December 5, 2020

Public Opposition to Gibbstown LNG Export on Delaware River Explodes

Governors of Four States Petitioned to Vote NO December 9 (Press Release)

Download the Week of Action Toolkit to see what you can do to fight the Gibbstown LNG export terminal. The Toolkit includes talking points, contact information for the

October 12, 2020

Poll shows broad support for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in PA

70% of those polled said they supported regulations to reduce CO2 pollution from power plants in PA
By Richard W. Jones, Centre Daily Times, October 11, 2020

The bill to block PA from regulating carbon – and thus block PA

September 19, 2020

DRBC Postpones Vote on Gibbstown LNG Terminal

Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) cites need for more study time
By Hannah Chinn, WHYY, September 11, 2020

The amount of damage (to human health and the environment) that will be caused by the fracking needed to supply the LNG

September 11, 2020

Poll Says Pennsylvanians Support More Regulations on Fracking

Poll was commissioned by Climate Power 2020 and the League of Conservation Voters
By Ryan Deto, Pittsburgh City Paper, September 2, 2020

Download the poll results as a pdf.

Politically speaking, the discussion around fracking in Pennsylvania lacks nuance. Fracking …

September 5, 2020

DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Why Are The Exemptions to Federal Laws Important to the Delaware Basin? How The Fossil Fuel Industry Wants to Make You Pay – And How You Can Help Fight Back!

The DRBC commissioners take their marching orders from the governors

August 31, 2020

DE, NJ, NY and PA Voter Information

This year’s election is extremely important and so is your vote. In light of this, DCS will be posting information on early and mail in voting for the 4 Delaware River Basin states: Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

August 29, 2020

PA Attorney General’s Office Establishes a Fracking Hot-Line Directly to AG’s Office

Hot-Line Phone is 570-904-2643; Email is

Read more in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
PA Attorney General’s Fracking page

Fortunately, in Pennsylvania, there is a new option for households that want to have an impact on the fracking problem that …

August 25, 2020

NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous

The League of Women Voters of NYS, with avid input and inspiration from DCS Director Barbara Arrindell and member Marge Schab, pushed for this legislation from its introduction in 2011 until this year when it passed.

The logic was to

July 9, 2020

Is This the End of New Pipelines?

Defeats at three projects reflect increasingly sophisticated legal challenges, shifting economics and growing demands by states to fight climate change
By Hiroko Tabuchi and Brad Plumer, New York Times, July 8, 2020

Protesters against the Dakota Access pipeline in early …

June 29, 2020

PA Attorney General Releases Scathing Grand Jury Report on Fracking Industry, State Regulators

Report outlines health and safety issues caused by fracking and states PA DEP “repeatedly failed to exercise their duties and responsibilities.”
By Frank Kummer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 25, 2020

Read the press release from the Attorney General’s office

June 27, 2020

Irish Draft Programme for Government Includes a Green New Deal and a Ban on Fracked Gas Imports

Download the draft Irish Programme for Government as a pdf
Read more in the
Irish Times

Excerpt from the draft Irish Programme for Government:

Mission: A Green New Deal


We are committed to an average 7% per annum reduction …

June 26, 2020

Goldman Sachs Says Renewable-Energy Spending Will Surpass Oil and Gas for the First Time Ever in 2021

Sees total investment spiking to $16 trillion over the next decade
By Ben Winck, Business Insider, June 17, 2020

Read about the financial troubles of US shale companies in the Financial Times.

  • Green-energy investing will account for 25% of all
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