October 18, 2019

NJ Turns Down Permits for Proposed 120-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline

The state’s Department of Environmental Protection has now closed multiple applications for the same pipeline
By Adam Hermann, PhillyVoice, October 12, 2019

Kudos to New Jersey and Governor Murphy for putting the health and welfare of residents (including the global

October 15, 2019

The DRBC Must Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin NOW!

Press Release Calls for a Full Frack Ban Vote by the DRBC Now
By a coalition of advocacy groups, including DCS

It has been 2 years since the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) voted to ban fracking in the Delaware …

October 14, 2019

Loopholes for Polluters

The Oil and Gas Industry’s Exemptions to Major Environmental Laws
By Earthworks

The oil and gas industry is exempt from key provisions of seven major federal environmental laws — allowing practices that would otherwise be illegal. Some exemptions date back …

October 8, 2019

Will the Fracking Revolution Peak Before Ever Making Money?

This week, the Wall Street Journal highlighted that the U.S. oil and gas shale industry, already struggling financially, is now facing “core operational issues.” That should be a truly frightening prospect for investors in American fracking operations.
By Justin Mikulka,
October 2, 2019

The Research is In: Stop Fracking ASAP

Over 1,500 reports show there’s simply no safe way to do it — and it’s harming us all every day it goes on
By Barbara Gottlieb, Nation of Change, August 1, 2019

Science. Evidence. Facts. Do these even matter anymore …

September 24, 2019

PA Oil & Gas Waste Report: 9,300,000,000 Gallons of Death

DEP found radium-226 concentrations in oil and gas wastewater samples ranging from 40.5 – 26,600 picocuries per liter. For comparison, the limit for drinking water is 5 picocuries per liter.
By John Able, The Allegheny Voice, September 14, 2019

How …

August 11, 2019

Oil is a Horrendously Bad Investment

By Phillip Doe, Colorado

This Bank, the world’s 8th largest, estimates the opportunity cost of continued fossil fuel investment at $24 trillion, and that doesn’t include climate and health. Thus oil is a horrendously bad investment strategy even if their …

August 10, 2019

Bait & Switch: DRBC Approves LNG Port in Gibbstown, NJ

The DRBC gave public notice, and had an Environmental Assessment done, for a project in Gibbstown, NJ, then approved a much larger project without adequate public notice and a new Environmental Assessment. The approved project includes an LNG port, which

August 6, 2019

PA Commonwealth Court Ignores State Supreme Court Decision

In a very unusual ruling, the Commonwealth Court stated that 2/3 of State Forest gas drilling money transferred by the General Assembly from DCNR’s Oil and Gas Lease Fund to the state General Fund in 2009 was part of the …

July 23, 2019

Is Shale Gas a Major Driver of Recent Increase in Global Atmospheric Methane?

By Robert W. Howarth
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853


Methane has been rising rapidly in the atmosphere over the past decade, contributing to global climate change. Unlike the late 20th Century when the …

July 22, 2019

Babies Born Near Oil and Gas Wells Are Up to 70% More Likely to Have Congenital Heart Defects

Researchers at the University of Colorado studied pregnant women who are among the 17 million Americans living within a mile from an active oil or gas well
By Julia Conley, Common Dreams, July 19, 2019

“In most places, detecting a

July 11, 2019

Still Wasting Away – Frack Waste is a BIG Problem

The failure to safely manage oil and gas waste continues
By Melissa Troutman, Earthworks, June 18, 2019

Download the full report – Still Wasting Away – as a pdf
Read the Earthworks press release
Download Earthworks comments on the EPA’s

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