June 19, 2010

Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With 'Gasland' Director Josh Fox

Onshore Drilling Disasters Waiting to Happen: An Interview With ‘Gasland’ Director Josh Fox
By Nora Eisenberg, The Nation, June 17, 2010

Theater and film director Josh Fox’s documentary Gasland explores the new generation of natural gas drilling, which for a …

June 15, 2010

Under Siege by Marcellus Marauders

Pennsylvania must adequately regulate and tax gas companies before opening the Marcellus Shale to rampaging exploitationBy Charles McCollester, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pennsylvanians are only slowly becoming aware that we are under siege. More than a thousand …

June 12, 2010

As Urban Gas Drilling Expands, So Do Health Concerns

Asher Price, American Statesman Staff

Texas Environmental Agency Accused of Lax Monitoring, Lack of Transparency

On a carved-out hillside beside Tandy Hills , one of the last undisturbed prairies in eastern Fort Worth, sits a gas drilling site belonging to …

June 10, 2010

Accidents Bring Calls to Suspend Shale Drilling

Accidents bring calls to suspend shale drilling
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Serious accidents at Marcellus shale natural gas drilling operations in Pennsylvania and West Virginia over the past five days have prompted sanctions against one …

June 7, 2010

Marcellus Shale Well Shoots Gas into Sky for Hours

State to probe cause of accident in Clearfield County
By Torsten Ove, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Saturday, June 05, 2010

Natural gas and drilling fluids escaped for hours from an out-of-control Marcellus shale well in a remote area of Clearfield County before …

June 6, 2010

Blowout at Pennsylvania Natural Gas Well

Catastrophic incident that endangered life and property
BY MARC LEVY, The Associated Press, Jun. 04, 2010

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Natural gas and fracturing fluid from an out-of-control Pennsylvania well shot 75 feet into the air before crews could tame the …

June 5, 2010

Houses for Shale

New mortgages unavailable for properties with gas drilling leases
By Linda Fields (Pike County Courier)

NORTHEAST Pa — Property owners may make money from leasing to Marcellus Shale gas drillers, and they may also find their property can’t be financed …

June 2, 2010

Upper Delaware Named 2010-11 America’s #1 Most Endangered River

Washington— The Upper Delaware River, the drinking water source for 17 million people across New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania is at risk from shale fracking for natural gas, a process that poisons groundwater and creates toxic pollution. This threat …

June 1, 2010

Gas Pains

Pennsylvania, reeling from a budget crisis, exploits—at any and all costs—what might be the largest U.S. natural gas deposit. The results could be disastrous.
By Ted Williams, Audubon Magazine

Earth hadn’t seen its first dinosaur when an enormous river system …

May 20, 2010

Gas Riches Entice New Yorkers into Risking Poisoned Water

Natural-Gas Riches Entice New Yorkers to Risk Poisoning Water
By Mike Di Paola – May 18, 2010 12:01 AM ET

The Diehl farm in Delaware, New York, is a postcard-pretty place where honey is coaxed from beehives and maple syrup …

May 19, 2010

Radioactivity in Marcellus Shale

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D., Ekaterina Alexandrova, Jackie Travers   Radioactive Waste Management Associates 

Report prepared for: Residents for the Preservation of Lowman and Chemung (RFPLC) 

1.0 Qualifications

Marvin Resnikoff is Senior Associate at Radioactive Waste Management Associates and is an international consultant …

May 11, 2010

Proposed legislation would benefit landowners forced into drilling units

The Marcellus Effect blog by Sue Heavenrich

New York isn’t allowing any horizontal drilling in the Marcellus Shale just yet, but that hasn’t stopped some companies from planning ahead. Epsilon Energy is drilling into the Oriskany (just below the Marcellus …

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