A study recently published in the journal Atmospheric Environment reports that hydrocarbon processing in the industrial heartland of Alberta has been correlated with remarkable elevations in Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) levels in the area, raising serious concerns about the relationship …
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By Tom Wilbur, Shale Gas Review, October 25, 2013
Come to the event “Shale Gas Potential in New York” October 30 at 7 pm
By Laura Legere, StateImpact, October 20, 2013
No one will ever live at 1101 Carter Road in Dimock again.
The 3.6-acre property is one of 18 in the Susquehanna County …
Although fracking itself seems to be at a stalemate in New York State, that doesn’t mean that the drillers are at a standstill. Oil and gas interests are working hard to get the related infrastructure into place: the pipelines, storage …
By Peter Mantius, The Leader, October 16, 2013
A major rock fault cuts through the cluster of old salt wells …
By Environment America, October 3, 2013
Download the full report as a pdf
Over the past decade, the oil and gas industry has fused two technologies—hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling—in a highly polluting effort to
By David Jolly, The New York Times, October 11, 2013
France’s highest court on Friday upheld a government ban on a controversial drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing, in a …
By smithsonian.com, October 2, 1013
In the state of Pennsylvania, home to the lucrative Marcellus Shale formation, 74 facilities treat wastewater from the process of hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a. “fracking”) …
“The emergence of the global warming problem creates an imperative for action that cannot be ignored.” – The Environmental and Energy Study Institute’s Board of Directors’ unanimous statement, 1988.
September 27, 2013—In the past quarter century, the case …
By Katie Colaneri, StateImpact, September 27, 2013
Activists like Southwest Philadelphia resident Iris Bloom say they no longer have to drive several hours to rural Pennsylvania …
PFSC, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs*, spoke out loud and clear at the 9/17 hearing on