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The DCS Storefront is located at 25 Main St., Narrowsburg, NY.
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The dismantling of the Skinners Falls Bridge could be the first step in its rehabilitation or it could mean the end for this historic structure.
What are PennDOT’s plans for the Skinners Falls Bridge? Find out by attending the virtual …
Download an “explainer” of Proposition 1, from the Columbia Law School, as a pdf.
PA Voters: For voting information call 877-868-3772 or visit or
Just reminding our NY voters to turn your ballot over and vote on Proposition …
Edward Nocera, a founding member of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, passed away on October 13.
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability has lost a dear friend and one of its founding members, Ed Nocera, who died on October 13, 2024. Ed lived …
RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, pronounced Reggie) strives to use a regional approach to both control greenhouse gases (GHG) and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. It is a multistate (10) arrangement that is a Cap and Trade, and invest, structure. In …
Even though the first comment period is over, your comments will still have an impact if sent to the attention of the legislators – addressed to your own Sullivan County legislator as well as to
Radio Catskill Awards Honor Outstanding Local Contributions to Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
We are pleased to announce that DCS will receive a Radio Catskill 2024 Community Award. As per Radio Catskill: “Damascus Citizens for Sustainability (DCS) was created to preserve …
If there is going to be food, then water must be protected!
Three Sullivan County farmers gave public comments at the June 5 DRBC meeting in Narrowsburg, NY: Wes Gillingham, Iris Fen Gillingham and Eugene Thalmann. All three spoke of …
THIS is a big deal! California health and environmental activists got a law passed in 2022 whose implementation was blocked by Big Oil …
Contact: B. Arrindell,, 845-252-6677
Do You Live in a DEP Disposal Facility?
237 places in PA and 8 in NY are!
Songbooks with be provided!
The Damascus Citizens for Sustainability’s storefront at 25 Main Street, in charming Narrowsburg, NY, continues its outreach to children with SONGS TO CELEBRATE THE EARTH, a sing-along led by guitarist, songwriter, and educator Lucas …