Don’t Jump to Conclusions
In light of the undisputed potential for environmental harm from gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale, the principal reason advanced for taking the environmental …
Don’t Jump to Conclusions
In light of the undisputed potential for environmental harm from gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale, the principal reason advanced for taking the environmental …
In the debate over energy resources, natural gas is often considered a “lesser-of-evils”. While it does release some greenhouse gases, natural gas burns cleaner than coal and oil, and is in plentiful supply—parts of the U.S. …
We probably all agree that if gas drilling is to be done in the Upper Delaware, a precious watershed that provides fresh water to 25 million …
The city of Fort Worth, Texas, one of the biggest beneficiaries in the natural-gas boom, is questioning its …
We probably all agree that if gas drilling is to be done in the Upper Delaware, a precious watershed that provides fresh water to 25 million people, it needs to be done in a prudent manner, with …
As more gas wells are drilled in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale, more cases of toxic spills are being reported. Earlier this month, Pennsylvania’s environmental officials …
The Philadelphia office of the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a toll-free tipline on Tuesday for citizens to report “unusual or suspicious” activity related to natural gas drilling.
In particular, the federal environmental oversight agency is encouraging …
Companies that drill for natural gas and oil are skirting federal law and injecting toxic petroleum distillates into thousands of wells, threatening drinking water supplies from Pennsylvania to Wyoming. Federal and state regulators, meanwhile, largely …
There has never been a better moment for natural gas. It is the “other” fossil fuel, touted as a clean alternative to coal and oil. …
Victoria Switzer and her husband, Jim, are building what they hoped would be their retirement home in the rural hamlet of …
Comments on the draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) on Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale
Dear Mr. Dahl:
The Conference of Environmental Health Directors (CEHD) has reviewed the dSGEIS on Gas Drilling …
Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) — New York, the largest U.S. city, called on state officials to ban drilling for natural gas in …