September 9, 2008

TEDX to NYC Council: "The western experience should be taken seriously by those in the East"

Theo Colborn, The Endocrine Disruption Exchange

To: Council member James Gennaro
Re: Oversight Hearing – Natural Gas Drilling in the New York City Drinking Watershed
From: Theo Colborn, PhD

In response to your letter of August 27, 2008 in which …

February 4, 2008

Get Poor Slow

The River Reporter, editorial comment

We believe that letting natural gas companies pockmark our area with natural gas drill holes is a bad idea. The costs of doing so include depletion and contamination of our aquifers; noise, light and view-shed …

September 13, 2007

Natural Gas Dehydration: Lessons Learned from the Natural Gas STAR Program

Producers Technology Transfer Workshop Durango, Colorado
ConocoPhillips, The Colorado Oil and Gas Association, and The Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States

Methane Losses
Methane Recovery
Is Recovery Profitable?
Industry Experience

View Presentation Here

View EPA Natural Gas STAR

April 2, 2007

Disposable workers of the oil and gas fields

If you don’t have a college degree, it’s the best job in the West. Unless you die, unnoticed.

Ray Ring, High Country News

“You’re going to obtain a job. You have to maintain a job,” a Wyoming judge told Joe …

January 17, 2007

The Truth from Above

Richard Martin, New West

After working for 15 years as an exploration consultant to the oil-and-gas industry, using satellite imagery to hunt for likely drilling sites, John Amos had a road-to-Damascus moment when he viewed satellite imagery of wells in …

January 15, 2007

Report on Air Sampling in Alabama

Lisa Sumi, M.Sc., Research Director
Oil and Gas Accountability Project
January, 2007

In August, 2005, Wilma Subra and the Oil and Gas Accountability Project spent five days in Monroe, Conecuh and Escambia counties in Alabama. The purpose of the visit …

December 21, 2006

Radiological Impact On Man and the Environment From the Oil and Gas Industry

F. STEINHÄUSLER, Center for International Security and Cooperation


Radiation exposure of workers in the oil-gas industry can occur by inhalation of high-levels of radon gas; increased gamma dose rates; increased gamma dose rate due to 226Ra, 210Pb, 228Ra, and …

May 19, 2006

Hydrogen Sulfide, Oil and Gas, and People's Health

Lana Skrtic, University of California, Berkeley

This paper documents impacts on human health caused by exposure to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) associated with oil and natural gas development. I begin with a brief background on hydrogen sulfide, its presence in oil …

December 19, 1999

Vibroacoustic disease: the need for a new attitude towards noise

Public Participation and Information Technologies, CITDEP

Background. The importance of information technologies in public awareness of environmental issues is especially clear when a new occupational disease is identified. This is certainly the case with Vibroacoustic Disease (VAD), a whole-body noise-induced …

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