July 20, 2013

Gen. Petraeus and "Frackademia"

Gen. David Petraeus’ Course Syllabus Features “Frackademia” Readings
By Steve Horn, desmogblog.com, July 18, 2013

Records obtained by DeSmogBlog pertaining to City University of New York (CUNY) Macaulay Honors College’s hiring of former head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) …

July 20, 2013

Protest Minisink Compressor Station

Click on this link to send a letter to Senator Gillibrand demanding that she help the community of Minisink!! Minisink familes traveled a long distance with very young kids to come into the city and let her know that we …

July 17, 2013

NE PA Newfield Hess Leases Abandoned

Message from B. Arrindell, DCS Director:

‘Business’ reasons rule corporate behavior with an eye always toward regaining any territory they may have had to retreat from, so this news has to be seen from their perspective and we must redouble …

July 17, 2013

Study Raises New Concern About Earthquakes and Fracking Fluids

Faraway quakes can trigger swarms of quakes near injection well sites
By Sharon Begley, Reuters, July 11, 2013

Powerful earthquakes thousands of miles (km) away can trigger swarms of minor quakes near wastewater-injection wells like those used in oil and …

July 17, 2013

EPA to Allow Consumption of Toxic Fracking Wastewater by Wildlife and Livestock

Contrary to its own regulations, EPA is issuing permits for surface application of drilling wastewater
EcoWatch, July 11, 2013

Millions of gallons of water laced with toxic chemicals from oil and gas drilling rigs are pumped for consumption by wildlife …

July 17, 2013

Fracking Ban Halts First Shale Gas Project in Spain

A ban on fracking in a northern region of Spain has crimped Repsol SA’s plans to begin drilling for shale gas
By Joao Peixe, The Christian Science Monitor, July 8, 2013

Repsol SA has had to delay plans to begin …

July 17, 2013

PA Lawmakers Seek To Ban Photography Of Gas Drilling Activity

PA HB683 would make it illegal to photograph images of gas drilling operations

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but apparently it says a lot more when it’s a photo of frackers fracking. In Pennsylvania recently, the battle

July 9, 2013

Josh Fox to President Obama: "Meet With Us"

An Open Letter to President Obama from Gasland Director Josh Fox

Dear President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Moniz, Heather Zichal and Valerie Jarrett,

I write to request a meeting with you and families directly impacted by oil and gas …

July 7, 2013

What NJ Needs to Know About Gas Drilling Along the Delaware River

What New Jersey Needs To Know About Gas Drilling Along The Delaware River
Prepared by Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
DamascusCitizens.org – Concerned about the Delaware River Basin and Beyond

New Jersey’s drinking water is at risk: Over half to 2/3 …

July 7, 2013

Conservation in Delaware Basin Worth $8B Annually

The economic value of water and forests dwarfs the value of natural gas drilling in the Upper Delaware River Basin
By Jessica Cohen, Times Herald-Record, July 5, 2013

If governments managed the Delaware River like an industry, they would note …

July 5, 2013

Polish Farmers Blocking Chevron

Polish Farmers from Zorawlow Oppose Fracking

Since June 3, farmers and residents in a small rural village of Zurawlow in Poland are in a stand-off with Chevron company. They defend their land, their activity and their way of living. They …

July 5, 2013

American Clean Energy Agenda

Damascus Citizens is a member of The Committee for an American Clean Energy Agenda

Beyond Business As Usual

Realizing an American Renewable Energy Future by 2030

Initiated by the Civil Society Institute and the Environmental Working Group, and endorsed by …

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