November 12, 2018

Anticipatory Nuisance Claim Allowed Against Frac Sand Mine


In a written decision issued on Election Day, the Jackson Co. Wis. Circuit Court, Judge Scott Horne of La Crosse presiding, ruled …

November 7, 2018

Frack Brine is Ineffective for Dust Control and a Health Hazard

A variety of methods are currently being employed to dispose of oil and gas well brine (OGB), a byproduct of all gas and oil drilling, including conventional and fracked wells. One such practice is spreading OGB on unpaved roads for …

September 25, 2018

The Fracking Industry’s Water Nightmare

Water itself now poses a risk to the already failing financial model of the American fracking industry
By Justin Mikulka, De Smog, September 18, 2018

DCS has focused on fracking’s water use and production of liquid waste for many years

September 11, 2018

Secret Chemicals Used in Fracking

Download the Report as a pdf.
Read more about the report online.
Download this Media Advisory as a pdf.
See below for an Executive Summary of the Report

MEDIA ADVISORY: September 11, 2018

NEW REPORT: Secret Chemicals Used in

August 19, 2018

Join Us 8/26 to Demand Fracking Ban in the DRB

Media Advisory

B. Arrindell, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, 845.252.6677
Tracy Carluccio, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, 215.369.1188×104
Wes Gillingham, Catskill Mountainkeeper, 845.439.1230

River Demonstrators to Demand Complete Fracking Ban
Residents to unfurl banner over Delaware River against fracking

August 18, 2018

President of Mexico Vows to Ban Fracking

Newly Elected President of Mexico, Lopez Obrador, Vows to Ban Fracking
By Steve Horn, DeSmog, August 1, 2018

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who won the election to become Mexico’s President on July 1, stated in a press conference that …

July 15, 2018

Propane Storage Facility Rejected by NY DEC

Crestwood’s Seneca Lake propane storage facility rejected by DEC
By Jon Campbell, PressConnects, July 12, 2018

It’s over! Crestwood has officially been denied a permit for expanded gas storage on Seneca Lake (see below)! This fight has dragged

June 13, 2018

Against Fracking in the DRB and the Proposed PennEast Pipeline

People Stand United Against Fracking and
the Proposed PennEast Pipeline

Delaware River Basin Commission Public Meeting June 13
Download the full Press Release as a pdf
See below for some of the comments submitted to the DRBC

West Trenton, NJ

April 12, 2018

More than 40,000 Comments Support a Complete Fracking Ban in the Delaware River Basin

DRBC Release Misleads Public with Underreported Comment Numbers

Download the full press release as a pdf

National environmental organizations, anti-fracking groups, community organizations, and residents announced today that their members had submitted at least 40,000 comments to the Delaware River

January 27, 2018

Tell the DRBC: Ban Fracking in the Basin

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has proposed a ban on fracking in the Delaware River Basin. This is great news, and a tribute to all who have worked so hard for 10 years to achieve this milestone. The DRBC

January 16, 2018

NYC Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change

The lawsuit against Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell and ConocoPhillips is the latest from a coastal city seeking to hold fossil fuel producers accountable
By Nicholas Kusnetz, Inside Climate News, January 11, 2018

New York City is suing five of the

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