October 20, 2016

Opinion: The Sun Sets on Western Slope Farms

A nationally known food journalist, cookbook author and part-time Western Slope resident, asks for help in saving her community from fracking
By Eugenia Bone, 5280, October 18, 2016

Please sign this petition to save the North Fork Valley

How many …

September 30, 2016

Law Unfairly Gave Shale Drillers 'Special' Treatment, PA Supreme Court Rules

Court declares that Act 13 is an unconstitutional “special law” that benefits specific groups or industries
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 29, 2016

Download the Court’s decision as a pdf.
Download a related article from the Observer-Reporter as a

September 24, 2016

Series of Texas Quakes Likely Triggered by Oil and Gas Industry Activity

Another confirmation of migration pathways for frack waste
By Sid Perkins, Science, September 22, 2016

During the past decade or so the oil and gas industry has injected wastewater into deep rocks in eastern Texas, causing Earth’s surface to bulge …

September 23, 2016

Help Save Colorado's North Fork Valley

Please help, your letter CAN make a difference!
Write a letter (here is a sample comment letter for guidance), OR
create a letter online using this page from Citizens for a Healthy Community, OR
print, sign and mail this letter

September 13, 2016

Judge Blocks Central California Oil Development Over Fracking

Bureau of Land Management did not properly explore the potential dangers of fracking
By David R. Baker, San Francisco Chronicle, September 7, 2016

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked the U.S. Bureau of Land Management from opening more than 1 …

September 8, 2016

Help Stop the Brookman Corners Compressor Station

A compressor station for the Dominion New Market pipeline project has been proposed in Brookman Corners, NY, and is now before the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for air permits. This compressor station should be opposed on health, quality …

August 30, 2016

Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station

A compressor station for the Millennium pipeline has been proposed in Eldred, NY, and is now before the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC). This compressor station is opposed by many local groups on health, quality of life, environmental and economic …

August 26, 2016

NYS Model Solar Energy Law

The New York State Model Solar Energy Law and Toolkit are Out


This Model Solar Energy Law (Model Law) is designed to assist communities in New York State adopt zoning provisions that promote solar energy systems while protecting community …

August 24, 2016

DCS and the EPA's Fracking Study – What Have We Been Up To?

Since 2008, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability has been among the leaders in the fight against fracking, often working behind the scenes to achieve tangible results. For example, in 2012 DCS proposed a ban on frack waste in New York …

August 22, 2016

Media Silent as Native Americans Successfully Halt Construction on Oil Pipeline

The pipeline could pollute a crucial source of drinking water for the Standing Rock Sioux and Lakota Sioux and it intrudes on their sacred lands
By Brianna Acuesta, Nation of Change, August 20, 2016

More from David Archambault II, chairman

August 20, 2016

Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits

We have two critical opportunities in the coming weeks to stem the onslaught of new pipelines and related fracking infrastructure in New Jersey
By Pinelands Preservation Alliance

Download the Pinelands Preservation Alliance Flyer as a pdf

We have two critical …

August 18, 2016

NYC Bans Use and Disposal of Fracking Waste Water

Bill prohibiting the disposal or use of fracking waste water within NYC limits passes the City Council
RT, August 17,2016

Barbara Arrindell, director of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS), and I, DCS Board Member Marge Schab, started with this

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