After working for 15 years as an exploration consultant to the oil-and-gas industry, using satellite imagery to hunt for likely drilling sites, John Amos had a road-to-Damascus moment when he viewed satellite imagery of wells in …
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Oil and Gas Accountability Project
January, 2007
In August, 2005, Wilma Subra and the Oil and Gas Accountability Project spent five days in Monroe, Conecuh and Escambia counties in Alabama. The purpose of the visit …
Radiation exposure of workers in the oil-gas industry can occur by inhalation of high-levels of radon gas; increased gamma dose rates; increased gamma dose rate due to 226Ra, 210Pb, 228Ra, and …
This paper documents impacts on human health caused by exposure to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) associated with oil and natural gas development. I begin with a brief background on hydrogen sulfide, its presence in oil …
This fact sheet provides a brief overview of the of the contamination concerns with pits. It also addresses where the regulation of pit wastes fall short.
Contaminants associated with the various stages of gas development.
Air Pollution from Oil and Gas Facilities
Background. The importance of information technologies in public awareness of environmental issues is especially clear when a new occupational disease is identified. This is certainly the case with Vibroacoustic Disease (VAD), a whole-body noise-induced …
Naturally occurring radioactive elements such as uranium, radium, and radon are dissolved in very low concentrations during normal reactions between water and rock or soil. Ground water that coexists with deposits of oil can have …
By Laura Legere, the, May 19, 2013