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By Robert Walton, UtilityDive, January 12, 2018
Finally, a FERC decision that does NOT support the oil and gas industry!
Dive Brief:
- The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission yesterday declined to overturn a New
US Environmental Protection Agency
Since the first draft of the EPA’s study on the impact of fracking on drinking water, DCS …
DCS has been involved in the EPA study since it was first proposed by NY Congressman Hinchey in 2009. We have submitted strong and detailed comments at every opportunity and gotten many scientists and impacted citizens to also testify about …
A compressor station for the Millennium pipeline has been proposed in Eldred, NY, and is now before the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC). This compressor station is opposed by many local groups on health, quality of life, environmental and economic …
Since 2008, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability has been among the leaders in the fight against fracking, often working behind the scenes to achieve tangible results. For example, in 2012 DCS proposed a ban on frack waste in New York …
The EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) requested that the Science Advisory Board (SAB) conduct a peer …
The Guardian, April 7, 2016
Two scientists have highlighted dangerous water contamination from a fracking operation in Wyoming…
By Lisa Song, Inside Climate News, April 11, 2016
When Congress severely limited …
By Dan Vergano, BuzzFeed, March 29, 2016
Fracking polluted underground water …
By Neela Banerjee, InsideClimate News, June 5, 2015
After years of asserting that hydraulic fracturing has never tainted drinking water, the Obama administration issued …
By Ted Sickinger, The Oregonian/OregonLive, March 11, 2016
Download the FERC decision as a pdf
In a decision that stunned supporters and critics …