January 24, 2017

Hidden Data Suggests Fracking Created Widespread, Systemic Impact in PA

January 4, 2017

Fracking Contamination Case Can Go to Trial

A Wyoming family who claim a natural gas company contaminated their drinking water will be allowed to take their case to trial, a federal judge has ruled
By Benjamin Storrow, E&E News, January 3, 2017

A Wyoming family who claim …

January 2, 2017

The Need for Realistic and Transparent Oil & Gas Analysis

When Post Carbon Institute examined the federal Energy Information Agency’s (EIA) reserves prediction of the Monterey Shale (in southern CA) the EIA reduced their numbers by 96%. Will we see something similar here?
Halt the Harm, December 20, 2016


December 13, 2016

EPA Retracts Conclusion of "No Widespread or Systemic" Risk from Fracking

SUCCESS!!! EPA’s prior conclusion of “no widespread or systemic” risk has been deleted from its final report on fracking
US Environmental Protection Agency


Since the first draft of the EPA’s study on the impact of fracking on drinking water, DCS …

December 11, 2016

Tell the DRBC to Ban Fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Petition to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) to Prohibit oil and gas drilling in the Delaware River Basin.

This urgent request in light of drilling interests suing the DRBC questioning the Commission’s right to regulate drilling. Please download the

December 1, 2016

Tell the EPA to Tell the Truth About Fracking

DCS has been involved in the EPA study since it was first proposed by NY Congressman Hinchey in 2009. We have submitted strong and detailed comments at every opportunity and gotten many scientists and impacted citizens to also testify about

November 22, 2016

Don't Allow the Industry to Park Crude Oil Barges on the Hudson

Submit your comments to the Coast Guard here

oil-barge-spillA forward from Zephyr Teachout:

This weekend I went out on the Hudson River with John Lipscomb, the boat captain of Riverkeeper, to look at where the industry wants to get free …

November 2, 2016

Amish Oppose Use of Drilling 'Brine' Wastewater on Roads

The Amish are worried about their wells, about their water, about the industrial smell, about having to drive their buggies through it, and their health
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 30, 2016

See the closing 4 paragraphs for quotes

October 28, 2016

PA Doctors Call for State Ban on Drilling and Fracking

The Pennsylvania Medical Society’s 300-member House of Delegates unanimously approved a resolution calling for the fracking moratorium
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 28, 2016

The Pennsylvania Medical Society has called for a moratorium on new shale gas drilling and

October 20, 2016

Opinion: The Sun Sets on Western Slope Farms

A nationally known food journalist, cookbook author and part-time Western Slope resident, asks for help in saving her community from fracking
By Eugenia Bone, 5280, October 18, 2016

Please sign this petition to save the North Fork Valley

How many …

September 30, 2016

Law Unfairly Gave Shale Drillers 'Special' Treatment, PA Supreme Court Rules

Court declares that Act 13 is an unconstitutional “special law” that benefits specific groups or industries
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 29, 2016

Download the Court’s decision as a pdf.
Download a related article from the Observer-Reporter as a

September 24, 2016

Series of Texas Quakes Likely Triggered by Oil and Gas Industry Activity

Another confirmation of migration pathways for frack waste
By Sid Perkins, Science, September 22, 2016

During the past decade or so the oil and gas industry has injected wastewater into deep rocks in eastern Texas, causing Earth’s surface to bulge …

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