March 22, 2013

How to Terminate a Gas Lease

Gas Lease Termination
This VIDEO is from the Fleased Forum on Gas Lease Termination, held in Norwich, NY on March 14, 2013.  It is rather long, but very informative.  The presentation by attorney Joe Heath on Gas Lease Termination starts at the

March 21, 2013

Poll Confirms that NYers Don't Want Fracking

Quinnipiac University poll finds New York State voters oppose Fracking by a clear margin, 46 – 39 percent.

A Quinnipiac University poll released March 20, 2013 shows statewide opposition to fracking is growing. The new poll finds opponents outnumbering supporters

March 20, 2013

Colorado Docs Chafe at Secrecy Oath Needed for Access to Chemical List

Doctors challenge confidentiality pledge.
By Bruce Finley, The Denver Post, March 20, 2013

This is identical to the medical gag order in Pennsylvania’s Act 13 which is currently being challenged.

Colorado doctors are challenging a confidentiality pledge they must sign …

March 20, 2013

3rd NY Town Wins in Court Over Fracking Ban

Avon defeats a court challenge to its ban on natural gas drilling.
By The Associated Press, March 19, 2013

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A third upstate New York town has won a court challenge to its ban on natural gas …

March 15, 2013

Shale Game – It's an Ugly Picture

A big chunk of the American economy is betting on the value of producible gas reserves that aren’t there.
By Peter Gorman, Fort Worth Weekly, March 13, 2013

This article, from the Fort Worth Weekly, is an excellent piece and

March 15, 2013

Air Testing Shows Elevated Benzene Levels in the Barnett Shale

Based on results of a recent air study, benzene is still elevated around natural gas
production facilities in the Barnett Shale.

Barnett Shale– During the month of October 2012 …

March 12, 2013

NY State Can Rid Itself of Fossil Fuel in the Near Future

Cornell Press Release.

New York’s fossil fuel: Gone with the wind … water and sun

By Blaine Friedlander
You’ll really love New York. Converting all of the state’s energy sources from natural gas, coal and fossil fuel to wind, water …

March 12, 2013

Fracking: Colorado’s Dystopian Nightmare

An in depth look at the dangers and destruction that arise from every aspect of horizontal fracking.
By Phillip Doe, Free Range Longmont, March 9, 2013

Editor’s Note: Phillip Doe leaves no stone unturned in describing the dangers and destruction

March 9, 2013

US Climate Bomb is Ticking

What the Gas Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Truthout, March 6, 2013

Explains the corporate money-emissions basis of why unconventional gas drilling is so bad and how the hold on the American consciousness

March 9, 2013

Elected Officials to Protect NY Speak Out on Fracking

This document makes a very important point, which is that any moratorium period should be devoted not only to studying health impacts, but also the economic impact issues.

Statement from Elected Officials to Protect NY on NYS Assembly Fracking Moratorium

February 27, 2013

TX Supreme Court Won’t Hear Pipeline Case

Cash award for loss of property value due to pipeline allowed to stand
By Jennifer Hiller, Fuel Fix, Feb. 24, 2013

A McMullen County family that has battled a pipeline company since 2009 continued to prevail in court last week.…

February 25, 2013

Fracking and the Revolving Door in PA

Natural gas industry ties among PA’s regulators and public officials
By Public Accountability Initiative, Feb. 20, 2013

The oil and gas industry frequently argues that fracking means jobs. This appears to be especially true for former regulators and other public …

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