October 7, 2015

Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There

“It’s mind-boggling to me how many safety standards they’re exempt from”
By Mike Soraghan, E & E Publishing, November 4, 2014

Read more in the series Danger Zone: Examining Safety in the Oil & Gas Boom

In 1983, troubled by …

October 6, 2015

Study Links Foam in Water Wells to Shale Well Sites

White foam in NE PA water wells likely was caused by Marcellus Shale gas well sites
By Laura Legere, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 4, 2015

White foam in northeastern Pennsylvania water wells likely was caused by Marcellus Shale gas well sites …

October 5, 2015

Fracking Chemicals Detected in PA Drinking Water

This is the first case published with a complete story showing organic compounds attributed to fracking found in a homeowner’s well
By Nicholas St. Fleur, New York Times, May 4, 2015

An analysis of drinking water sampled from three homes …

October 4, 2015

Public Herald Finds PA DEP Fracking Complaint Investigations Are “Cooked” & Shredded

After a 30-month analysis, a Public Herald investigation shows how PA officials have kept drinking water contamination “off the books” since fracking began in 2004
by Joshua B. Pribanic & Melissa Troutman, Public Herald, September 15, 2015

Read About PA

September 14, 2015

Gas Drilling's Safety Exemptions and How They Got There

It’s mind-boggling how many safety standards the gas and oil industry is exempt from
By Mike Soraghan, E & E Publishing, November 4, 2014

The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks occupational injuries, but they are employer-reported and, therefore, low.…

September 10, 2015

W.Va. Shale Fields Fertile Ground for Nuisance Lawsuits

Lawsuits against Colorado-based Antero and Hall, a local company, have now been rolled into one mega-case
By Ellen M. Gilmer, EnergyWire, September 9, 2015

Oil and gas workers didn’t seem to appreciate the “Go home frackers” sign in Lyndia Ervolina’s …

September 6, 2015

Fossil Fuels Losing Cost Advantage Over Solar, Wind

The International Energy Agency (IEA) finds that renewable technologies are no longer cost outliers
By Tara Patel, Bloomberg Business, August 31, 2015

Executive Summary of the IEA Report

The cost of producing electricity from renewable sources such as solar and

September 3, 2015

Gasland: HBO Documentary Key Driver of Opposition to Fracking

Study finds Gasland, dedicated to Damascus Citizens, reshaped public perception and triggered opposition to fracking
The Guardian, September 2, 2015

Gasland is Dedicated to DCS 2

University of Iowa researchers are the first to use the Internet and social media to systematically show how a documentary

August 31, 2015

Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline!

Call Governor Cuomo Wednesday, September 2, or any day this week, at 877-235-6537, to stop the “Constitution” pipeline.

It’s important that we keep the pressure on NY Governor Cuomo and the DEC this week to Stop The Pipeline!

Let Albany

August 26, 2015

PA DEP Reaches Penalty Agreements with 3 Natural Gas Exploration Companies

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today announced it has finalized penalty agreements with three natural gas exploration companies for methane gas migration violations that impacted private drinking water wells in Bradford, Lycoming, and Tioga counties.

“These were complex …

August 22, 2015

Fracking in the Delaware River Basin Would Threaten Health of 45,000

60% of the population of Wayne County would have their health impacted by fracking
By Natasha Geiling, ClimateProgress, August 12, 2015

Encompassing the longest free-flowing river in the eastern United States, the Delaware River Basin also happens to sit partially …

August 19, 2015

Forest Service Questions Pipeline Plan

Forest Service policy requires a compelling reason for energy projects to cross its lands
Patricia Borns, News Leader, August 5, 2015

If Dominion thinks U.S. Forest Service lands would make a more convenient route than others for its proposed 550-mile …

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