July 31, 2013

Gangplank to a Warm Future

Fracking for Natural Gas: “a gangplank to more warming and away from clean energy investments”
By Anthony R. Ingraffea, The New York Times, July 28, 2013

Many concerned about climate change, including President Obama, have embraced hydraulic fracturing for …

July 7, 2013

Conservation in Delaware Basin Worth $8B Annually

The economic value of water and forests dwarfs the value of natural gas drilling in the Upper Delaware River Basin
By Jessica Cohen, Times Herald-Record, July 5, 2013

If governments managed the Delaware River like an industry, they would note …

March 28, 2013

The Shale Gale is a Retirement Party

So concludes an expert analyst of the natural gas boom. Brace for bust.
By Andrew Nikiforuk, TheTyee.ca, March 27, 2013

Every day a government agency or industry group in North America still hails natural gas mined from deep shale rock …

February 20, 2013

The Shale Gas Boom and Market Manipulation

Two Groundbreaking Reports from ShaleBubble.org

For Release: 19 February 2013
CONTACT: T. Brilliant, POST CARBON INSTITUTE, tod@postcarbon.org, 707-823-8700 x105
Energy Policy Forum & Post Carbon Institute have released two groundbreaking reports that belie energy industry claims of U.S. energy independence …

January 17, 2013

More than Half of Ozone-Forming Pollutants in Erie, CO, Come From Drilling Activity

CU-Boulder, NOAA study uncovers oil and gas emission’s ‘chemical signature’
By John Aguilar, dailycamera, Jan. 16, 2013

Emissions from oil and natural gas operations account for more than half of the pollutants — such as propane and butane — that …

January 8, 2013

From Industry Insider to Implacable Fracking Opponent

Meet Dr. Anthony Ingraffea
By Ellen Cantarow, EcoWatch, Jan. 2, 2013

Why, exactly, is high-volume slickwater hydraulic fracturing such a devastating industry? How best to describe its singularity—its vastness, its difference from other industries and its threat to the planet?…

January 8, 2013

New Fears Over Fracking Groundwater Contamination

High concentrations of salts, including those of radium and barium, are present in the flowback waters from late-end fracking operations, lending fears over potential groundwater contamination.
By Professor Chris Rhodes, oilprice.com, Jan. 1, 2013

It is found that high concentrations …

December 26, 2012

Viability of Shale Gas Power Source in Doubt Due to Cost

Industry experts’ figures predict fracking in the UK will not be commerically viable.
By Tom Bawden, The Independent, Dec. 20, 2012

George Osborne’s hope for a shale gas revolution in the UK has been dealt a serious blow after a …

December 18, 2012

Letter to the President About Chemicals Disrupting our Bodies

CLICK HERE to view the video of Dr. Colburn’s letter to the President.

Theo Colborn is Founder and President of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), based in Paonia, Colorado, and Professor Emeritus of Zoology at the University of Florida, Gainesville. …

November 20, 2012

The Crisis in Oil and Gas Regulatory Enforcement

The U.S. faces a crisis in the enforcement of rules governing the oil and gas industry. The shale gas and shale oil boom has brought an expansion of oil and gas activity unseen in many parts the country since the …

November 17, 2012

Oilsands Contaminants Travel Further than Expected

Contaminants are collecting on the bottom of remote lakes up to 100 kilometres away.
By Margaret Munro, Edmonton Journal, Nov. 13, 2012

Federal scientists have uncovered evidence that contaminants wafting out Alberta’s oilsands operations are collecting on the bottom of

November 14, 2012

An Exploratory Study of Air Quality Near Natural Gas Operations

This paper was peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
By Colborn T, Schultz K, Herrick L, and Kwiatkowski C

This exploratory study was designed to assess air quality in a rural …

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