August 17, 2016

Damascus Citizens Reviewing Pond Eddy Bridge Permits, Process

Critics have long said the new bridge is not needed, is too expensive and the construction will play havoc with the environment
By Fritz Mayer, The River Reporter, August 4, 2016

The history of the proposal to replace the Pond …

August 11, 2016

Potential Impacts of Fracking on Drinking Water Resources (EPA Study)

SAB Review of the EPA’s draft “Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources”

The EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) requested that the Science Advisory Board (SAB) conduct a peer …

August 3, 2016

What Frackers Say Behind Closed Doors

Recording sheds light on industry efforts to defeat ballot measures, take over city councils and stop the anti-fracking movement
By Joel Dyer, Boulder Weekly, July 28, 2016

A recording made during a 2015 meeting of oil and gas industry representatives …

July 5, 2016

March for Clean Energy July 24!

Let Your Voice Be Heard: Join the March for a Clean Energy Revolution in Philadelphia, Sunday, July 24

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, thousands will march for action to prevent climate catastrophe and present these demands directly

July 3, 2016

High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites

Harmful chemicals from natural gas operations are contaminating the bodies of residents of Pavillion, Wyoming
By Maureen Nandini Mitra, Earth Island Journal, June 30, 2016

Download the study as a pdf

Many of the toxic chemicals escaping from fracking and …

June 19, 2016

New Film by Josh Fox at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, June 25


at the Tusten Theater in Narrowsburg, NY
7 p.m. on Saturday June 25

To reserve seats please rsvp to:
Donations requested
Josh Fox and a panel after the film

The science on climate change is telling us we need …

June 5, 2016

Keep Frack Waste Out of New York City

NYC Frack Waste Bill (INT 446): Banning the Discharge, Disposal, Sale or Use Within NYC of Any Wastewater or Natural Gas Waste Produced From the Process of Hydraulic Fracturing

Hazardous Waste

Has your Council Person signed on to this commonsense bill?

May 31, 2016

YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED for New PA Oil and Gas Regulations

View a summary of the new Pennslyvania oil and gas regulations

A five year process has culminated in some significant changes to the rules governing Pennsylvania’s oil and gas industry. With the approval of chapter 78/78A regulations, drillers will …

May 14, 2016

Harmful Chemicals from Fracking Pose Serious Threat to Infants & Children

Another New Peer-Reviewed, Published Frac Health Harm Review: Harmful chemicals used in, produced by unconventional oil & gas pose serious threat to infants & children
May 12, 2016

Find the Paper in Reviews on Environmental Health
Note: Dr. Larysa Dyrszka

May 13, 2016

Stop the Seneca Lake Gas Storage Project

It is important that NY Governor Cuomo hear from YOU to stress that there should be a pause on the fossil fuel infrastructure build out that is continuing. Pipelines, compressors, gas-fired power facilities, gas storage, “bomb train” permitting, etc. should …

May 11, 2016

We Could Be Witnessing the Death of the Fossil Fuel Industry

In just two decades, the total value of the energy being produced via fossil fuel extraction has plummeted by more than half
By Nafeez Ahmed, AlterNet, April 22, 2016

It’s not looking good for the global fossil fuel industry. Although …

April 27, 2016

New York Denies Critical Permit for Natural Gas Pipeline

Constitution Pipeline Project Halted,
NYS Denies Needed Permit

“The Department of Environmental Conservation said that in addition to its review of Constitution’s application and supporting materials, the agency also considered more than 15,000 public comments before reaching its decision.”
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