May 9, 2013

Court Rejects Exxon Bid to Dismiss Lawsuit

Court rejects Exxon bid to dismiss citizen enforcement suit.
Environment Texas, May 3, 2013

A federal court has rejected, for the second time, an attempt by ExxonMobil Corporation and two subsidiaries to get rid of a lawsuit filed against them …

May 9, 2013

Transportation of Fracking Waste Could Endanger NYC Water Supply

The maps included here are from an XTO permit application of August 2012, and give a quick view of what goes/comes from where.

Write Governor Cuomo!

Looks like there will be quite a bit of traffic around and right …

May 2, 2013

Appeals Court Says NY Towns Can Ban Fracking

Court rules unanimously in favor of towns of Dryden and Middlefield
By Jon Campbell, Politics on the Hudson, May 2, 2013

A mid-level appeals court on Thursday said local governments in New York can ban hydraulic fracturing and shale-gas drilling …

May 2, 2013

Renewable New York by 2030

Study shows how NY state can rid itself of fossil fuel in the near future

Renewable New York by 2030:  Local Energy Today and Tomorrow!

Where:  Mt. Kisco Public Library, 100 E. Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY
When:  Monday, May …

May 2, 2013

PA DEP Whitewashes Franklin Forks Water Contamination

A number of us heard the news release from the Binghamton NPR station earlier tonight that the PA DEP has decided that the gas in Matt and Tammy Manning’s Franklin Forks water well is NOT from any gas well drilled …

April 29, 2013

Carlucci urges fracking study after PA visit

Westchestesr/Rockland Newsday reports on a trip NY State Senator David Carlucci took to view hydrofracking sites in PA, a trip that has increased his determination to push a bill he has introduced to delay any permits on hydrofracking until three …

April 28, 2013

Fracked-up roads: Texas, NY

The Texas Tribune reported yesterday on legislative attempts to address the damage done to Texas roads by drilling:

“The Texas Department of Transportation has estimated that maintaining infrastructure impacted by the drilling boom will cost $4 billion a year. Advocates

April 26, 2013

Colorado 'promotes' natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River

Joel Dyer of the Boulder Weekly reports how a slowly unfolding benzene-contamination disaster for a local creek and, ultimately, the Colorado River, was created by the conflict of interest in the state regulatory agency’s role as both purported regulator and …

April 24, 2013

NYPIRG Urges Cuomo to Reject dSGEIS Due to Conflicts of Interest

The New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) has sent a letter to New York State Governor Cuomo urging him to reject the Revised Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) due to a conflict of interest on the part …

April 23, 2013

EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline

By Lenny Bernstein and Juliet Eilperin

The Washington Post published: April 22

The Environmental Protection Agency objected Monday to the State Department’s latest review of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, suggesting that more work must be done before the Obama …

April 22, 2013

You Have to See It to Believe It: What It's Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard

You Have to See It to Believe It: What It’s Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard
Residents in industry-friendly West Virginia share their experiences, photos and videos. April 15, 2013

From Alternet, by Tara Lohan

Click here for complete

April 22, 2013

Letter from Chemung County Jail – Part II

By SANDRA STEINGRABER, Part 2, April 19, 2013

(Click here for Part 1)

Why I am in Jail on Earth Day

This morning–I have no idea what time this morning, as there are no
clocks in jail, and the florescent …

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