By Mike Soraghan, E & E Publishing, November 25, 2013
Steve Lipsky can light his water on fire.
It’s been said more than once, by people who should know, that he can’t …
Steve Lipsky can light his water on fire.
It’s been said more than once, by people who should know, that he can’t …
Here is the latest on this story from Environment Virginia
George Washington National Forest is more than just one of …
DeSmogBlog has obtained a copy of an Obama Administration Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fracking groundwater contamination PowerPoint presentation describing a then-forthcoming study’s findings in Dimock, Pennsylvania.
The …
One year ago, the Environmental Protection Agency finished testing drinking water in …
Having settled one water pollution case, an Exxon subsidiary is now facing a federal …
Vera Scroggins, of Citizens for Clean Water, writes:
I called OSHA months ago to check out the silica dust clouds on the frack sites and they inspected the WPX Gas Site known as Wootton at 1283 Mill Road, Liberty, Pa. …
Millions of gallons of water laced with toxic chemicals from oil and gas drilling rigs are pumped for consumption by wildlife …
Dear President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Moniz, Heather Zichal and Valerie Jarrett,
I write to request a meeting with you and families directly impacted by oil and gas …
On May 7, 2013 the League offered comments to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board on the study of the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources. The comments …
By Lenny Bernstein and Juliet Eilperin
The Washington Post published: April 22
The Environmental Protection Agency objected Monday to the State Department’s latest review of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, suggesting that more work must be done before the Obama …
When industry has blocked the EPA from studying or regulating 70,000 chemicals, (from BPA and flame retardants to potent neurotoxins), since 1975, why would regulating fracking be possible?
Posing a safety debate tempts people to ignore the unsavory thirty-year history …