July 3, 2013

Poll: Small Business Supports Clean Energy

See the Press Release

The New York State Sustainable Business Council in conjunction with the American Sustainable Business Council announces the results of an independent scientific poll of small business owners that reveal bi-partisan support for clean energy and environmental
July 3, 2013

Fracked Gas Infrastructure in PA and NY

Some of you have probably already seen the map I created which shows gas development in Susquehanna County PA:

The light purple is the Upper Susquehanna River Basin. The yellow squares are well pads. The green push-pins are compressor stations

July 2, 2013

Scrap Frack Pipe is Potentially Explosive

Recyclers, landfills have stopped accepting the pipes over worries they may contain unexploded ordnance
By Bobby Magill, coloradoan.com, June 26, 2013

Frack waste can also be radioactive.  There is plenty of information on the web.
Here is a good place

July 1, 2013

Paean to Mr. Shepstone by David Slottje

A Paean to Tom Shepstone, by David Slottje
June 29, 2013
“I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.”
(Julius Caesar by Wm. Shakespeare, Act 3, Scene II)
Download as a pdf

The battle for the essence and soul …

July 1, 2013

Post-Production Costs Reduce Gas Royalty Payments to PA Leaseholders

Rep. White Plans Legislation to Protect Royalty Payments to Leaseholders


Posted: June 28, 2013
From: Representative Jesse White
To: All House members
Subject: Prohibiting Deduction of “Post-Production” Costs From Oil and Gas Royalty Payments to Leaseholders

In the near …

June 29, 2013

Decision To Frack NYS Delayed by Activists

NYS AG Schneiderman Says Anti-Fracking Activists Are Well-Organized
By Glenn Coin, Syracuse.com, June 26, 2013

A decision about hydrofracking in New York has been delayed mostly because of the well-organized opposition of anti-drilling advocacy groups, state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman …

June 29, 2013

Ecological Theologian Reviews Gasland 2

Reverend Schade Discusses the Ethical Framework of Gasland 2
By The Rev. Leah Schade, EcoPreacher, June 22, 2013

I attended the premier of the documentary Gasland II at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport, PA, the bustling heart of frackdom …

June 24, 2013

Utica Shale Promises, Challenges Examined

Ohio’s Utica shale promises, challenges examined at CWRU meeting
By Alison Grant, The Plain Dealer, June 18, 2013

An earthquake that shook Youngstown on New Years Eve in 2011 was considered a rare occurrence, even as it raised concerns about …

June 24, 2013

The Mother of All Unfunded Mandates

A4 Saturday June 22, 2013 / The Leader


I agree with Sen. Tom O’Mara. In his commentary in this paper on June 17 he favors legislation which would “put an end to the unfunded state …

June 24, 2013

Groundbreaking Report on Water Contamination from Fracking

Jessica Ernst, a high-profile, Alberta-based environmental consultant, has released a comprehensive summary of science, facts and documents relating to groundwater contamination from the controversial practice of natural gas hydraulic fracturing (download the report as a pdf).

The …

June 24, 2013

French Fracking Ban Endorsed on US Environmental Repercussions

the cost of producing gas doesn’t take into account considerable environmental damage
By Tara Patel, Bloomberg.com, June 5, 2013

France’s ban on hydraulic fracturing should not be eased because the oil and gas drilling technique is causing “considerable” environmental

June 19, 2013

Thousands Rally in Albany Against Fracking and For Renewables

More than 3,000 concerned citizens descend on Albany June 17 and tell Cuomo to Get on Board with Renewables and Ban Fracking
By Jon Campbell, Democrat and Chronicle.com, June 17, 2013

A few thousand opponents of hydraulic fracturing for natural …

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