April 23, 2013

EPA wants State Dept. to rework analysis of Keystone XL pipeline

By Lenny Bernstein and Juliet Eilperin

The Washington Post published: April 22

The Environmental Protection Agency objected Monday to the State Department’s latest review of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, suggesting that more work must be done before the Obama …

March 27, 2013

Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: for immediate release 3/25/13

Media: New Study Exposes How Natural Gas Isn’t the Clean Fossil Fuel It’s Hyped up to Be
Actual Methane Emissions Measured in Manhattan Showing No Advantage to Natural Gas: Two Reports



March 27, 2013

Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions Final Report

Media: New Study Exposes How Natural Gas Isn’t the Clean Fossil Fuel It’s Hyped up to Be
This Final Report, commissioned by Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, concludes that there is no advantage to natural gas over coal or oil,

March 27, 2013

Manhattan Natural Gas Pipeline Emissions

The whole story – both reports and other media coverage.

The EPA Inspector General cited our extended NY report in his report on methane emissions.

PRESS RELEASE: for immediate release 3/25/13

MEDIA:  New Study Exposes How Natural Gas Isn’t

March 9, 2013

US Climate Bomb is Ticking

What the Gas Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Truthout, March 6, 2013

Explains the corporate money-emissions basis of why unconventional gas drilling is so bad and how the hold on the American consciousness

February 19, 2013

50,000 Rally in DC AGAINST the Keystone XL Pipeline and FOR Action on Climate Change

A message from Bill McKibben of 350.org:
Today was the day. Finally, powerfully, decisively — the movement to stop climate change has come together.
This was the biggest climate change rally in US history. By our count, 50,000 people …

February 11, 2013

Boosted By Methane Releases, Oil And Gas Sector Is Number Two in Global Warming Pollution

By Tom Kenworthy
By Public Lands Team on Feb 8, 2013 at 10:43 am

Reporting for the first time on GHGs from petroleum and natural gas systems, the EPA this week said that the oil and gas sector ranked …

January 24, 2013

Divesting from Fossil Fuels

A Conversation with Bill McKibben and NYC Students
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7:00PM, The Great Hall, Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street

“Climate change is the great moral issue since apartheid, and we need the same kind of tools to bring

January 8, 2013

Methane Leaks Erode Green Credentials of Natural Gas

Losses of up to 9% show need for broader data on US gas industry’s environmental impact.
By Jeff Tollefson, Nature, Jan. 2, 2013

Scientists are once again reporting alarmingly high methane emissions from an oil and gas field, underscoring questions …

December 14, 2012

NYS AG Schneiderman Prepares Methane Suit Against EPA

Schneiderman’s coalition charges that the EPA violated the Clean Air Act when it failed to address methane emissions in the August 2012 regulations.
By Casey Seiler, Capital Confidential, Dec. 11, 2012

CLICK HERE to read the letter to EPA Administrator …

November 30, 2012

Fracking good for the climate? What a load of hot air

Natural gas cheerleaders must wake up to the inconvenient environmental truth
By Robert Howarth, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, Nov. 29, 2012
January 24, 2012

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting From The Petroleum And Natural Gas Industry


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations cited in this technical support document (TSD) contain legally-binding requirements. In several chapters this TSD offers illustrative examples for complying with the minimum requirements indicated …

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