside NY State of State Address (1/9/2013)
- NYS Assembly Chairs Ask DEC to Suspend Fracking Comment Period (1/9/2013)
- More NYS DEC Comment Tools (1/7/2013)
- Send Your Comments to DEC About Their Fracking Regulations! (12/13/2012)
- The Top Fracking Threats to Health NY Must Assess (12/3/2012)
- Cuomo: State Will Extend Fracking Review (11/28/2012)
- More Delay Possible on Hydrofracking in NYS (11/15/2012)
- Louis W. Allstadt – From Supporter to Skeptic on NYS Fracking (10/18/2012)
- History of Oil and Gas Well Abandonment in NYS (10/18/2012)
- Shift by Cuomo on Gas Drilling Prompts Both Anger and Praise (10/1/2012)
- New York May Restart Review of Gas-Drilling Rules (10/1/2012)
- New York State Plans Health Review as It Weighs Gas Drilling (9/24/2012)
- Can Fracking Ever Be Done Safely? (9/21/2012)
- EWG Sues Cuomo Administration (9/21/2012)
- NY Officials Urge Gov. Cuomo to Continue Fracking Moratorium (9/18/2012)
- New York's Fractivists Keep the Heat on Cuomo (9/18/2012)
- Top Cuomo Aide’s Oil and Gas Holdings Raise Questions of Impartiality (9/13/2012)
- Will Public Outcry Against Fracking Sink Governor Cuomo's Political Ambitions? (8/27/2012)
- National Environmental Groups, Representing Millions, Tell Gov. Cuomo: Don’t Threaten Water and Land with Fracking (8/22/2012)
- New York State Fails to Inspect Most Oil & Gas Wells or Penalize Violators (7/18/2012)
- STOP Cuomo's Plan to Drill 5 Southern Tier Counties – Call, Fax or Email (6/25/2012)
- Environmental Groups Say They Will Fight Cuomo’s Gas Drilling Plan (6/20/2012)
- Middlefield Court Confirms Prior Decision: Local Land Use Authority Not Preempted (6/19/2012)
- NYS Agreement to Allow Landowners to Renegotiate Natural Gas Leases (6/18/2012)
- Municipalities and Natural Gas Extraction…What the Frack? (5/23/2012)
- Hydrogeologists say, Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in New York State and the Delaware River Basin (4/30/2012)
- Advocates: Fracking Health Impacts Need to be Studied More (4/3/2012)
- Local Governments: Rights and Powers Review (3/3/2012)
- Federal Scientists Warn NY of Fracking Risks (3/2/2012)
- Hydrofracking comments present new problem: Scanning shoulder (2/3/2012)
- Letter From Ruth Hardinger to Governor Cuomo (1/29/2012)
- Letter From Joe Levine to NYS DEC (1/29/2012)
- Don't Drill the Delaware / DRBC Regulations Vote–Meeting Cancelled (11/18/2011)
- Submit Your SGEIS / Regulations / NPEDES Comments (10/17/2011)
- NYC and NYS Are Nearly 7 Miles Apart on Protecting Water Supply (10/15/2011)
- Comments on Proposed DEC Regulations Marcellus Shale Development (10/15/2011)
- SGEIS Commenting – page 2 / Hearing Schedule (10/14/2011)
- SGEIS Commenting – page 3 (10/14/2011)
- SGEIS Submission Page (10/14/2011)
- Overestimation of benefits from shale gas drilling and underestimation of its historic costs (10/6/2011)
- Road Preservation Local Law: Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (5/15/2011)
- NY DEC Information Requests (9/16/2010)
- State Decision Blocks Drilling for Gas in Catskills (4/25/2010)
- Unanswered Questions About The Economic Impact of Gas Drilling In the Marcellus Shale: (3/27/2010)
- NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors: Comments on dSGEIS (12/30/2009)
- Final Impact Assessment Report of Natural Gas Production in the New York City Water Supply Watershed (12/15/2009)
- Is NY’s Marcellus Shale Too Hot to Handle? (11/11/2009)
- Report: Gas Drilling Imperils Water (10/10/2009)
- NYS Department of Health Addresses Concerns on NYS DEC dSGEIS (7/21/2009)
- Clean Natural Gas? Not in My Backyard (3/1/2009)
- Mixing Gas and Water: Drilling in the City's Watershed (1/14/2009)
- Couple Sues Ohio to Stop Fracking Beneath Lake (4/11/2014)
- Utica Shale Promises, Challenges Examined (6/24/2013)
- Ohio Fracking Boom Has NOT Brought Jobs (3/26/2013)
- Danger If Ohio Watershed Conservancy District Leases Reservoirs for Fracking (11/14/2012)
- State Fracking Regulations NOT Being Enforced (10/1/2012)
- Ohio Lawmakers Approve New Oil and Gas Well Regulations (6/4/2012)
- Ohio Senate Passes Water-Use Bill Easily; Gov. John Kasich Will Sign It (6/4/2012)
Pellet Stoves
- Renewable Heat NY Funds 18 Woody Biomass Projects (7/31/2014)
- Alliance for Green Heat submits comments on EPA heating rules (5/10/2014)
- Skinners Falls Bridge: “Isn’t It Worth Saving?” (3/20/2025)
- DCS Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (2/28/2025)
- DCS Proposes to Buy the Skinners Falls Bridge (2/20/2025)
- Support DCS Efforts to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (2/2/2025)
- Tell Your Representatives How You Feel About the SF Bridge and FIMFO (1/30/2025)
- Experts Have Cost Effective Plan to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (1/28/2025)
- PennDOT Meeting on the Skinners Falls Bridge Feb. 11 (1/26/2025)
- DCS Opposes Destruction of Historic Skinners Falls Bridge (1/2/2025)
- Current DCS Legal Actions to Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (11/23/2024)
- PennDOT Plans to Dismantle Skinners Falls Bridge (11/10/2024)
- DCS Supports RGGI with a Powerful Amicus (9/16/2024)
- Dumped On: Do YOU Live in a DEP Disposal Facility? (5/18/2024)
- I Tell PA Senators: Support Renewable Energy Jobs, Not LNG Exports (3/1/2024)
- Should Toxic Gas Drilling Waste Be Spread on PA Roads? (1/10/2024)
- David Hess Reflects on His Career and the Rise of Fracking (1/9/2024)
- PA Plan to Charge for Greenhouse Gas Dumping Stopped by State Court (11/26/2023)
- PA Gov.’s Agreement with Fracker Will Harm People’s Health (11/8/2023)
- Pennsylvania Climate Convergence, October 1 – 2 (9/30/2023)
- Take A Deep Breath! Now Think What You Just Inhaled. If You Live Along A Dirt Road You Could Be Inhaling Oil & Gas Wastewater. (8/3/2023)
- DCS Opposes Proposed Injection Well in Fayette Co., PA (7/29/2023)
- DEP Advises 18 Municipalities: Road Dumping of Drilling Waste is Illegal And Considered Waste Disposal (6/13/2022)
- Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air (5/6/2022)
- Latest Penn State Report On Environmental Impact Of Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater Will Have ‘Immediate,’ ‘Large,’ ‘Intense’ Impact (4/29/2022)
- Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater Is Tearing Apart Dirt Roads & Creating Environmental Hazards (11/20/2021)
- How Oil & Gas Industry Eliminated Restrictions on the Disposal of Wastewater on PA Roads (10/24/2021)
- Tell PA DEP: Ban Road Spreading of Drilling Waste (9/8/2021)
- ‘Insist on Being Heard’ Re: Skinners Falls Bridge (9/2/2021)
- PennDOT Ignores Skinners Falls Bridge Public Comments – DCS Fights Back (8/29/2021)
- PennDOT’s Faulty Public Comment Process Re: Skinners Falls Bridge (8/28/2021)
- Penn State: Frack Wastewater IS Toxic! – & on YOUR Road? (8/16/2021)
- US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands (6/24/2021)
- Save the Skinners Falls Bridge – Give to the Ed Wesely Fund (6/19/2021)
- National Park Service Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (6/17/2021)
- Greenworks Comprehensive Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (6/4/2021)
- Skinners Falls Bridge Does NOT Need More than a 10-Ton Limit (5/15/2021)
- Skinners Falls Bridge Comment Period Extended (5/6/2021)
- The Skinners Falls Bridge Speaks – Will PennDOT Listen? (4/28/2021)
- Skinners Falls Bridge Comments Coming In – Have YOU Made Yours? (4/26/2021)
- Ed Wesely’s Comment to PennDOT on the Skinners Falls Bridge (4/15/2021)
- YOU Can Be a Consulting Party for the Skinners Falls Bridge Project (4/14/2021)
- Why DCS is Getting Involved in the Skinners Falls Bridge Issue (4/13/2021)
- Fracking: The Stress of Being Surrounded (3/7/2021)
- Harmful Chemicals and Unknowns Haunt Pennsylvanians Surrounded by Fracking (3/2/2021)
- Environmental Groups Fight Lawsuit by PA GOP to Overturn Fracking Moratorium (1/17/2021)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- Poll Says Pennsylvanians Support More Regulations on Fracking (9/11/2020)
- DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information (8/31/2020)
- PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office (8/29/2020)
- PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators (6/29/2020)
- PA Governor Wolf Vetoes Natural Gas Tax-Break Bill (3/30/2020)
- PA Wants to Allow Dumping of Toxic Drilling Waste on an Unpaved Road Near You (11/13/2019)
- PA Oil & Gas Waste Report: 9,300,000,000 Gallons of Death (9/24/2019)
- PA Commonwealth Court Ignores State Supreme Court Decision (8/6/2019)
- Toxic Frack Waste Damages Sewage Treatment Plant, Contaminates River (5/26/2019)
- PA Attorney General to Investigate Landfill Runoff Problems in Westmoreland County (5/26/2019)
- DCS Analysis of Leased Land in Damascus Township, Wayne County, PA Still Relevent (10/9/2017)
- PA Supreme Court Rules State Forest Gas Royalty Transfers Unconstitutional (6/21/2017)
- Unbelievable! PA DEP Sues Towns in Favor of Frackers (4/10/2017)
- Tell the PA Attorney General to Investigate the DEP (3/21/2017)
- Study Finds Rise in Methane in PA Gas Country (2/12/2017)
- Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA (1/24/2017)
- Amish Oppose Use of Drilling 'Brine' Wastewater on Roads (11/2/2016)
- PA Doctors Call for State Ban on Drilling and Fracking (10/28/2016)
- Law Unfairly Gave Shale Drillers 'Special' Treatment, PA Supreme Court Rules (9/30/2016)
- YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED for New PA Oil and Gas Regulations (5/31/2016)
- PA Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported (2/21/2016)
- PA State Board OKs New Oil and Gas Regulations (2/10/2016)
- PA Fracker Can't Keep Pollution Tests From Residents (2/5/2016)
- Study Links Foam in Water Wells to Shale Well Sites (10/6/2015)
- Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded (10/4/2015)
- PA DEP Reaches Penalty Agreements with 3 Natural Gas Exploration Companies (8/26/2015)
- Study Finds Those Living Near Shale Wells More Likely to be Hospitalized (7/19/2015)
- PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity (6/23/2015)
- Rise of Deadly Radon Gas in PA Buildings Linked to Fracking (4/12/2015)
- PA DEP Omits 1,000's of Fracked Wells from its Required Act 13 Reporting (3/28/2015)
- PA Gov. Wolf Supports Drilling Moratorium in Delaware River Basin (3/14/2015)
- Survey of Ground-Level Ambient Methane Levels in Wyalusing, PA (3/5/2015)
- PA Studies on Shale-Site Air Emissions Incomplete (10/25/2014)
- PA DEP Sec. Chris Abruzzo Resigns Amid Lewd Email Scandal (10/21/2014)
- PA DEP Admits Drilling Probe Error in Range Inquiry (10/17/2014)
- PA Seeks Applications for Renewable Energy Projects (8/8/2014)
- PA: Fracking Waste Tainted Groundwater, Soil at 3 Sites (8/8/2014)
- Audit Blasts PA DEP's Handling of Gas-Well Industry (8/3/2014)
- Oil and Gas Well Leaks in PA – A Risk Analysis (7/17/2014)
- Expert: PA Didn't Address Fracking Health Impacts (7/14/2014)
- Letter of Dr. Paulson to PA-DEP on Fracking Impacts on Children (7/5/2014)
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Waste Disposal Company and Owner (6/15/2014)
- Corbett's Own Witness Lukewarm to More Gas Leasing in State Forests and Parks (6/7/2014)
- Petition to Protect PA School Kids from Fracking (5/2/2014)
- Weak Records Cited on PA Shale Pollution (4/4/2014)
- PA Supreme Court Strikes Down Controversial Portions of Act 13 (12/20/2013)
- Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream (10/4/2013)
- Opposition to PA HB 1576 Grows (9/28/2013)
- PA Senate Bill 1100: A Moratorium on New Permits for Fracking (9/22/2013)
- Fracktivists Celebrate Cancellation of Gas Leases in NE PA (7/20/2013)
- PA Lawmakers Seek To Ban Photography Of Gas Drilling Activity (7/17/2013)
- Post-Production Costs Reduce Gas Royalty Payments to PA Leaseholders (7/1/2013)
- Make a Call to Your PA Senator to Support a Fracking Moratorium (6/3/2013)
- Natural Gas Waste Hauler Raided (5/30/2013)
- PA DEP’s Fracking Record-Keeping Blocks Transparency (5/25/2013)
- PA DEP Records Show at Least 161 Water Supplies Damaged by Drilling (5/19/2013)
- PA DEP Whitewashes Franklin Forks Water Contamination (5/2/2013)
- On the Resignation of PA DEP Secretary Krancer (4/2/2013)
- Fracking and the Revolving Door in PA (2/25/2013)
- Radiation in Fracking Wastewater (1/29/2013)
- PA DEP Backtracks on Radiation Issue (1/26/2013)
- PA Representative Calls for Probe of DEP Water Testing Reports (11/3/2012)
- State Fracking Regulations NOT Being Enforced (10/1/2012)
- Shale Health Advisory Panel in Works (9/27/2012)
- City Backs Local Control of Shale Drilling Regulations (9/19/2012)
- Pittsburgh Ban on Natural Gas Fracking Faces Challenge from State Authorities (9/15/2012)
- Anti-Fracking Protesters Confront PA Gov During Kayaking PR Trip on Endangered River (8/27/2012)
- PA Act 13 Injunction Granted (8/22/2012)
- Court Throws Out PA Statewide Zoning for Marcellus Shale Drilling (7/27/2012)
- In PA, 3,355 Marcellus Violations between 2008 and 2011 (7/10/2012)
- STOP PA House Bill 1659 – A BAD DEP Permitting Bill (6/25/2012)
- Gov. Corbett Turns Up Pressure on Neighbors (6/19/2012)
- Inventory of Oil and Gas Well Stray Gas Cases (6/15/2012)
- PASA Asserts its Position in Favor of a Moratorium on Unconventional Gas Extraction (6/12/2012)
- Report Reveals Few Penalties for Violating Gas Drilling Rules in PA (5/23/2012)
- PA ignoring their residents' health complaints (5/12/2012)
- PA House Democrats Unveil ‘Marcellus Compact’ to Fix Flawed Shale Drilling Law (5/2/2012)
- Judge Denies GOP Request to Intervene in Shale Lawsuit (4/23/2012)
- PA Court Issues Injunction to Stop Onset of Portions of Act 13 (4/16/2012)
- Does a Provision in PA Act 13 Force Doctors to Remain Silent on Potential Public Health Risks Associated with Fracking? (3/30/2012)
- Chemicals in my Water in Drilling Area (2/29/2012)
- Call Your PA Legislators NOW (2/7/2012)
- 40 Sportsmens's Groups Write to PA Governor (1/30/2012)
- PA Contact Your Local Officials NOW (12/13/2011)
- NYTimes: The Fracturing of Pennsylvania and other investigations (11/18/2011)
- Gas Migration into the Susquehanna River and Surrounding Area . . . (11/15/2011)
- PA Wants Gas Drilling Illness Database (6/18/2011)
- Federal EPA Demands Answers from Chesapeake Energy on Well Blowout in Bradford County Last Week (4/28/2011)
- Chesapeake Well in Bradford County, PA has Blowout; Chesapeake Temporarily Stops All Drilling Until Cause is Known (4/20/2011)
- Drilling fluid gushes from natural gas well in Bradford County (4/20/2011)
- Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment (3/30/2011)
- EPA Investigates PA DEP (3/7/2011)
- How Many Water Supplies Have Been Impacted by Gas Drilling? (11/16/2010)
- PA Broke Law on Natgas Water Use: Group (8/11/2010)
- Report: Well drilling violations near 1,500 for Marcellus Shale (8/3/2010)
- Forum Discusses Gas Industry Money Impact on State Politics (7/25/2010)
- Investigation Confirms PA Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic (7/16/2010)
- PA Lacks Consistent Record Keeping for Natural Gas Drilling (6/23/2010)
- Under Siege by Marcellus Marauders (6/15/2010)
- Marcellus Shale Well Shoots Gas into Sky for Hours (6/7/2010)
- Blowout at Pennsylvania Natural Gas Well (6/6/2010)
- Gas Pains (6/1/2010)
- The Incident at Robson Well (2/6/2010)
- PA’s Gas Wells Booming—But So Are Spills (1/29/2010)
- PA Lawsuit Says Drilling Polluted Water (11/11/2009)
- Firms Drilling for Gas Would 'Destroy' Local State Game Lands (10/11/2009)
- PA Orders Cabot Oil and Gas to Stop Fracturing in Troubled County (9/27/2009)
- Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said (8/2/2009)
- PA Says Natgas Drilling Risks Inevitable (3/22/2009)
- Drilling stalled in Allegheny National Forest (3/18/2009)
- Wildlife Expert Warns of Ecological Risks of Natural Gas Drilling (2/1/2009)
- Team 4: PA Streams Drained Dry By Drillers (11/15/2008)
- PA DEP Records Show at Least 161 Water Supplies Damaged by Drilling (5/19/0201)
Political Influence
- How Oil & Gas Industry Eliminated Restrictions on the Disposal of Wastewater on PA Roads (10/24/2021)
- A Fracking-Driven Industrial Boom Renews Pollution Concerns in Pittsburgh (3/27/2019)
- Against Fracking in the DRB and the Proposed PennEast Pipeline (6/13/2018)
- FERC Will NOT Overrule NY's Denial for Constitution Pipeline Permit (1/14/2018)
- Help Save the Delaware River Basin (12/17/2017)
- Mis-Representative Fritz (11/21/2017)
- Unbelievable! PA DEP Sues Towns in Favor of Frackers (4/10/2017)
- Tell the PA Attorney General to Investigate the DEP (3/21/2017)
- Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA (1/24/2017)
- The Need for Realistic and Transparent Oil & Gas Analysis (1/2/2017)
- Don't Allow the Industry to Park Crude Oil Barges on the Hudson (11/22/2016)
- Opinion: The Sun Sets on Western Slope Farms (10/20/2016)
- Law Unfairly Gave Shale Drillers 'Special' Treatment, PA Supreme Court Rules (9/30/2016)
- Help Save Colorado's North Fork Valley (9/23/2016)
- DCS and the EPA's Fracking Study – What Have We Been Up To? (8/24/2016)
- Media Silent as Native Americans Successfully Halt Construction on Oil Pipeline (8/22/2016)
- What Frackers Say Behind Closed Doors (8/3/2016)
- Stop the Seneca Lake Gas Storage Project (5/13/2016)
- Scientists Find Fracking Contaminated Wyoming Water After EPA Halted Study (4/14/2016)
- Is the IOGCC, Created by Congress in 1935, Now a Secret Oil and Gas Lobby? (4/12/2016)
- Scientists Slam EPA For “Walking Away” From Fracking Pollution Study (4/7/2016)
- Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry (3/25/2016)
- Letter from Lebanon Supervisor (3/24/2016)
- Political Contributions and the Lifting of the Oil Export Ban (2/4/2016)
- CO & CA: Getting Gassed Together (2/1/2016)
- Obama Signs Exxon-, Koch-Backed Bill Expediting Pipeline Permits (1/4/2016)
- Why Coal Mining Outlaw Don Blankenship's Conviction Matters (12/5/2015)
- EPA Finding on Fracking's Water Pollution Disputed by Its Own Scientists (11/25/2015)
- Tell Your Rep. to Ban Frack Waste in NJ (11/17/2015)
- The End of Growth in the Tar Sands (11/2/2015)
- Exxon's Funding of Climate Denial Turned Americans Against Their Own Government for Profit (10/31/2015)
- Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (10/7/2015)
- Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded (10/4/2015)
- Gas Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (9/14/2015)
- Gasland: HBO Documentary Key Driver of Opposition to Fracking (9/3/2015)
- The Climate Deception Dossiers (8/5/2015)
- Sing for the Silenced (7/14/2015)
- Widespread and Systemic Contamination Found – at the EPA (6/16/2015)
- The Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma's Quakes Keeps Getting Stronger (4/9/2015)
- PA DEP Omits 1,000's of Fracked Wells from its Required Act 13 Reporting (3/28/2015)
- Gas Extraction Causing Earthquakes (2/20/2015)
- Rally to Stop TPP – NYC, Jan. 26 (1/22/2015)
- Fracking Risk Compared to Thalidomide and Asbestos (11/29/2014)
- PA Studies on Shale-Site Air Emissions Incomplete (10/25/2014)
- Tell your NJ State Senator to Ban Frack Waste! (10/21/2014)
- The Road to Damascus (9/25/2014)
- Cuomo's Fracking Investment Scandal (8/6/2014)
- Bill to Jail Anyone Who Discloses Fracking Chemicals (6/3/2014)
- Sponsor Kills Oil Pipeline Bill (4/13/2014)
- What the EPA Hoped You'd Miss This Holiday Season (12/30/2013)
- Fracking Industry Out-Lobbies Opponents, Still Loses Ground (12/9/2013)
- Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away (11/13/2013)
- Frackers Caught Up In Their Own Hype (11/12/2013)
- State subsidies to gas industry could reach $1 billion over a decade (11/5/2013)
- Gas Driller Freezes Plans in UK (9/4/2013)
- Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published (8/10/2013)
- Gen. Petraeus and "Frackademia" (7/20/2013)
- PA Lawmakers Seek To Ban Photography Of Gas Drilling Activity (7/17/2013)
- Polish Farmers Blocking Chevron (7/5/2013)
- A Conversation with Josh Fox (6/13/2013)
- "FrackNation" Part 2 – Koch Industries (6/4/2013)
- "FrackNation" Deploys Tobacco Playbook in Response to "Gasland 2" (6/4/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Why do Gas Companies $pend so Much on Politicians? (4/18/2013)
- Fracking: Colorado’s Dystopian Nightmare (3/12/2013)
- US Climate Bomb is Ticking (3/9/2013)
- Fracking and the Revolving Door in PA (2/25/2013)
- PA Parks Director Says He Was Forced Out by Corbett Administration (10/12/2012)
- State Fracking Regulations NOT Being Enforced (10/1/2012)
- The Committee to Frack New York? (9/18/2012)
- Prominent Conservation Society to Take $30 Million from Chesapeake Energy? (9/14/2012)
- Okla. Billionaire’s Meltdown Could Mean More Pa. Fracking (6/7/2012)
- Josh Fox Arrested at Hearing on Fracking (2/5/2012)
- Ridge's Firms to Get $900,000 for Pushing Marcellus Drilling (8/4/2010)
- Forum Discusses Gas Industry Money Impact on State Politics (7/25/2010)
- Gas Pains (6/1/2010)
- Deep Drilling, Deep Pockets (5/11/2010)
- Natural Gas Politics (5/28/2009)
- "Clean" Energy and Poisoned Water (5/27/2009)
ProPublica Series
- Climate Benefits of Natural Gas May Be Overstated (1/25/2019)
- Chesapeake Energy’s $5 Billion Shuffle (3/13/2014)
- Frackers Avoid Paying Royalties (9/8/2013)
- How the Feds Let Industry Pollute the Nation’s Underground Water Supply (12/12/2012)
- Injection Wells: The Hidden Risks of Pumping Waste Underground (6/23/2012)
- So, Is Dimock’s Water Really Safe to Drink? (3/21/2012)
- Charting the Government’s Moves on Fracking (2/8/2012)
- Feds link water contamination to fracking for the first time (12/8/2011)
- Expert Reports Challenge DRBC on Wells Drilled Within Watershed (12/8/2011)
- EPA Finds Compound Used in Fracking in Wyoming Aquifer (11/10/2011)
- Duke University: Scientific Proof Drilling/Fracking Contaminates Water (5/10/2011)
- Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling (12/6/2010)
- Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling (12/6/2010)
- Feds Warn Residents Near Wyoming Gas Drilling Sites Not to Drink Their Water (9/3/2010)
- Information From Gas-Drilling Companies Isn’t Coming Easily (7/22/2010)
- Investigation Confirms PA Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic (7/16/2010)
- Broad Scope of EPA’s Fracturing Study Raises Ire of Gas Industry (4/9/2010)
- PA’s Gas Wells Booming—But So Are Spills (1/29/2010)
- Is NY’s Marcellus Shale Too Hot to Handle? (11/11/2009)
- PA Orders Cabot Oil and Gas to Stop Fracturing in Troubled County (9/27/2009)
- Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said (8/2/2009)
- Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data (7/8/2009)
- Natural Gas Politics (5/28/2009)
- Clean Natural Gas? Not in My Backyard (3/1/2009)
- Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? (11/13/2008)
- Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air (5/6/2022)
- Radioactivity Levels Found Outside Ohio Oilfield Waste Facility Called ‘Excessive’ (4/30/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules (1/26/2022)
- YOUR Comments to the DRBC Needed to Keep Frack Waste Out of the Basin (12/11/2021)
- Radioactive Costs of Oil & Gas (11/6/2021)
- Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking (9/14/2021)
- Radioactivity in Fracking! Too Hot to Handle – Webinar (9/4/2021)
- Fracking Wastewater is Radioactive (6/18/2021)
- America’s Radioactive Secret (2/25/2020)
- PA Oil & Gas Waste Report: 9,300,000,000 Gallons of Death (9/24/2019)
- Is Drilling and Fracking Waste on Your Sidewalk or in Your Pool? (2/22/2019)
- Fracked Gas Exposes Families in PA and NY to Radioactivity (6/23/2017)
- PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity (6/23/2015)
- Rise of Deadly Radon Gas in PA Buildings Linked to Fracking (4/12/2015)
- NYC Residents: Is There Radon in Your Kitchen? (3/14/2015)
- Health Impacts of Fracking (2/6/2015)
- Radioactivity in Gas Drilling Waste (12/10/2014)
- Time is Short to Avert Shale Industry’s Imminent Radioactive Dilemma (8/29/2014)
- Radionuclides in Fracking Wastewater (2/8/2014)
- NYS Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal's Letter to Con Ed Concerning Radon in Natural Gas (12/29/2013)
- Impacts of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western PA (12/20/2013)
- Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream (10/4/2013)
- NY Imports PA’s Radioactive Fracking Waste (8/16/2013)
- Radiation in Fracking Wastewater (1/29/2013)
- PA DEP Backtracks on Radiation Issue (1/26/2013)
- Radioactive Waste Management Associates (12/16/2011)
- Comments on Proposed DEC Regulations Marcellus Shale Development (10/15/2011)
- Radioactivity and Shale Gas: Some Like It Hot? (12/1/2010)
- 'Fracking' Mobilizes Uranium in Marcellus Shale, UB Research Finds (10/25/2010)
- Radioactive Waste from Horizontal Hydrofracking (9/8/2010)
- Radioactivity in Marcellus Shale (5/19/2010)
- Is NY’s Marcellus Shale Too Hot to Handle? (11/11/2009)
- Natural Gas Drilling Produces Radioactive Wastewater (11/9/2009)
- Radiological Impact On Man and the Environment From the Oil and Gas Industry (12/21/2006)
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Produced Water and Oil-Field Equipment— An Issue for the Energy Industry (9/22/1999)
Real Estate
- Climate Poses Many Threats To U.S. Financial System & Natural Gas May Be Major Risk (10/22/2021)
- PennEast Gas Pipeline Defeated (10/4/2021)
- Range Resources Exec's Well-Site Remarks Drawing Sharp Criticism (4/22/2016)
- Don't Use Our Water for Fracking (4/9/2014)
- Fracking Still Impacting Property Values and Rights (3/22/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- No One Will Ever Live at 1101 Carter Road in Dimock Again (10/27/2013)
- Fracking Leaves Property Values Tapped Out (8/23/2013)
- Fracking Boom Could Lead to Housing Bust (8/18/2013)
Regulatory Failure
- DCS Comments on the Skinners Falls Bridge (2/28/2025)
- Bomb Trains Along the Delaware River? (2/19/2024)
- PA Gov.’s Agreement with Fracker Will Harm People’s Health (11/8/2023)
- Take A Deep Breath! Now Think What You Just Inhaled. If You Live Along A Dirt Road You Could Be Inhaling Oil & Gas Wastewater. (8/3/2023)
- DCS Requests Court to Void DRBC Wastewater Exemptions (1/11/2023)
- An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules (12/12/2022)
- WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk (12/8/2022)
- As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health (12/2/2022)
- The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants (11/18/2022)
- DEP Advises 18 Municipalities: Road Dumping of Drilling Waste is Illegal And Considered Waste Disposal (6/13/2022)
- Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air (5/6/2022)
- Study Links Fracking, Drinking Water Pollution, and Infant Health (5/3/2022)
- Radioactivity Levels Found Outside Ohio Oilfield Waste Facility Called ‘Excessive’ (4/30/2022)
- Latest Penn State Report On Environmental Impact Of Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater Will Have ‘Immediate,’ ‘Large,’ ‘Intense’ Impact (4/29/2022)
- Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater Is Tearing Apart Dirt Roads & Creating Environmental Hazards (11/20/2021)
- Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics (11/8/2021)
- How Oil & Gas Industry Eliminated Restrictions on the Disposal of Wastewater on PA Roads (10/24/2021)
- Tell PA DEP: Ban Road Spreading of Drilling Waste (9/8/2021)
- Water is Life: Don’t Waste it on Fracking – Webinar (9/8/2021)
- Radioactivity in Fracking! Too Hot to Handle – Webinar (9/4/2021)
- Pipelines Continue to Catch Fire and Explode – Are They Insured? (8/27/2021)
- Penn State: Frack Wastewater IS Toxic! – & on YOUR Road? (8/16/2021)
- “Forever Chemicals” Used in Fracking Threaten Groundwater and Health (7/22/2021)
- PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office (8/29/2020)
- Is This the End of New Pipelines? (7/9/2020)
- PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators (6/29/2020)
- YIKES! EPA Proposes Broad Science Restrictions in Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic (3/29/2020)
- America’s Radioactive Secret (2/25/2020)
- PA Wants to Allow Dumping of Toxic Drilling Waste on an Unpaved Road Near You (11/13/2019)
- Loopholes for Polluters (10/14/2019)
- PA Oil & Gas Waste Report: 9,300,000,000 Gallons of Death (9/24/2019)
- Bait & Switch: DRBC Approves LNG Port in Gibbstown, NJ (8/10/2019)
- Still Wasting Away – Frack Waste is a BIG Problem (7/11/2019)
- International Human Rights Court Recommends Worldwide Frac Ban (4/5/2019)
- Our Dirt Roads: Dump Sites For Oil & Gas Well Wastewater? (3/24/2019)
- Is Drilling and Fracking Waste on Your Sidewalk or in Your Pool? (2/22/2019)
- Worries Growing About Dangers Oil Field Workers Face (2/18/2019)
- Unbelievable! PA DEP Sues Towns in Favor of Frackers (4/10/2017)
- Tell the PA Attorney General to Investigate the DEP (3/21/2017)
- Damascus Citizens Reviewing Pond Eddy Bridge Permits, Process (8/17/2016)
- Scientists Find Fracking Contaminated Wyoming Water After EPA Halted Study (4/14/2016)
- Is the IOGCC, Created by Congress in 1935, Now a Secret Oil and Gas Lobby? (4/12/2016)
- Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes (3/31/2016)
- Community Groups Voice Opposition to Millennium Pipeline Compressor (2/23/2016)
- PA Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported (2/21/2016)
- Living in the Shadow of Danger (1/29/2016)
- Commission Passes First Countywide Ban on Oil and Gas Waste in West Virginia (1/15/2016)
- Obama Signs Exxon-, Koch-Backed Bill Expediting Pipeline Permits (1/4/2016)
- EPA Finding on Fracking's Water Pollution Disputed by Its Own Scientists (11/25/2015)
- Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (10/7/2015)
- Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded (10/4/2015)
- Gas Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (9/14/2015)
- OK Court Rules Homeowners Can Sue Oil Companies Over Quakes (7/3/2015)
- PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity (6/23/2015)
- Widespread and Systemic Contamination Found – at the EPA (6/16/2015)
- New Look at BTEX: Are Ambient Levels a Problem? (5/8/2015)
- EPA Loophole Allows Streams of Wastewater in Wyoming (4/19/2015)
- Will the Home of Fracking Bonanza Turn Against its Creation Next Month? (4/18/2015)
- The Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma's Quakes Keeps Getting Stronger (4/9/2015)
- PA DEP Omits 1,000's of Fracked Wells from its Required Act 13 Reporting (3/28/2015)
- Fracking Beyond the Law (1/29/2015)
- Fracking Fumes: Where There's a Well, All is Not Well (12/23/2014)
- PA Studies on Shale-Site Air Emissions Incomplete (10/25/2014)
- PA DEP Admits Drilling Probe Error in Range Inquiry (10/17/2014)
- Groups Condemn Federal Ruling on Cove Point LNG Export Facility (10/6/2014)
- Cuomo's Fracking Investment Scandal (8/6/2014)
- Audit Blasts PA DEP's Handling of Gas-Well Industry (8/3/2014)
- Expert: PA Didn't Address Fracking Health Impacts (7/14/2014)
- Fla. DEP Gives Oil Drilling Company 9 Demands (7/11/2014)
- It’s Boom and Bust for Federal Well Inspections (6/17/2014)
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Waste Disposal Company and Owner (6/15/2014)
- Federal Court Rules FERC Violated Federal Law When Issued Approvals for NEUP Pipeline Project (6/7/2014)
- Petition to Protect PA School Kids from Fracking (5/2/2014)
- Weak Records Cited on PA Shale Pollution (4/4/2014)
- Gas patch jobs: not all they're cracked up to be (3/3/2014)
- 1,000+ Health Care Professionals Call on President Obama to Halt Fracking (2/21/2014)
- Environmental Group Warns of Fracking Waste on NY Roads (12/6/2013)
- Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream (10/4/2013)
- Reckless Endangerment while Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale (9/19/2013)
Regulatory Reports / Studies
- DCS Supports RGGI with a Powerful Amicus (9/16/2024)
- Campaign for a Safe and Healthy CA Scores Big Win Against Big Oil (7/10/2024)
- Biden Hits Pause on Natural Gas Projects Amid Plans for Carbon ‘Mega Bombs’ (1/27/2024)
- Should Toxic Gas Drilling Waste Be Spread on PA Roads? (1/10/2024)
- NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act (12/27/2023)
- DCS Comments at Nov. 13 DRBC Hearing on Rule Changes (11/14/2023)
- Say NO to DRBC Rule Changes that Threaten Public Input (11/7/2023)
- DCS Opposes Proposed Injection Well in Fayette Co., PA (7/29/2023)
- When We Need a Lawyer to Get the Job Done (5/14/2023)
- How Niggling About a Definition Kept Poison Out of Your Backyard (5/13/2023)
- A Remarkable DCS Accomplishment Related to the Whole Delaware Basin (5/1/2023)
- Agency Clarifies Frack Waste Ban in Delaware River Watershed (4/30/2023)
- Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin (12/1/2022)
- DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY (11/22/2022)
- Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste (9/21/2022)
- Court Upholds DRBC Fracking Ban (9/19/2022)
- Stop LNG by Rail (3/22/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules (1/26/2022)
- YOUR Comments to the DRBC Needed to Keep Frack Waste Out of the Basin (12/11/2021)
- DRBC Proposed Regulations Don’t Approach a FULL BAN on Fracking! (10/29/2021)
- NY DEC Denies Permit for Danskammer Power Plant near Newburgh (10/28/2021)
- Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking (9/14/2021)
- DC Circuit Rejects FERC Approval of Existing Spire Gas Pipeline (6/26/2021)
- US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands (6/24/2021)
- The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About (3/9/2021)
- Delaware River Basin Commission Votes to BAN Fracking in the Watershed (2/25/2021)
- Historic Event? DRBC Could Determine the Fate of the Delaware River Watershed Feb. 25 (2/19/2021)
- The Game-Changing Biden Order You Haven’t Heard About (1/25/2021)
- Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021 (6/26/2020)
- NJ Turns Down Permits for Proposed 120-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline (10/18/2019)
- New Jersey Rejects Transco NESE Pipeline Under Raritan Bay (6/7/2019)
- Join Us June 12 to Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking NOW! (5/31/2019)
- New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future (5/22/2019)
- Environmental Leaders Applaud Delaware River Governors (5/20/2019)
- Governors Join Murphy in Support of Full Fracking Ban in Delaware River Basin (5/17/2019)
- Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard (11/7/2018)
- Twelve NY counties ban fracking wastes (5/16/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- Carlucci urges fracking study after PA visit (4/29/2013)
- Colorado 'promotes' natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River (4/26/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- The Crisis in Oil and Gas Regulatory Enforcement (11/20/2012)
- Local Governments: Rights and Powers Review (3/3/2012)
- Report Government Fraud (12/18/2011)
- Delaware RiverKeeper, et al File Lawsuit (8/16/2011)
- Health Secretary Wants Tabs on Shale: Seeks More Resources to See if Gas Drilling Poses a Health Risk (6/18/2011)
- New York Attorney General Files Suit Against Federal Agencies (6/1/2011)
- Regulation Is Lax for Water from Gas Wells (2/26/2011)
- Hinchey, Holt Urge DRBC to Suspend Hydrofracking Rulemaking Process (2/2/2011)
- Drillers Defend Injecting Diesel into the Ground (2/1/2011)
- Waxman, Markey, and DeGette Investigation Finds Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids (1/31/2011)
- Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling (12/6/2010)
- NY DEC Information Requests (9/16/2010)
- Former Oil and Gas Producer Tells NYS to "scrap proposed DEC regulations"…wait for EPA to issue its new guidelines (7/25/2010)
- As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns (6/12/2010)
- Drilling Around the Law (1/20/2010)
- NYS Conference of Environmental Health Directors: Comments on dSGEIS (12/30/2009)
- NYS Department of Health Addresses Concerns on NYS DEC dSGEIS (7/21/2009)
- Energy Industry Sways Congress With Misleading Data (7/8/2009)
- Of Hydraulic Fracturing and Drinking Water (7/1/2009)
- Natural Gas Politics (5/28/2009)
- "Clean" Energy and Poisoned Water (5/27/2009)
- Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements (1/26/2009)
- How Exxon Is Being Forced To Accept The Reality Of Bad Fossil Fuel Investments (3/3/2021)
- Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA (10/12/2020)
- Poll Says Pennsylvanians Support More Regulations on Fracking (9/11/2020)
- Irish Draft Programme for Government Includes a Green New Deal and a Ban on Fracked Gas Imports (6/27/2020)
- Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021 (6/26/2020)
- Solar Panels are More Efficient Than You’ve Heard (5/18/2020)
- NJ Turns Down Permits for Proposed 120-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline (10/18/2019)
- 3 Years Left to Turn the Corner on Global Warming (7/2/2017)
- NYS Model Solar Energy Law (8/26/2016)
- March for Clean Energy July 24! (7/5/2016)
- New Film by Josh Fox at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, June 25 (6/19/2016)
- Cuomo Nixes Port Ambrose, Proposed Natural Gas Terminal Off Jones Beach (11/14/2015)
- Fossil Fuels Losing Cost Advantage Over Solar, Wind (9/6/2015)
- Fossil Fuel Industry Must 'Implode' to Avoid Climate Disaster (7/20/2015)
- NYC Moves to Power 100% of City Government From Renewables (7/15/2015)
- Why This Tea Party Leader Is Seeing Green on Solar Energy (4/8/2015)
- Denmark Leads the Charge in Renewable Energy (11/17/2014)
- PA Seeks Applications for Renewable Energy Projects (8/8/2014)
- Massachusetts Grants $3.5 Million to Renewable Thermal Industry (8/2/2014)
- Renewable Heat NY Funds 18 Woody Biomass Projects (7/31/2014)
- Alliance for Green Heat submits comments on EPA heating rules (5/10/2014)
- MA Has Double the Jobs in Clean Energy That PA Has in Natural Gas (2/18/2014)
- A Talk On Renewable Energy in NYC (1/13/2014)
- Soda-Can Furnaces Powered by Solar Energy Heat Denver Neighborhood (1/13/2014)
- Major Solar Energy Plan for MN Wins Support Over Gas (1/3/2014)
- Renewables Becoming The Norm In Germany (11/21/2013)
- American Clean Energy Agenda (7/5/2013)
- Thousands Rally in Albany Against Fracking and For Renewables (6/19/2013)
- Britain Could Save $150 Billion by Investing in Clean Energy (5/29/2013)
- Renewable New York by 2030 (5/2/2013)
- NY State Can Rid Itself of Fossil Fuel in the Near Future (3/12/2013)
Rural Economies
- Ezell: Food and Theatre at Willow Wisp Farm June 3 to 5 (5/29/2022)
- How the Salvation of NYC Drinking Water Can Be a Model for Saving the Planet (3/19/2021)
- Propane Storage Facility Rejected by NY DEC (7/15/2018)
- Terry Greenwood Dies of Brain Cancer After Years of Fighting Fracking (12/5/2014)
- Chesapeake Energy’s $5 Billion Shuffle (3/13/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- Who Pays the Cost of Fracking? (11/3/2013)
- Caught in the Drill Zone (7/21/2013)
- NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest (4/24/2013)
- You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (4/22/2013)
- Research Shows that Fracking is Shrinking the PA Dairy Industry (4/19/2013)
- Booms and Busts: The Impact of West Virginia's Energy Economy (1/29/2013)
- Blockade at PA Fracking Site Highlights Risks to Farms and Food (1/28/2013)
- Fracking Our Food Supply (12/18/2012)
- Fracking Fears Hurt Second-Home Sales in Catskills (10/1/2012)
- Study Examines Ownership, Control of Land with Marcellus Shale Gas (7/27/2012)
- PASA Asserts its Position in Favor of a Moratorium on Unconventional Gas Extraction (6/12/2012)
- Experts: Shale Gas Drilling's Liabilities Far Outweigh Potential Economic Benefits (4/30/2012)
- Impacts from Hydraulic Fracturing by Headwaters Economics (4/26/2012)
- DCS Letter to the Army Corps of Engineers Questions the Ecomomic Benefits of Fracking (4/19/2012)
- Hydraulic Fracturing a Danger to Water, Food, Farmland (2/29/2012)
- Analysis of leased land in Damascus Township, Wayne County, PA (1/3/2012)
- Drilling Down: Protecting Western Communities from the Health and Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Production (1/2/2012)
- Hunt for Gas Hits Fragile Soil, and South Africans Fear Risks (12/30/2011)
- Oil giant’s shell game nets elderly farmers (12/28/2011)
- Impact on Housing in Appalachian Pennsylvania as a Result of Marcellus Shale (11/23/2011)
- Overestimation of benefits from shale gas drilling and underestimation of its historic costs (10/6/2011)
- Shale Reserve Estimate Slashed (8/24/2011)
- Hydrofracking a Boom-bust Endeavor (8/14/2011)
- Worst Drought in More Than a Century Strikes Texas Oil Boom (6/13/2011)
- Socioeconomic Value of the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (5/25/2011)
- Local Experiences Related to the Marcellus Shale Industry (5/10/2011)
- Reducing The Staggering Costs Of Environmental Disease In Children, Estimated At $76.6 Billion In 2008 (5/9/2011)
- Houses for Shale (6/5/2010)
- Gas Riches Entice New Yorkers into Risking Poisoned Water (5/20/2010)
- Unanswered Questions About The Economic Impact of Gas Drilling In the Marcellus Shale: (3/27/2010)
- Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use (10/1/2009)
- Private Profit, Public Loss (7/22/2009)
- Oil and Gas Drilling Rig Hazards (7/1/2009)
- Hancock and the Marcellus Shale: Gas Extraction Along the Upper Delaware (4/15/2009)
- Local Boards of Health Have Considerable Powers in New York State (1/5/2009)
- Small Town, Big Changes (10/22/2008)
- Get Poor Slow (2/4/2008)
- Disposable workers of the oil and gas fields (4/2/2007)
Secrecy / NDAs
- Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking (9/11/2018)
- Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA (1/24/2017)
- What Frackers Say Behind Closed Doors (8/3/2016)
- PA Fracker Can't Keep Pollution Tests From Residents (2/5/2016)
- CA to Investigate Whether Exxon Mobil Lied About Climate-Change Risks (1/22/2016)
- Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by NY Attorney General (11/7/2015)
- Fossil Fuel Companies Risk Plague of Lawsuits (11/5/2015)
- New Information Surfaces in Washington County Water Well Contamination Complaint (10/20/2015)
- Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded (10/4/2015)
- The Climate Deception Dossiers (8/5/2015)
- Sing for the Silenced (7/14/2015)
- WY Court Rejects Fracking Industry Argument to Withhold Chemicals As Trade Secrets (3/14/2014)
- Known Risks in LPG Caverns Hidden from Public (10/17/2013)
- Drillers Silence Fracking Claims With Sealed Settlements (6/10/2013)
- Colorado Docs Chafe at Secrecy Oath Needed for Access to Chemical List (3/20/2013)
- Chesapeake to Pay $1.6 Million for Contaminating Water Wells in Bradford County (6/25/2012)
- How the Fracking Industry Keeps its Secrets (6/15/2012)
- SRBC Is Pushed by DCS to Acknowledge Its Responsibility for Water Quality and Has New Meeting Rules (3/12/2012)
- Successful Anti-Fracking Organization Damascus Citizens for Sustainability Embarks on New Legal Fight to Save Rivers (3/1/2012)
- Citizen Group Takes Action to Force Interstate Body to Show it is Protecting the Vital Water Resources of PA, NY State and MD from Fracking (3/1/2012)
Take Action
- What Do I Write in a Comment About FIMFO? (2/4/2025)
- Tell Your Representatives How You Feel About the SF Bridge and FIMFO (1/30/2025)
- Get YOUR FIMFO Comments In – Comment Period Extended (1/28/2025)
- Advocacy Day, Jan. 28, to Reduce Plastic Waste in NYS (12/3/2024)
- PennDOT Plans to Dismantle Skinners Falls Bridge (11/10/2024)
- NO Incinerator for the Catskills! (9/14/2024)
- Save the Date: Rare DRBC Meeting Wed. June 5 in Narrowsburg, NY (5/19/2024)
- How WE Can Save the Skinners Falls Bridge (4/26/2024)
- DCS is at WORK for and with YOU! (12/10/2023)
- Say NO to DRBC Rule Changes that Threaten Public Input (11/7/2023)
- Pennsylvania Climate Convergence, October 1 – 2 (9/30/2023)
- Community Members Rally to End Fossil Fuels (9/18/2023)
- March to End Fossil Fuels 9/17 (9/10/2023)
- Are You Registered to VOTE? DCS Makes it EASY! (8/5/2023)
- Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin (12/1/2022)
- DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY (11/22/2022)
- Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste (9/21/2022)
- Latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules (1/26/2022)
- DCS is Fighting to Save a Treasure! (1/2/2022)
- Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22! (12/3/2021)
- DRBC Proposed Regulations Don’t Approach a FULL BAN on Fracking! (10/29/2021)
- Update on the Skinners Falls Bridge Project (10/12/2021)
- Ed Wesely’s Comment to PennDOT on the Skinners Falls Bridge (4/15/2021)
- YOU Can Be a Consulting Party for the Skinners Falls Bridge Project (4/14/2021)
- Why DCS is Getting Involved in the Skinners Falls Bridge Issue (4/13/2021)
- UDC Endorses Rehabilitation of Skinners Falls Bridge (4/5/2021)
- The Even More Game-Changing Biden Order You’ve Never Heard About (3/9/2021)
- Josh Fox Says: Help DCS Fight for You (12/6/2020)
- Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes (12/5/2020)
- DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (9/5/2020)
- DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information (8/31/2020)
- PA Governor Wolf Vetoes Natural Gas Tax-Break Bill (3/30/2020)
- YIKES! EPA Proposes Broad Science Restrictions in Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic (3/29/2020)
- Help DCS Do More in 2020 (12/6/2019)
- Proposed Battery Recycling Facility in Endicott, NY a Hazard (12/3/2019)
- The DRBC Must Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin NOW! (10/15/2019)
- Join Us June 12 to Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking NOW! (5/31/2019)
- Help Ban Fracking in the Basin in 2019 (12/12/2018)
- Join Us 8/26 to Demand Fracking Ban in the DRB (8/19/2018)
- Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin (1/27/2018)
- Help Save the Delaware River Basin (12/17/2017)
- YOUR Help Needed to Permanently Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/2/2017)
- Tell Your Governor: Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (8/1/2017)
- Fracked Gas Exposes Families in PA and NY to Radioactivity (6/23/2017)
- Tell the PA Attorney General to Investigate the DEP (3/21/2017)
- Join the Global Movement for Fossil Fuel Divestment (2/24/2017)
- Tell the DRBC to Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin (12/11/2016)
- Tell the EPA to Tell the Truth About Fracking (12/1/2016)
- Don't Allow the Industry to Park Crude Oil Barges on the Hudson (11/22/2016)
- Opinion: The Sun Sets on Western Slope Farms (10/20/2016)
- Help Save Colorado's North Fork Valley (9/23/2016)
- Help Stop the Brookman Corners Compressor Station (9/8/2016)
- Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station (8/30/2016)
- Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits (8/20/2016)
- March for Clean Energy July 24! (7/5/2016)
- New Film by Josh Fox at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, June 25 (6/19/2016)
- Keep Frack Waste Out of New York City (6/5/2016)
- YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED for New PA Oil and Gas Regulations (5/31/2016)
- Stop the Seneca Lake Gas Storage Project (5/13/2016)
- Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (4/13/2016)
- Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure (11/17/2015)
- Tell Your Rep. to Ban Frack Waste in NJ (11/17/2015)
- Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (8/31/2015)
- Sing for the Silenced (7/14/2015)
- NYC Residents: Is There Radon in Your Kitchen? (3/14/2015)
- Rally to Stop TPP – NYC, Jan. 26 (1/22/2015)
- Season's Greetings – A Poem (12/23/2014)
- Vote on Election Day – Nov 4 (10/22/2014)
- Tell your NJ State Senator to Ban Frack Waste! (10/21/2014)
- DCS Letter to Susan G. Komen re: Fracking (10/11/2014)
- Town of Delaware Methane Baseline Study (7/30/2014)
- NYers: Protect Your Family from Radon in Natural Gas (6/11/2014)
- Petition to Protect PA School Kids from Fracking (5/2/2014)
- Stop the Cove Point LNG Export Facility (4/9/2014)
- Your Pictures Can Help Keep the Delaware River Watershed Frack-Free (11/19/2013)
- 3 Current Risks from Fracking (10/19/2013)
- Opposition to PA HB 1576 Grows (9/28/2013)
- PA Senate Bill 1100: A Moratorium on New Permits for Fracking (9/22/2013)
- Tell the EPA to Investigate Fracking-Related Water Contamination (9/21/2013)
- Attend a Deborah Rogers presentation on 'Frackonomics' (9/8/2013)
- Petition: Reopen EPA Investigations into Fracking-Related Water Contamination (8/30/2013)
- Protest Minisink Compressor Station (7/20/2013)
- The Dust Bowl and the Spectra Pipeline (6/11/2013)
- Make a Call to Your PA Senator to Support a Fracking Moratorium (6/3/2013)
- Write Gov. Cuomo (5/13/2013)
- Renewable New York by 2030 (5/2/2013)
- Call NY Gov. Cuomo and Tell Him to Ban Fracking Now (1/28/2013)
- Sandra Steingraber: Next 12 Steps to Stop Fracking in New York (1/28/2013)
- Divesting from Fossil Fuels (1/24/2013)
- More NYS DEC Comment Tools (1/7/2013)
- Send Your Comments to DEC About Their Fracking Regulations! (12/13/2012)
- Sign this Petition to Demand that Governor Cuomo Insist on a Real Environmental Review (7/4/2012)
- STOP Cuomo's Plan to Drill 5 Southern Tier Counties – Call, Fax or Email (6/25/2012)
- Add Your Name to the Letter to NY City Council Speaker Quinn Re: Radon in Marcellus Gas (6/12/2012)
- Add Your Name to Our Mother’s Day Letter to Michelle Obama (5/14/2012)
- DCS Urges YOU to Contact President Obama (1/31/2012)
- DCS's Letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu (1/31/2012)
- EPA creates tipline for reports of suspicious gas drilling activities (1/26/2010)
Toxic Chemicals
- Bomb Trains Along the Delaware River? (2/19/2024)
- NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act (12/27/2023)
- An Impending Mess: DRBC and the Media Spin the New Fracking Rules (12/12/2022)
- WTF? Loopholes in DRBC Fracking Rules Put Us at Risk (12/8/2022)
- As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health (12/2/2022)
- DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY (11/22/2022)
- The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants (11/18/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics (11/8/2021)
- How Oil & Gas Industry Eliminated Restrictions on the Disposal of Wastewater on PA Roads (10/24/2021)
- “Forever Chemicals” Used in Fracking Threaten Groundwater and Health (7/22/2021)
- Fracking: The Stress of Being Surrounded (3/7/2021)
- Harmful Chemicals and Unknowns Haunt Pennsylvanians Surrounded by Fracking (3/2/2021)
- PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators (6/29/2020)
- Loopholes for Polluters (10/14/2019)
- Babies Born Near Oil and Gas Wells Are Up to 70% More Likely to Have Congenital Heart Defects (7/22/2019)
- PA Attorney General to Investigate Landfill Runoff Problems in Westmoreland County (5/26/2019)
- Is Drilling and Fracking Waste on Your Sidewalk or in Your Pool? (2/22/2019)
- Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard (11/7/2018)
- The Fracking Industry’s Water Nightmare (9/25/2018)
- Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking (9/11/2018)
- High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites (7/3/2016)
- PA Study Links Fracking to Health Hazards in Fetuses, Infants, and Young Children (8/17/2015)
- New Look at BTEX: Are Ambient Levels a Problem? (5/8/2015)
- Theo Colborn’s Legacy Will Be Kept Alive By TEDX (4/22/2015)
- EPA Loophole Allows Streams of Wastewater in Wyoming (4/19/2015)
- Fracking Beyond the Law (1/29/2015)
- Fracking Fumes: Where There's a Well, All is Not Well (12/23/2014)
- Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing (10/13/2014)
- Proposed Monaca, PA Chemical Plant Threatens Residents (9/18/2014)
- Fracking Workers Exposed to Dangerous Amounts of Benzene (9/17/2014)
- More evidence: Gas drilling GHG emissions vastly exceed government estimates (5/10/2014)
- Environmental Group Warns of Fracking Waste on NY Roads (12/6/2013)
- Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away (11/13/2013)
- Study reports VOC-polluted air, health problems related to hydrocarbon development (10/28/2013)
- Contaminants Highest Near Natural Gas Drilling (7/30/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Oilsands Contaminants Travel Further than Expected (11/17/2012)
- PA Farmers Speak Out Against Fracking (5/7/2012)
- Chemicals in my Water in Drilling Area (2/29/2012)
- Toxicological Analysis of Ohio Brines (2/17/2012)
- Toxic Chemicals Released During Oil and Gas Operations (1/4/2012)
- Hydrogen Sulfide (12/14/2011)
- Pa. Well Blowout Tests Natural Gas Industry on Voluntary Fracking Disclosure (5/4/2011)
- Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing (4/7/2011)
- Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment (3/30/2011)
- Hinchey, Holt Urge DRBC to Suspend Hydrofracking Rulemaking Process (2/2/2011)
- Drillers Defend Injecting Diesel into the Ground (2/1/2011)
- Gas Drilling Technique is Labeled Violation (1/31/2011)
- Waxman, Markey, and DeGette Investigation Finds Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids (1/31/2011)
- Chemical and Biological Risk Assessment for Natural Gas Extraction in New York (1/21/2011)
- Carginogen from gas compressor stations being monitored (10/3/2010)
- The Whole Fracking Enchilada (10/1/2010)
- Natural Gas Operations From a Public Health Perspective (9/10/2010)
- Fracking for nonattainment: Eagle Ford Shale and formaldehyde levels (8/19/2010)
- Natural Gas "Fracking" Threatens National Water Supply, Human Health (7/17/2010)
- Natural Gas No Quick Fix for U.S. Energy Woes (7/16/2010)
- Concerns Spread Over Environmental Costs of Producing Shale Gas (7/11/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/23/2010)
- Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With 'Gasland' Director Josh Fox (6/19/2010)
- Gas Pains (6/1/2010)
- PA Lawsuit Says Drilling Polluted Water (11/11/2009)
- Of Hydraulic Fracturing and Drinking Water (7/1/2009)
- PA Says Natgas Drilling Risks Inevitable (3/22/2009)
- U.S. Gas Drilling Boom Stirs Water Worries (2/27/2009)
- Products and Chemicals Used in Fracturing (2/2/2009)
- Mixing Gas and Water: Drilling in the City's Watershed (1/14/2009)
- TEDX to NYC Council: "The western experience should be taken seriously by those in the East" (9/9/2008)
- Hydrogen Sulfide, Oil and Gas, and People's Health (5/19/2006)
- Video Makes Visible CA’s Unseen Natural Gas Disaster (12/31/2015)
- What Are Gas Drilling Jobs Really Like? (10/14/2015)
- Jerusalem Sung To Honour Those Harmed in PA by Fracking (8/12/2013)
- Jessica Ernst, The Consequences of Fracking (1/21/2013)
- Former Gas Industry Worker Blows the Whistle (12/26/2012)
- Protect Our Water Before It's Too Late (8/22/2012)
- Truck Driver Blows the Whistle on Gas Industry (7/19/2012)
- Frack Truck Convoys (1/3/2012)
- Fracking: Lessons from Wyoming (1/2/2012)
- Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Quality (7/14/2011)
- Hydraulic Fracturing and Air Quality (7/14/2011)
- As Regulators Weigh Drilling in Marcellus Shale, EPA Opens Public Hearings on Health and Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (9/14/2010)
- Josh Fox on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (6/22/2010)
- Josh Fox Discusses "Gasland" on PBS (3/26/2010)
Waste and Disposal
- Advocacy Day, Jan. 28, to Reduce Plastic Waste in NYS (12/3/2024)
- Let’s Achieve Zero Waste AND Zero Plastic (11/1/2024)
- NO Incinerator for the Catskills! (9/14/2024)
- Dumped On: Do YOU Live in a DEP Disposal Facility? (5/18/2024)
- Should Toxic Gas Drilling Waste Be Spread on PA Roads? (1/10/2024)
- Take A Deep Breath! Now Think What You Just Inhaled. If You Live Along A Dirt Road You Could Be Inhaling Oil & Gas Wastewater. (8/3/2023)
- DCS Opposes Proposed Injection Well in Fayette Co., PA (7/29/2023)
- When We Need a Lawyer to Get the Job Done (5/14/2023)
- How Niggling About a Definition Kept Poison Out of Your Backyard (5/13/2023)
- A Remarkable DCS Accomplishment Related to the Whole Delaware Basin (5/1/2023)
- Agency Clarifies Frack Waste Ban in Delaware River Watershed (4/30/2023)
- DCS Requests Court to Void DRBC Wastewater Exemptions (1/11/2023)
- Riverfest 2022 – July 24 in Narrowsburg, NY (7/20/2022)
- DEP Advises 18 Municipalities: Road Dumping of Drilling Waste is Illegal And Considered Waste Disposal (6/13/2022)
- Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air (5/6/2022)
- Radioactivity Levels Found Outside Ohio Oilfield Waste Facility Called ‘Excessive’ (4/30/2022)
- Latest Penn State Report On Environmental Impact Of Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater Will Have ‘Immediate,’ ‘Large,’ ‘Intense’ Impact (4/29/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules (1/26/2022)
- YOUR Comments to the DRBC Needed to Keep Frack Waste Out of the Basin (12/11/2021)
- Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater Is Tearing Apart Dirt Roads & Creating Environmental Hazards (11/20/2021)
- How Oil & Gas Industry Eliminated Restrictions on the Disposal of Wastewater on PA Roads (10/24/2021)
- Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking (9/14/2021)
- Tell PA DEP: Ban Road Spreading of Drilling Waste (9/8/2021)
- Radioactivity in Fracking! Too Hot to Handle – Webinar (9/4/2021)
- Penn State: Frack Wastewater IS Toxic! – & on YOUR Road? (8/16/2021)
- Fracking Wastewater is Radioactive (6/18/2021)
- NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous (8/25/2020)
- America’s Radioactive Secret (2/25/2020)
- Proposed Battery Recycling Facility in Endicott, NY a Hazard (12/3/2019)
- PA Wants to Allow Dumping of Toxic Drilling Waste on an Unpaved Road Near You (11/13/2019)
- PA Oil & Gas Waste Report: 9,300,000,000 Gallons of Death (9/24/2019)
- Still Wasting Away – Frack Waste is a BIG Problem (7/11/2019)
- Tell PA DEP: Deny Elcon’s Hazardous Waste Permit Application (7/1/2019)
- Toxic Frack Waste Damages Sewage Treatment Plant, Contaminates River (5/26/2019)
- PA Attorney General to Investigate Landfill Runoff Problems in Westmoreland County (5/26/2019)
- Our Dirt Roads: Dump Sites For Oil & Gas Well Wastewater? (3/24/2019)
- Is Drilling and Fracking Waste on Your Sidewalk or in Your Pool? (2/22/2019)
- Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard (11/7/2018)
- The Fracking Industry’s Water Nightmare (9/25/2018)
- Against Fracking in the DRB and the Proposed PennEast Pipeline (6/13/2018)
- Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin (1/27/2018)
- Unbelievable! PA DEP Sues Towns in Favor of Frackers (4/10/2017)
- Amish Oppose Use of Drilling 'Brine' Wastewater on Roads (11/2/2016)
- Series of Texas Quakes Likely Triggered by Oil and Gas Industry Activity (9/24/2016)
- NYC Bans Use and Disposal of Fracking Waste Water (8/18/2016)
- Keep Frack Waste Out of New York City (6/5/2016)
- Commission Passes First Countywide Ban on Oil and Gas Waste in West Virginia (1/15/2016)
- Tell Your Rep. to Ban Frack Waste in NJ (11/17/2015)
- OK Court Rules Homeowners Can Sue Oil Companies Over Quakes (7/3/2015)
- PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity (6/23/2015)
- EPA Loophole Allows Streams of Wastewater in Wyoming (4/19/2015)
- The Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma's Quakes Keeps Getting Stronger (4/9/2015)
- Radioactivity in Gas Drilling Waste (12/10/2014)
- Mt. Pleasant Family Takes Range Resources to Court (12/2/2014)
- Tell your NJ State Senator to Ban Frack Waste! (10/21/2014)
- Time is Short to Avert Shale Industry’s Imminent Radioactive Dilemma (8/29/2014)
- Gov. Malloy Signs Fracking Waste Moratorium (6/18/2014)
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Waste Disposal Company and Owner (6/15/2014)
- Low Levels of Fracking Wastewater Highly Toxic to Mayflies (12/20/2013)
- Impacts of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western PA (12/20/2013)
- Wastewater Case Raises the Concept of Underground Trespassing (12/8/2013)
- Radioactive Wastewater From Fracking Found in PA Stream (10/4/2013)
- NY Imports PA’s Radioactive Fracking Waste (8/16/2013)
- Feds Sue Exxon for Polluting PA Drinking Water with Toxic Fracking Waste (7/26/2013)
- EPA to Allow Consumption of Toxic Fracking Wastewater by Wildlife and Livestock (7/17/2013)
- Scrap Frack Pipe is Potentially Explosive (7/2/2013)
- Natural Gas Waste Hauler Raided (5/30/2013)
- Transportation of Fracking Waste Could Endanger NYC Water Supply (5/9/2013)
- Radiation in Fracking Wastewater (1/29/2013)
- Injection Wells: The Hidden Risks of Pumping Waste Underground (6/23/2012)
- Toxicological Analysis of Ohio Brines (2/17/2012)
- Radioactive Waste Management Associates (12/16/2011)
- Comments on Proposed DEC Regulations Marcellus Shale Development (10/15/2011)
- Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment (3/30/2011)
- Pa. allows dumping of tainted waters from gas boom (1/3/2011)
- Natural Gas No Quick Fix for U.S. Energy Woes (7/16/2010)
- With Natural Gas Drilling Boom, Pennsylvania Faces Flood of Wastewater (10/5/2009)
- Drilling and Production Pits (1/17/2006)
Water Contamination
- 3 Farmers, 2 Generations, 1 Perspective (7/13/2024)
- As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health (12/2/2022)
- Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin (12/1/2022)
- The EPA Must Act to Protect Us from Chemical Pollutants (11/18/2022)
- Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste (9/21/2022)
- In Honor and Memory of Randy Moyers (8/6/2022)
- Study Links Fracking, Drinking Water Pollution, and Infant Health (5/3/2022)
- Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin? WHAT? (2/16/2022)
- Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition to DRBC: Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking (9/14/2021)
- Water is Life: Don’t Waste it on Fracking – Webinar (9/8/2021)
- “Forever Chemicals” Used in Fracking Threaten Groundwater and Health (7/22/2021)
- US District Court Rules that DRBC Fracking Ban Stands (6/24/2021)
- How the Salvation of NYC Drinking Water Can Be a Model for Saving the Planet (3/19/2021)
- PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office (8/29/2020)
- PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators (6/29/2020)
- Tell PA DEP: Deny Elcon’s Hazardous Waste Permit Application (7/1/2019)
- Toxic Frack Waste Damages Sewage Treatment Plant, Contaminates River (5/26/2019)
- PA Attorney General to Investigate Landfill Runoff Problems in Westmoreland County (5/26/2019)
- New York Rejects Keystone-Like Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over the State’s Energy Future (5/22/2019)
- NJ Gov. Murphy Says NO to Fracking! (1/30/2019)
- Anticipatory Nuisance Claim Allowed Against Frac Sand Mine (11/12/2018)
- Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard (11/7/2018)
- The Fracking Industry’s Water Nightmare (9/25/2018)
- Against Fracking in the DRB and the Proposed PennEast Pipeline (6/13/2018)
- Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin (1/27/2018)
- Constitution Pipeline in NY Rejected by Court (8/18/2017)
- Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA (1/24/2017)
- Fracking Contamination Case Can Go to Trial (1/4/2017)
- EPA Retracts Conclusion of "No Widespread or Systemic" Risk from Fracking (12/13/2016)
- Tell the EPA to Tell the Truth About Fracking (12/1/2016)
- Judge Blocks Central California Oil Development Over Fracking (9/13/2016)
- DCS and the EPA's Fracking Study – What Have We Been Up To? (8/24/2016)
- Media Silent as Native Americans Successfully Halt Construction on Oil Pipeline (8/22/2016)
- Potential Impacts of Fracking on Drinking Water Resources (EPA Study) (8/11/2016)
- High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites (7/3/2016)
- Scientists Find Fracking Contaminated Wyoming Water After EPA Halted Study (4/14/2016)
- Scientists Slam EPA For “Walking Away” From Fracking Pollution Study (4/7/2016)
- Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes (3/31/2016)
- Driller Must Pay for Dimock, PA, Contamination (3/10/2016)
- PA Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported (2/21/2016)
- Study: Fracking Lowers Home Values by $30K (1/2/2016)
- EPA Finding on Fracking's Water Pollution Disputed by Its Own Scientists (11/25/2015)
- Groundwater Not as Renewable as Thought (11/23/2015)
- New Information Surfaces in Washington County Water Well Contamination Complaint (10/20/2015)
- Study Links Foam in Water Wells to Shale Well Sites (10/6/2015)
- Fracking Chemicals Detected in PA Drinking Water (10/5/2015)
- Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded (10/4/2015)
- Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline! (8/31/2015)
- PA DEP Reaches Penalty Agreements with 3 Natural Gas Exploration Companies (8/26/2015)
- PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity (6/23/2015)
- Widespread and Systemic Contamination Found – at the EPA (6/16/2015)
- The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here (6/1/2015)
- Evaluating a Groundwater Supply Contamination Incident Attributed to Marcellus Shale Gas Development (5/12/2015)
- Pipeline Company Gives Up On Cleaning Its Oil Spill (2/12/2015)
- Health Impacts of Fracking (2/6/2015)
- Fracking Beyond the Law (1/29/2015)
- Cuomo to Ban Fracking in NY State, Citing Health Risks (12/17/2014)
- Terry Greenwood Dies of Brain Cancer After Years of Fighting Fracking (12/5/2014)
- Mt. Pleasant Family Takes Range Resources to Court (12/2/2014)
- New Tracers Can Identify Fracking Fluids in the Environment (11/19/2014)
- PA DEP Admits Drilling Probe Error in Range Inquiry (10/17/2014)
- The Road to Damascus (9/25/2014)
- PA: Fracking Waste Tainted Groundwater, Soil at 3 Sites (8/8/2014)
- Audit Blasts PA DEP's Handling of Gas-Well Industry (8/3/2014)
- Health Professionals Release Major Scientific Document on Fracking (7/13/2014)
- Tests Prove Fracking to Blame for Flaming Parker County Wells (6/8/2014)
- Couple Sues Ohio to Stop Fracking Beneath Lake (4/11/2014)
- What the EPA Hoped You'd Miss This Holiday Season (12/30/2013)
- Chesapeake to Pay $3.2M in Water Pollution Fines (12/29/2013)
- Low Levels of Fracking Wastewater Highly Toxic to Mayflies (12/20/2013)
- Impacts of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western PA (12/20/2013)
- Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away (11/13/2013)
- Tell the EPA to Investigate Fracking-Related Water Contamination (9/21/2013)
- Censored EPA PA Fracking Water Contamination Presentation Published (8/10/2013)
- Contaminants Highest Near Natural Gas Drilling (7/30/2013)
- Drilling, Fracking Cause Concern (7/21/2013)
- Caught in the Drill Zone (7/21/2013)
- What NJ Needs to Know About Gas Drilling Along the Delaware River (7/7/2013)
- Polish Farmers Blocking Chevron (7/5/2013)
- Groundbreaking Report on Water Contamination from Fracking (6/24/2013)
- PA DEP Records Show at Least 161 Water Supplies Damaged by Drilling (5/19/2013)
- PA DEP Whitewashes Franklin Forks Water Contamination (5/2/2013)
- Carlucci urges fracking study after PA visit (4/29/2013)
- Colorado 'promotes' natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River (4/26/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Dimock Water Problems Continue After 4-plus Years (3/28/2013)
- Drilling Spills Reaching Colorado Groundwater; State Mulls Test Rules (1/8/2013)
- New Fears Over Fracking Groundwater Contamination (1/8/2013)
- How the Feds Let Industry Pollute the Nation’s Underground Water Supply (12/12/2012)
- Danger If Ohio Watershed Conservancy District Leases Reservoirs for Fracking (11/14/2012)
- Well Casing Failures Explained (11/4/2012)
- PA Representative Calls for Probe of DEP Water Testing Reports (11/3/2012)
- EPA Fracking Investigation in Wyoming Revisited After Objections (10/15/2012)
- Shell Fracks Egypt, Threatening Scarce Water Resources; Egyptians Demand Moratorium. (9/21/2012)
- New Josh Fox Video: The Sky Is Pink (6/27/2012)
- Chesapeake to Pay $1.6 Million for Contaminating Water Wells in Bradford County (6/25/2012)
- Fracking is Hardly Leakproof (6/23/2012)
- PA Farmers Speak Out Against Fracking (5/7/2012)
- Hydrogeologists say, Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in New York State and the Delaware River Basin (4/30/2012)
- The U.S. EPA Official who Oversaw the George W. Bush Administration’s 2004 Study of Hydraulic Fracturing says its Conclusions about Safety have been Exaggerated for Years. (4/29/2012)
- Toxicological Analysis of Ohio Brines (2/17/2012)
- DCS's Letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu (1/31/2012)
- Letter From Joe Levine to NYS DEC (1/29/2012)
- The Environmental Dangers of Hydro-Fracturing the Marcellus Shale (1/3/2012)
- How Fracked Gas Wells Become a Conduit of Pollution (12/12/2011)
- Feds link water contamination to fracking for the first time (12/8/2011)
- Gas Migration into the Susquehanna River and Surrounding Area . . . (11/15/2011)
- EPA Finds Compound Used in Fracking in Wyoming Aquifer (11/10/2011)
- ATSDR Leroy Township report finds elevated well water chemicals – Exact cause of elevated levels unclear (11/7/2011)
- NYC and NYS Are Nearly 7 Miles Apart on Protecting Water Supply (10/15/2011)
- Does an Old EPA Fracking Study Provide Proof of Contamination? (8/16/2011)
- Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Quality (7/14/2011)
- Duke University: Scientific Proof Drilling/Fracking Contaminates Water (5/10/2011)
- Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pennsylvania Brine Treatment (3/30/2011)
- Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspected cause of drinking water contamination (2/15/2011)
- EPA close to launching hydraulic fracturing study (2/3/2011)
- Pa. allows dumping of tainted waters from gas boom (1/3/2011)
- How Many Water Supplies Have Been Impacted by Gas Drilling? (11/16/2010)
- Philly academy study finds gas drilling threatens streams (10/12/2010)
- Feds Warn Residents Near Wyoming Gas Drilling Sites Not to Drink Their Water (9/3/2010)
- 'Fracking' yields fuel, fear in Northeast (9/3/2010)
- Natural Gas "Fracking" Threatens National Water Supply, Human Health (7/17/2010)
- Not So Fast, Natural Gas: Why Accelerating Risky Drilling Threatens America’s Water (7/14/2010)
- Concerns Spread Over Environmental Costs of Producing Shale Gas (7/11/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/23/2010)
- A Colossal Fracking Mess (6/21/2010)
- The incident at Robson well (2/4/2010)
- EPA creates tipline for reports of suspicious gas drilling activities (1/26/2010)
- Drilling Around the Law (1/20/2010)
- NYC Wants Ban on Drilling in Its Watershed (12/25/2009)
- Final Impact Assessment Report of Natural Gas Production in the New York City Water Supply Watershed (12/15/2009)
- Report: Gas Drilling Imperils Water (10/10/2009)
- Water Worries Threaten U.S. Push for Natural Gas (10/3/2009)
- Sudden Death of Ecosystem Ravages Long Creek (9/22/2009)
- Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said (8/2/2009)
- "Clean" Energy and Poisoned Water (5/27/2009)
- US Energy Future Hits Snag in Rural PA (3/15/2009)
- Gas Driller Found in Violation for 'Polluting' Ground Water (3/12/2009)
- Clean Natural Gas? Not in My Backyard (3/1/2009)
- Dimock’s Dilemma (2/13/2009)
- Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? (11/13/2008)
- Methane Increasing in Water Wells Near Silt, Rifle, Consultant Says (11/13/2008)
- Small Town, Big Changes (10/22/2008)
- Oil and Gas Pollution Fact Sheet (1/17/2006)
- PA DEP Records Show at Least 161 Water Supplies Damaged by Drilling (5/19/0201)
Water Testing
- Crucial Community Water Tests Now Taking Place (1/3/2012)
- Federal Resources (12/29/2011)
- Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspected cause of drinking water contamination (2/15/2011)
- Non-Chemical Deer Repellent (10/4/2023)
- Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics (11/8/2021)
- The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here (6/1/2015)
- Low Levels of Fracking Wastewater Highly Toxic to Mayflies (5/22/2014)
- Low Levels of Fracking Wastewater Highly Toxic to Mayflies (12/20/2013)
- Opposition to PA HB 1576 Grows (9/28/2013)
- EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline (4/23/2013)
- Hunters and Anglers are Environmentalists (10/3/2012)
- 40 Sportsmens's Groups Write to PA Governor (1/30/2012)
- Gas Pains (6/1/2010)
- Wildlife Expert Warns of Ecological Risks of Natural Gas Drilling (2/1/2009)
- Worries Growing About Dangers Oil Field Workers Face (2/18/2019)
- Oil Workers Say Their Pay Was Stolen Before the Bust (3/15/2016)
- What Are Gas Drilling Jobs Really Like? (10/14/2015)
- Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (10/7/2015)
- Gas Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There (9/14/2015)
- Gas patch jobs: not all they're cracked up to be (3/3/2014)
- Drilling injury lawsuit settled (9/8/2013)
- NY Communities Triumph Over Fracking Industry In Precedent-Setting Case (7/3/2014)
- Exxon CEO joins lawsuit against fracking infrastructure (2/25/2014)
- Appeals Court Says NY Towns Can Ban Fracking (5/2/2013)
- PA Act 13 Injunction Granted (8/22/2012)
- PA Court Issues Injunction to Stop Onset of Portions of Act 13 (4/16/2012)
- Local Governments: Rights and Powers Review (3/3/2012)
- Win in Middlefield, NY! (2/25/2012)
- New York Judge Rules Town Can Ban Gas Hydrofracking (2/21/2012)
- Pa. towns demand local oversight of fracking firms (1/16/2012)
- Model Ordinance Amending a Municipal Zoning Ordinance: Gas And Oil Well Sites (10/21/2011)
- To What Extent Can Municipalities Regulate Natural Gas Operations? (10/1/2011)
- Loyalsock Township tables Shale gas zoning ordinance (8/24/2011)
- Marcellus Shale driller fighting South Fayette ordinance (8/17/2011)
- Full Environmental Assessment Form for Town of Tusten, Sullivan County, NY (7/26/2011)
- Benton gas well hearing canceled but protestors crowd community center (4/28/2011)
- A Legal Plan to Control Drilling (4/15/2011)
- Legal Memo: Overview of Current PA Law Related to Local Ordinances Affecting the Use of Land for Drilling Oil & Gas Wells (4/7/2011)
- County plans to update zoning to regulate gas development (1/21/2011)
Zoning Assistance
- NYS Model Solar Energy Law (8/26/2016)
- Marcellus Shale driller fighting South Fayette ordinance (8/17/2011)
- Full Environmental Assessment Form for Town of Tusten, Sullivan County, NY (7/26/2011)
- A Legal Plan to Control Drilling (4/15/2011)