February 11, 2013

Fracking Review Consultant Says in Depth, National Study Needed

Posted by: Jon Campbell- Posted on Feb 11, 2013

One of three outside consultants tapped to assist with New York’s health review of hydraulic fracturing said it’s “absurd” that there hasn’t been an in-depth, national review of the gas-extraction process’ …

February 11, 2013

Boosted By Methane Releases, Oil And Gas Sector Is Number Two in Global Warming Pollution

By Tom Kenworthy
By Public Lands Team on Feb 8, 2013 at 10:43 am

Reporting for the first time on GHGs from petroleum and natural gas systems, the EPA this week said that the oil and gas sector ranked …

January 31, 2013

Alarming Questions about EPA’s Oversight of Oil and Gas Drillers

Joint statement by Bruce Baizel, Director of Earthworks’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project, and Dusty Horwitt, Senior Counsel for Environmental Working Group, EWG

WASHINGTON – January 17 – A report yesterday by the Associated Press that the U.S. Environmental Protection …

January 31, 2013

An Oil Boom Takes a Toll on Health Care

Published: January 27, 2013


Dr. Gary Ramage treating a patient at McKenzie County Hospital in Watford City, N.D. The hospital now averages 400 emergency room visits per month. –Matthew Staver for The New York Times

January 29, 2013

Radiation in Fracking Wastewater

Its contents remain mostly a mystery. But fracking wastewater has revealed one of its secrets: It can be highly radioactive. And yet no agency really regulates its handling, transport or disposal. A four-part series on radiation in fracking wastewater …

January 29, 2013

Booms and Busts: The Impact of West Virginia's Energy Economy

CLICK HERE to download the report as a pdf.
Conclusion of “Booms and Busts”, by Sean O’Leary and Ted Boettner
In the past, West Virginia counties with a concentration in mining saw their economic performance dramatically decline after an …

January 28, 2013

Call NY Gov. Cuomo and Tell Him to Ban Fracking Now

From our coalition, New Yorkers Against Fracking: CALL-IN WEEK to Governor Cuomo.
Damascus Citizens is a working member of New Yorkers Against Fracking.
CLICK HERE to download the poster below as a pdf.
CLICK HERE to download an alternate poster …

January 28, 2013

Fracking Experts Debate Economic, Environmental Impact

Dr. Terry Engelder and Dr. Anthony Ingraffea Debate the Impacts of Fracking

CLICK HERE to view a video of the debate.

NOTE: Listening to Professor Engelder made me think of a marvelous book, …

January 28, 2013

Sandra Steingraber: Next 12 Steps to Stop Fracking in New York

What You Can Do
By Sandra Steingraber, EcoWatch, Jan. 27, 2013

You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.    — Mahatma Gandhi
1. I am writing you from

January 28, 2013

Blockade at PA Fracking Site Highlights Risks to Farms and Food

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience in Lawrence County
EcoWatch, Jan. 27, 2013


Residents of Western Pennsylvania and friends of Lawrence County farmer Maggie Henry locked themselves to a giant paper-mache pig today in the entrance to a Shell natural gas well …

January 26, 2013

PA DEP Backtracks on Radiation Issue

PA announces plans to study the effects of radiation in natural gas drilling wastewater
By Rachel Morgan, timesonline, Jan. 26, 2013

The idea is only as good as the company, the requested scope (including how and where testing is done)

January 24, 2013

MD Dept. of the Environment: All Drilling Permits Have Been Withdrawn

Gas prospects in Maryland looking unfavorable
By Matthew Bieniek, Cumberland Times-News, Jan. 22, 2013

The prognosis for natural gas drilling via fracking in Western Maryland’s Marcellus Shale formations any time soon is looking increasingly problematic, according to a recent presentation …

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