October 8, 2012

Oil Sheen Mysteriously Appears Off Louisiana's Gulf Coast

An oil sheen about four miles long has appeared in the Gulf of Mexico near the site of the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
CNN, October 4, 2012

Quote from Paul Rubin, Hydrogeologist, HydroQuest, regarding the following article:

And, …

October 8, 2012

Cancer Action NY Letter to NYS DEC Commissioner Martens


Joseph Martens, Commissioner
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Albany, New York USA
Transmitted by electronic mail

Dear Commissioner Martens,

I have expert knowledge on the subject of chemical exposure cancer causation.  It is most clear that the …

October 3, 2012

Hunters and Anglers are Environmentalists

The results of a national poll show hunters and anglers, a generally ideologically conservative group, prioritize conservation of public lands over energy development.
PennFuture, Vol. 14, No. 18 – Sept. 28, 2012

PennFuture is the Pennsylvania affiliate for the National …

October 1, 2012

Shift by Cuomo on Gas Drilling Prompts Both Anger and Praise

With New Delays, a Growing Sense that Gov. Cuomo Will Not Approve Gas Drilling
By Danny Hakim, The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2012

A few months after Gov. Andrew M. Cuomowas poised to approve hydraulic fracturing in several struggling …

October 1, 2012

Are Leaking Wells Letting Methane Get Into Dimock's Water?

Water samples taken during a recent federal investigation in the Susquehanna County village suggest that methane problems persist.
By Laura Legere, The Scranton Times-Tribune, Sept. 30, 2012

This is parallel to what is happening in Leroy, PA

Related Article:  Cabot

October 1, 2012

State Fracking Regulations NOT Being Enforced

Regulatory Non-Enforcement by Design: Earthworks Shows How the Game is Played
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog.com, Sept. 27, 2012

Earthworks Oil and Gas Accountability Project published a scathing 124-page report this week, “Breaking All the Rules: the Crisis in Oil

October 1, 2012

New York May Restart Review of Gas-Drilling Rules

New York State appears to be further slowing its effort to produce rules governing fracking, shorthand for the suite of drilling methods used to extract natural gas from deep shale deposits.
By Andrew C. Revkin, The New York Times, Sept.
October 1, 2012

Fracking Fears Hurt Second-Home Sales in Catskills

There is concern that the drilling will not only ruin the natural environment but also depress property values, would-be buyers and real estate agents say.
By Mireya Navarro, The New York Times, Sept. 27, 2012

Hancock, NY – In a …

September 27, 2012

Federal Court Confirms Right of NY Attorney General and Environmental Groups to Compel Compliance with NEPA

CLICK HERE to Download the DCS Press Release


Damascus Citizens for Sustainability …

September 27, 2012

Shale Health Advisory Panel in Works

A PA Senate Republican leader is drafting a bill to create a panel to address public health and safety issues stemming from drilling operations in the Marcellus Shale region.
By Robert Swift, thetimes-tribune.com, Sept. 26, 2012

A Senate Republican leader …

September 25, 2012

Penn State’s Academic Integrity Tested by Complaint

The Responsible Drilling Alliance has filed formal complaints with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education that cite “unethical practices and abuse of public trust” for three papers published by Penn State professors.
By Tara Zrinski and Rachel Morgan, Shalereporter.com,
September 24, 2012

Facts About Radon in Natural Gas in NYC

Download the fact sheet, from DCS, about radon in natural gas in New York City

Radon Facts

  1. 1.       Radon is a tasteless, odorless, colorless, naturally occurring radioactive noble (does not react with other elements) gas created by the radioactive decay
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