How WE Can Help Save and Rehab the Skinners Falls – Milanville BRIDGE
originally published as a River Reporter “My View” article in June, 2023 – updated April 25, 2024 by B. Arrindell, Director, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS)
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Dear friends,
We all know this is a dire moment for the planet. Last year, we shot past 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, exceeding the most dire projections of a few years back. We’re all in shock about what’s …
I made the comments below at the Nov.13 DRBC hearing on its proposed rule changes. YOU can submit written comments from now until Nov. 30. PLEASE DO SO. The proposed rule changes will have a negative impact on our environment …
Gov. Shapiro Announces Agreement with CNX on Fracking Health Measures, Says New Regulations Coming
As PA Attorney General, Mr. Shapiro was actually face to face with people impacted by fracking. What money compensates for someone losing their health or a …
From DCS & PlantNative – a non-chemical Deer Repellent!
In addition to the mixtures and products below, just egg and water will repel them – and eggshells are VERY good. I’ve …
UPDATE (8/7/23): G2 STEM LLC has withdrawn its application for this injection well permit!
Read background information in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
DCS has submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency opposing the issuance of a permit for an injection …
You can submit your comment to restore and save the Bridge by June 25 (directions below).
Our treasured, and currently closed, Skinners Falls – Milanville Bridge (the Bridge) is essentially on trial for its life. PennDOT, the lead agency and …
The many citizens who care about the preservation of the Milanville-Skinners Falls Bridge and took the trouble to submit comments to the email addresses provided by PennDOT, but did not complete the online Survey Monkey survey, should know that PennDOT …
DCS, Delaware RiverKeeper, Environment New jersey, Catskill Mountainkeeper, FWW, NRDC, NJ Sierra Club, Delaware League of Women Voters and other groups are supporting a series of webinars meant to educate about fracking wastewater and why it should be banned in …
Why is DCS is getting involved with the Milanville – Skinners Falls Bridge project?
Let’s go back to why Damascus Citizens for Sustainability was …
Bill Huston, an independent researcher and environmental activist, has done extensive research on the proposed Battery Recycling Facility, planned for the old IBM site in Endicott, NY. The NY DEC is asking for comments on the facility until December 5. …