September 8, 2016

Help Stop the Brookman Corners Compressor Station

A compressor station for the Dominion New Market pipeline project has been proposed in Brookman Corners, NY, and is now before the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for air permits. This compressor station should be opposed on health, quality …

August 30, 2016

Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station

A compressor station for the Millennium pipeline has been proposed in Eldred, NY, and is now before the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC). This compressor station is opposed by many local groups on health, quality of life, environmental and economic …

August 26, 2016

NYS Model Solar Energy Law

The New York State Model Solar Energy Law and Toolkit are Out


This Model Solar Energy Law (Model Law) is designed to assist communities in New York State adopt zoning provisions that promote solar energy systems while protecting community …

August 24, 2016

DCS and the EPA's Fracking Study – What Have We Been Up To?

Since 2008, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability has been among the leaders in the fight against fracking, often working behind the scenes to achieve tangible results. For example, in 2012 DCS proposed a ban on frack waste in New York …

August 22, 2016

Media Silent as Native Americans Successfully Halt Construction on Oil Pipeline

The pipeline could pollute a crucial source of drinking water for the Standing Rock Sioux and Lakota Sioux and it intrudes on their sacred lands
By Brianna Acuesta, Nation of Change, August 20, 2016

More from David Archambault II, chairman

August 20, 2016

Your Help Needed to Stop NJ Pipeline Permits

We have two critical opportunities in the coming weeks to stem the onslaught of new pipelines and related fracking infrastructure in New Jersey
By Pinelands Preservation Alliance

Download the Pinelands Preservation Alliance Flyer as a pdf

We have two critical …

August 18, 2016

NYC Bans Use and Disposal of Fracking Waste Water

Bill prohibiting the disposal or use of fracking waste water within NYC limits passes the City Council
RT, August 17,2016

Barbara Arrindell, director of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS), and I, DCS Board Member Marge Schab, started with this

August 17, 2016

Damascus Citizens Reviewing Pond Eddy Bridge Permits, Process

Critics have long said the new bridge is not needed, is too expensive and the construction will play havoc with the environment
By Fritz Mayer, The River Reporter, August 4, 2016

The history of the proposal to replace the Pond …

August 11, 2016

Potential Impacts of Fracking on Drinking Water Resources (EPA Study)

SAB Review of the EPA’s draft “Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources”

The EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) requested that the Science Advisory Board (SAB) conduct a peer …

August 3, 2016

What Frackers Say Behind Closed Doors

Recording sheds light on industry efforts to defeat ballot measures, take over city councils and stop the anti-fracking movement
By Joel Dyer, Boulder Weekly, July 28, 2016

A recording made during a 2015 meeting of oil and gas industry representatives …

July 5, 2016

March for Clean Energy July 24!

Let Your Voice Be Heard: Join the March for a Clean Energy Revolution in Philadelphia, Sunday, July 24

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, thousands will march for action to prevent climate catastrophe and present these demands directly

July 3, 2016

High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites

Harmful chemicals from natural gas operations are contaminating the bodies of residents of Pavillion, Wyoming
By Maureen Nandini Mitra, Earth Island Journal, June 30, 2016

Download the study as a pdf

Many of the toxic chemicals escaping from fracking and …

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