September 3, 2010

'Fracking' yields fuel, fear in Northeast

Sarah Hoye and Steve Hargreaves, CNN

Dimock, Pennsylvania (CNN) — Bill Ely walked into his chicken coop with an empty five-gallon water jug.

The jug, punched with several finger-sized holes near the top to keep it from overflowing, was …

August 24, 2010

Potential Shale Gas Extraction Air Pollution Impacts

Center for Healthy Environments and Communities (CHEC), University of Pittsburgh, GSPH, EOH department

The Center for Healthy Environments and Communities has received numerous requests for information on how Marcellus shale gas extraction operations might contribute to air quality problems throughout …

August 19, 2010

Fracking for nonattainment: Eagle Ford Shale and formaldehyde levels

San Antonio Current

Watching the regulatory kabuki up in North Texas can’t inspire a lot of confidence in the increasing number of South Texans leasing their land for so-called “nontraditional” natural-gas development in the newly popular Eagle Ford Shale [see …

August 11, 2010

PA Broke Law on Natgas Water Use: Group

Pennsylvania broke law on natgas water use: group
By Jon Hurdle, Reuters, Mon Aug 9, 2010 2:48pm EDT

PHILADELPHIA, Aug 9 (Reuters) – Pennsylvania regulators are illegally allowing natural gas companies to withdraw water from rivers and streams for use …

August 4, 2010

Ridge's Firms to Get $900,000 for Pushing Marcellus Drilling

Ridge’s firms to get $900,000 for pushing Marcellus drilling
By Tom Barnes, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Monday, August 02, 2010

HARRISBURG — Former Gov. Tom Ridge and a team of other officials at his two consulting firms will be paid $900,000 for …

August 3, 2010

Report: Well drilling violations near 1,500 for Marcellus Shale

Report: Well drilling violations near 1,500 for Marcellus Shale
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A new report by the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association said the state has identified 1,435 violations by 43 Marcellus Shale drilling companies since January 2008, prompting …

July 26, 2010

Urban Air Pollutants Can Damage IQs before Baby's First Breath

A study in Krakow, Poland, corroborates New York City findings that link children’s lower IQ scores with mothers’ exposure to compounds created by burning fossil fuels

 By Marla Cone, Emily Elert and Environmental Health News

 In a sweltering summer in …

July 25, 2010

Forum Discusses Gas Industry Money Impact on State Politics

Forum discusses gas industry money impact on state politics
By Charles Schillinger (Staff Writer), The Times-Tribune, July 23, 2010

A hundred people gasped in anger and shock as Dimock Twp. resident Craig Sautner raised a milk jug of his brown …

July 25, 2010

Former Oil and Gas Producer Tells NYS to "scrap proposed DEC regulations"…wait for EPA to issue its new guidelines

The Challenges of Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing
James Northrup, Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce Member News

From Otsego 2000

The regulations on hydrofracking proposed by the DEC were written for existing small vertical New York wells – known in the industry as …

July 23, 2010

1,200 hear Marcellus Shale debate

EPA hearing in Southpointe one of four nationwide
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Concerns about the risk of water contamination and public health problems from Marcellus Shale drilling dominated a sometimes loud U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hearing in Southpointe attended …

July 22, 2010

Information From Gas-Drilling Companies Isn’t Coming Easily

Information From Gas-Drilling Companies Isn’t Coming Easily, Congressmen Say
by Joaquin Sapien, ProPublica, July 20, 2010, 1:55 p.m.

Gas and oil companies have deflected congressional inquiries about whether they are drilling near underground drinking water sources and how they are …

July 17, 2010

Natural Gas "Fracking" Threatens National Water Supply, Human Health

Natural Gas “Fracking” Threatens National Water Supply, Human Health
By Leah Zerbe, Rodale News, July 15th, 2010

RODALE NEWS, WEST TRENTON, NJ—We are at a crossroads. With the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill still with us more …

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