November 24, 2013

Landscape Disturbance of Gas Exploration

Measuring Landscape Disturbance of Gas Exploration in 4 More PA Counties
By US Geological Survey, November 21, 2013

Landscape change in Pennsylvania’s Sullivan, Wyoming, Armstrong and Indiana counties resulting from construction of well pads, new roads and pipelines for natural …

November 21, 2013

Renewables Becoming The Norm In Germany

Part of a series about the transition of Germany’s energy grid to one dominated by renewable energy
By Clean Technica

“They told us we were crazy.”

It is a phrase you often hear from Dr Dieter Salomon – the Australian-born …

November 19, 2013

Your Pictures Can Help Keep the Delaware River Watershed Frack-Free

Will you take a picture of a special place in the Delaware River Basin that you don’t want destroyed? Or a picture of your family, your friends, your pets, or an important “reason to protect” the Delaware that you are …

November 17, 2013

Next Up For Pope Francis: Anti-Fracking Activist?

Reportedly, Papal encyclical to address issues of nature, humans and environmental pollution
By Kiley Kroh, ClimateProgress, November 14, 2013

Pope Francis created quite a stir this week after he posed for photographs holding up anti-fracking t-shirts following a meeting with …

November 16, 2013

Gas Well Decline Rates

Here is a lot of information on Marcellus shale decline rates

SCROLL DOWN: The impact of high decline rates on the economics of gas drilling is huge. Companies are pulling out of the Marcellus due to poor profitability prospects.


November 15, 2013

Fracking Boom Gives Banks Mortgage Headaches

Why Fracking Is a Problem for Banks
By Andy Peters, American Banker, November 12, 2013

An East Coast oil boom has promised potential riches to lucky landowners. But the oil rush may cause big headaches for some unlucky banks.

At …

November 13, 2013

Dents, holes, flaws in Keystone XL with startup weeks away

Steve Horn on posts on structural problems found in the Keystone XL pipeline only a few weeks before it is scheduled to start pumping bitumen — with its load of toxins — as reported by a Public Citizen report.…

November 12, 2013

Frackers Caught Up In Their Own Hype

Energy industry looks to government to save profits
By Betsey Piette, Workers World, November 10, 2013

For nearly a decade, the natural gas industry has drained valuable water resources, poisoned the land with dangerous chemicals, released radiation into water supplies …

November 11, 2013

What other industry can get away with wasting 29% of product?

What other industry can get away with wasting 29% of product? To say nothing of the damage with respect to global warming.  That 29% of product that is flared is the oil and gas industry average in North Dakota, as …

November 11, 2013

'Caught up in their own hype'

By Betsey Piette
November 10, 2013

Energy industry looks to government to save profits

For nearly a decade, the natural gas industry has drained valuable water resources, poisoned the land with dangerous chemicals, released radiation into water supplies and …

November 5, 2013

Could fracking boom peter out sooner than DOE expects?

People hold signs during a rally against hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, or fracking, on Oct. 30, 2013, in Albany, N.Y.

Surging oil and gas production is nudging the nation closer to energy independence. But new research suggests the boom …

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