Collectively Photographing Fracking By Jesse Newman, The New York Times, Oct. 11, 2012 The most basic thing that photography does is visually describe what can be […]
John Norbeck, head of the state’s award-winning park system, said the Corbett administration forced his resignation last week because of “philosophical differences,” including his opposition to […]
In Germany, Exxon-Mobil funded a panel of independent experts to conduct a Hydrofracking Risk Assessment By Amy Mall, National Resources Defense Council, Oct. 11, 2012 There […]
Potential damages are enormous and the lawsuit seeks treble damages under the federal anti-conspiracy statute. By Max Brantley, Arkansas Times, October 5, 2012 An amended class […]
9/29/12 Joseph Martens, Commissioner New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Albany, New York USA Transmitted by electronic mail Dear Commissioner Martens, I have expert knowledge […]
The results of a national poll show hunters and anglers, a generally ideologically conservative group, prioritize conservation of public lands over energy development. PennFuture, Vol. 14, […]
Water samples taken during a recent federal investigation in the Susquehanna County village suggest that methane problems persist. By Laura Legere, The Scranton Times-Tribune, Sept. 30, […]
Regulatory Non-Enforcement by Design: Earthworks Shows How the Game is Played By Steve Horn,, Sept. 27, 2012 Earthworks Oil and Gas Accountability Project published a […]
New York State appears to be further slowing its effort to produce rules governing fracking, shorthand for the suite of drilling methods used to extract natural […]
There is concern that the drilling will not only ruin the natural environment but also depress property values, would-be buyers and real estate agents say. By […]