August 5, 2015

The Climate Deception Dossiers

Internal fossil fuel industry memos reveal decades of disinformation — a deliberate campaign to deceive the public that continues even today
By Union of Concerned Scientists

For nearly three decades, many of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies have knowingly …

July 22, 2015

How the World's Wetlands Can Help Stop Climate Change

swamp farming can provide valuable low-carbon energy, wildlife habitat and a means of depolluting waterways – and help reduce carbon emissions in the process
By Arthur Neslen, The Guardian, July 20, 2015

Swamp FarmingOn a boat drifting through a swampy reed …

July 20, 2015

Fossil Fuel Industry Must 'Implode' to Avoid Climate Disaster

‘The age of carbon is over’ and a transition to a greener economy is inevitable
By Damian Carrington, The Guardian, July 10, 2015

An “induced implosion” of the fossil fuel industry must take place for there to be any chance …

July 19, 2015

Study Finds Those Living Near Shale Wells More Likely to be Hospitalized

Residents of 2 NE PA counties with a high density of active shale gas wells were more likely to be admitted to the hospital for heart, nervous system and other medical conditions than residents in neighboring areas with no drilling
July 15, 2015

NYC Moves to Power 100% of City Government From Renewables

RFI Aims to Identify New Generation Capacity to Reach Ambitious Goal of 100% Renewable Energy

Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a Request for Information to identify new renewable energy generation capacity, with a goal of powering 100 percent of …

July 14, 2015

Sing for the Silenced

Don’t Let the Frackers Silence Our Neighbors!
Fight Back!
Join the Tour, Rally and Concert Sunday, July 19

More information and tickets

Families have been silenced! Why? Because Fracking companies bought their silence. All over the US from WY to …

July 3, 2015

OK Court Rules Homeowners Can Sue Oil Companies Over Quakes

The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that homeowners can sue oil and gas companies for damages caused by earthquakes in state trial courts
By Richard A. Oppel Jr., New York Times, June 30, 2015

The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that …

July 2, 2015

NY State Officially Prohibits High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing

DEC Issues Findings Statement Concluding Extensive 7-Year Review

The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today officially prohibited high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) in New York State by issuing its formal Findings Statement, completing the state’s seven-year review of this …

June 23, 2015

PA DEP to Investigate Ten Mile Creek for Radioactivity

DEP will investigate to see if there is a possible link between the radioactivity in the creek and shale gas drilling
By Natasha Khan, Observer-Reporter, June 5, 2015

Notice is now being paid to radioactivity in tributaries of the Monongahela

June 16, 2015

Widespread and Systemic Contamination Found – at the EPA

EPA says new study should not be seen as proof that hydraulic fracturing is being safely done
By Weston W. Wilson, The Hill, June 15, 2015

Despite a press release from EPA proclaiming there is no widespread groundwater contamination due …

June 1, 2015

The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here

Frac sand mining companies come at local communities like a runaway bulldozer going 100 mph. – Ric Zarwell, Allamakee County Protectors

“Frac Sand, Why Worry…” is an educational folding poster that summarizes in easy-to grasp-form the nature and impacts of …

May 27, 2015

The Basement Rocks

Ruth Hardinger

The Basement Rocks encourages a look below Earth’s surface where the largest biomass on the planet resides. These underground necessary forces of life exist in the dark. I’m intrigued by how this becomes an association with early civilizations …

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