The expert reports listed below were prepared (by DCS, DRN and the DRBC) for an administrative hearing (like a trial) that was to take place in January, 2011. The hearing was cancelled at the December, 2010 DRBC meeting when the …
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A project funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission
Executive Summary
The research project was to evaluate the impact on housing as a result of Marcellus Shale drilling in twelve counties involved in …
Delaware’s Gov. Markell and New York’s Gov. Cuomo have stepped off the train; Now it’s time to punch the tickets of the other voting members …
And scientists, the military, and frackers themselves have known it for years
The next time a Canadian consumer turns up their natural gas furnace or clicks on that gas burner, he or she may have inadvertently …
Amwell Township is a 44-square-mile plot of steep ravines and grassy pasturelands planted with alfalfa, trefoil and timothy in the southwestern corner …
Started in September, 2010 and has not stopped.
This is only one of quite a few “incidents,” but is what is the focus here — more examples like Dimock, PA, or the Tioga gas field, or Schreiner in western, PA, …
As the country awaits results from a nationwide safety study on the natural gas drilling process of fracking, a separate government investigation into contamination in a place where residents have long complained that drilling fouled their water …
November/December 2011, Vol. 83, No. 9, lead article
“. . . issues not often discussed, such as the owner’s potential liability and the continued viability of the mortgage.”
“Residential fracking carries heavy industrial risks, …
Last week’s oil industry conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston was supposed to be an industry confab just like any other — a series of panel discussions, light refreshments and an exchange of …
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) investigated the water quality of seven residential wells surrounding the Chesapeake ATGAS 2H natural gas well site in Leroy …
This Model Ordinance was written to assist towns and municipalities in crafting their local zoning ordinances with the correct legal language and information on Pennsylvania local law pertaining to …
The fracking industry’s war on The New York Times – and the truth.
uperb investigative journalism by the New York Times has brought the paper under attack by the natural gas industry. …