A 2002 analysis documented $54.9 billion in annual costs of environmentally mediated diseases in US children. However, few important changes in federal policy have been implemented to prevent exposures to toxic chemicals. We …
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A key policy breakthrough occurred nearly twenty years ago with the discovery that children are far more sensitive than adults to toxic chemicals in the environment. This finding led …
A state environmental group is calling on lawmakers to restrict natural gas drilling near places people live, learn and work after it released a study Thursday showing hundreds of wells have been planned or drilled …
After a series of high-profile natural gas drilling spills, the Energy Department named a panel to recommend ways to improve the safety of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a technique that has expanded the country’s potential …
Chesapeake Energy Corp., whose gas well blew out during hydraulic fracturing last month in northeastern Pennsylvania, hasn’t publicly disclosed chemicals that spilled, setting up the first test of an industry-backed voluntary disclosure …
Durango, CO
“We are very pleased to announce Texas Sharon as our Gulf Region Organizer, said Gwen Lachelt, Director and Founder of EARTHWORKS’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project. Beginning today, Sharon Wilson, aka “Texas Sharon,” the prolific and much-respected …
Chesapeake Energy has successfully replaced a wellhead that was defective and had caused a blowout with fracking fluid escaping from a well in Leroy Township near Canton in Bradford County, PA last week. Over a two day period, fracking fluid …
BENTON TWP. – A hearing to consider a conditional use application for a natural gas well was canceled Wednesday evening but about 150 people rallied at the hearing site to oppose gas drilling in the township.…
Chesapeake Energy experienced a blowout at a well being drilled near Canton in Bradford County, PA on Tuesday at 11:45 pm. A blowout occurs when the pressure systems fail and results (in this case) in drilling fracking fluids escaping in …
ALLENTOWN — A blowout at a natural gas well in rural northern Pennsylvania spilled thousands of gallons of chemical-laced water today, contaminating a stream and forcing the evacuation of seven families who live nearby as crews …
What comes to mind when you think about upstate New York? Rolling farmlands, fresh air, and the chirping of birds? Or heavy truck traffic at all hours of the day and night, the smell …
Factors Affecting the Shift to Shale Gas
- Push toward alternative fuels
- Misperception that NG is a bridge fuel that is “clean”
- The profitability of exporting liquified NG (LNG)
- Development of high volume, slick water hydraulic fracturing