December 2, 2022

As Evidence Mounts, New Concerns About Fracking and Health

A growing number of studies are pointing to a link between hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and health problems.
By Jon Hurdle, Yale Environment 360, November 17, 2022

This bears out what DCS has been saying since our inception in 2008: Fracking

December 1, 2022

Tell DRBC Before Dec. 7 Meeting: NO Frack Waste in the Basin

Tell the DRBC before their December 7 Business Meeting: Vote for a COMPLETE ban on fracking! That means NO Importation of Frack Wastewater and NO Exportation of Water from the Delaware River Watershed for Fracking!

Register to attend the meeting

November 22, 2022

DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY

DCS Joins Forces with the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Pollinator Pathway to help PASS THE BIRDS & BEES PROTECTION ACT in New York.

DCS has been protecting public health, educating individuals, officials and organizations, and taking precautionary actions

September 21, 2022

Tell DRBC NO Frack Waste

Our clean drinking water is at risk! Sign this petition telling the DRBC to BAN the import of toxic frack waste into the Delaware River Basin.

New York City’s award winning, wonderful tap water is imperiled by the Delaware River …

September 19, 2022

Court Upholds DRBC Fracking Ban

Court also confirms the the Environmental Rights Amendment (ERA) to the PA Constitution should be used to preserve the “natural resources [that] are the common property of all the people….”
By David E. Hess, PA Environment Digest Blog, September 16,
August 9, 2022

Is it the End for an ‘Utterly Spectacular’ PA Bridge?

The Skinners Falls Bridge, which spans the Delaware River, has been closed since 2019 in Wayne County, Pa.
By Jason Nark, The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 2, 2022

The Skinners Falls Bridge is part of the landscape of the Upper Delaware …

July 20, 2022

Riverfest 2022 – July 24 in Narrowsburg, NY

Come to Riverfest 2022, Sunday, July 24, in Narrowsburg, NY from 10 am to 4 pm.

Join DCS at Riverfest 2022 in Narrowsburg, NY on Sunday, July 24. We will have up to date information on the fight to keep

June 13, 2022

DEP Advises 18 Municipalities: Road Dumping of Drilling Waste is Illegal And Considered Waste Disposal

PA municipalities received letters because they were locations where conventional drilling operators reported they disposed of their wastewater by indiscriminately dumping it on dirt and gravel roads.
By David E. Hess, PA Environment Digest Blog, May 31, 2022

On April …

May 29, 2022

Ezell: Food and Theatre at Willow Wisp Farm June 3 to 5

Get your tickets here!

Read a review of Ezell: Ballad of a Land Man

Farm Arts Collective presents a site specific performance from Appalachia entitled EZELL: Ballad of a Land Man. The performance by Clear Creek Creative includes a …

May 6, 2022

Drillers Dispose of Drill Cuttings by “Dusting” – Blowing Them on the Ground, and in the Air

“Dusting” allows oil and gas drillers to avoid the cost of disposing of drill cuttings at landfills, and thus avoid the regulations that apply to landfills.
By David E. Hess, PA Environment Digest Blog, May 2, 2022

PA DEP allows

May 3, 2022

Study Links Fracking, Drinking Water Pollution, and Infant Health

New research documents for the first time the pollution of public water supplies caused by fracking, and its negative impacts on infant health.
By Mark Michaud, University of Rochester Medical Center, April 11, 2022

Find out about the connection between

April 30, 2022

Radioactivity Levels Found Outside Ohio Oilfield Waste Facility Called ‘Excessive’

An investigation reveals elevated levels of radioactivity not far from a high school football stadium, and accounts from inspectors point to the contamination’s possible source.
By Justin Nobel, DeSmog, April 25, 2002

This article is about radiation in drilling waste

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