April 29, 2022

Latest Penn State Report On Environmental Impact Of Road Dumping Drilling Wastewater Will Have ‘Immediate,’ ‘Large,’ ‘Intense’ Impact

Reports filed with PA DEP bring the total amount of conventional drilling wastewater illegally road dumped to nearly 2.9 million gallons from 2018 to 2021.
By David E. Hess, PA Environment Digest Blog, April 26, 2002

PA Attorney General’s Office

March 22, 2022

Stop LNG by Rail

Sign the petition calling on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to ban LNG “bomb” trains.

Petition to be delivered to PHMSA on March 31, 2022, so please sign before then.

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety …

February 16, 2022

Toxic Radioactive Waste Imported into the Delaware River Basin?  WHAT?

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has proposed regulations that would allow toxic waste from fracking into the Delaware River Basin, and the export of water from the basin for fracking elsewhere. If we can avert that threat, it could …

February 9, 2022

DCS Working to Make YOUR Skinners Falls Bridge Comments Count

DCS has asked that you copy us with your comments to PennDOT regarding the Skinners Falls Bridge project. This was done so DCS could follow up and make sure that your comments are taken into consideration. It appears that PennDOT

January 26, 2022

Latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules

Summary (see press release below for more information):
The deadline for submitting comments on the DRBC’s frack ban rules has been extended to February 28, 2022.
Comments can be submitted online here.
Top 10 Talking Points can be found here.

January 8, 2022

UDC Says: Save the Skinners Falls Bridge!

The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) wrote a letter to PennDOT, dated April 22, 2022, commenting on their Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study for the Skinners Falls Bridge. In this letter, the UDC expressed strong support for the restoration of

January 2, 2022

DCS is Fighting to Save a Treasure!

New deadline for submitting comments is February 7, 2022.

DCS Attorney, Lauren Williams, crafted a series of letters to PennDOT Employees and Representative, campaigning for the extension. She made clear that the reasons PennDOT cited

December 11, 2021

YOUR Comments to the DRBC Needed to Keep Frack Waste Out of the Basin

The latest on the DRBC Frack Ban Rules

Written comments can be submitted to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) via their online form (see the DRBC’s instructions for submitting comments and their schedule of hearings) or by mail. The

December 3, 2021

Fracking Banned in the DRB, but NOT a FULL Ban – More to Do in ’22!

Download the DCS 2021 Appeal Letter as a pdf.
Download the Appeal Letter Insert, on swing state PA, as a pdf.

YOUR donation today helps DCS do more in ’22!

DCS is working for the next generations!  – and

November 20, 2021

Road Dumping Of Drilling Wastewater Is Tearing Apart Dirt Roads & Creating Environmental Hazards

A First-Hand Account Of How Repeated, Unlimited Road Dumping Of Oil & Gas Drilling Wastewater Is Tearing Apart Dirt Roads And Creating Multiple Environmental Hazards
By Siri Lawson, PA Environment Digest Blog, November 16, 2021

DCS has been working with

November 8, 2021

Protect New York’s Birds, Bees, Water, and Health from Neonics

The following is a Neonic Fact Sheet prepared by a coalition of environmental groups, including DCS. Additional information can be found here:

November 6, 2021

Radioactive Costs of Oil & Gas

The Financial Risk of Underbonded Wells – REGISTER for the FORUM
By Critical State

The growing threat of radioactivity inside the oil and gas industry is increasing companies’ cost of doing business as well as the financial risk to states …

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