February 15, 2015

Today's Shale Era Is The Retirement Party For Oil Production

The recent U.S. oil production boost from shale drilling is short-lived and somewhat desperate
By Adam Taggart, PeakProsperity, February 7, 2015

As we’ve written about often here at PeakProsperity.com, much of what’s been ‘sold’ to us about the US shale …

February 14, 2015

Gas Leasing May Violate Your Mortgage

From a resident of Idaho:

Hello Friends!

Wanted to share a letter that I recently received from PNC Mortgage, the lender on my farm. Pay close attention to the language on page two.

Feel free to distribute as you …

February 12, 2015

Pipeline Company Gives Up On Cleaning Its Oil Spill

Anywhere it gets cold, this could happen
By Scott Bosse, American Rivers, January 23, 2015

Three weeks after the Poplar Pipeline spewed 40,000 gallons of oil into the Yellowstone River in eastern Montana, cleanup efforts have been called off due

February 6, 2015

Health Impacts of Fracking

Report of David O. Carpenter, MD
Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany
Concerning Zoning and Land Use Request to Allow Hydraulic Fracturing
in 90+ % of Middlesex Township
14 January 2015

This Report discusses the following topics …

January 30, 2015

The Oceans are Warming So Fast

they keep breaking scientists’ charts
John Abraham, The Guardian, January 22, 2015

NOAA once again has to rescale its ocean heat chart to capture 2014 ocean warming

Wow, was this a bad year for those who deny the reality and

January 29, 2015

Fracking Beyond the Law

Despite Industry Denials, Investigation Reveals Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing
Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), August 13, 2014

EIP Report: At least 33 companies drilled 351 wells in 12 states using prohibited diesel fuels without required permits in violation

January 28, 2015

Environmental Risks of Fracking

Thanks to Bob Donnan for this post
See Bob’s website
Read the Report from the UK: Environmental Risks of Fracking

Looking beyond our own families, townships, counties and states, we continue to see the Fracking Fight extend around the globe. …

January 22, 2015

Rally to Stop TPP – NYC, Jan. 26

Stop TPP2
WHY IS THIS MOMENT URGENT? TPP negotiations are expected to conclude within 2 months! Congress is holding hearings on the 27th about new legislation that will apply Fast Track rules to TPP, prohibiting Congress from amending the agreement’s most environmentally …

January 22, 2015

Pipeline Leaks Oil Into the Yellowstone River

The Yellowstone River didn’t have enough oil in it, apparently
By Heather Smith, Grist, January 20, 2015

Across the U.S., people celebrated the long weekend brought on by the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in different ways. Bridger …

December 23, 2014

Active Oil and Gas Wells in NY State

Despite Governor Cuomo’s recent ban on hydraulic fracturing in New York State, there are many existing active oil and gas wells in the state. The following map shows New York State Oil and Gas Wells by Production Formation, as of …

December 23, 2014

Fracking Fumes: Where There's a Well, All is Not Well

After analyzing 24 scientific studies, the Natural Resources Defense Council finds plenty to worry about, from birth defects to deadly effects
By David Hasemyer, InsideClimate News, December 22, 2014

Emissions from oil-and-gas production pose a significant threat to human health, …

December 23, 2014

Season's Greetings – A Poem

In the dark of winter,
I heard mighty roar,
Our upstate paradise was saved
Fracking is no more.

The solstice will lengthen the day
Gas flaring can go away
My tap water will not burn and flicker
The landsmen face …

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