January 4, 2012

Health Effects of Fracking for Natural Gas Need Study, Says CDC Scientist

By Alex Wayne, Bloomberg News

Hydraulic fracturing or fracking, a drilling method that uses water, sand and chemicals to release natural gas from wells, should be studied for its health effects on people and food sources, said a top official …

December 29, 2011

Federal Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Page on Environmental Health
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR): Home Page
Toxic Substances Portal (ATSDR): Toxicological Profiles
Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual (ATSDR): Table of Contents
Environmental Data Needed for …

December 29, 2011

A Citizens Guide to Risk Assessments and Public Health Assessments at Contaminated Sites

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

This guide provides an overview of two different assessments commonly performed at hazardous waste sites. These are the risk assessment and the public health assessments; both are required for all sites – commonly …

December 28, 2011

Public Health Assessment Petitions

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

What is ATSDR’s Petition Program?

In the Superfund law, Congress provided ATSDR with the authority to conduct certain public health assessment activities following a request from a concerned person. The ATSDR Petition Program …

December 20, 2011

EarthJustice and Citizens Challenge Pipelines in Strategic Federal Intervention

Partnership of National, Regional, and Local Groups Move to Intervene in PA Pipeline Project
The River Reporter, “Citizens Challenge Pipelines in Strategic Federal Intervention.”
Greenwire, “Partnership of National and Regional Groups Challenge Pipelines.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Pennsylvania groups are seeking …

December 18, 2011

Report Government Fraud

Investigations Unit of the Legal Services Division

State Comptroller DiNapoli is working to find and fight fraud at every level of State and local government. The public’s help is needed in this fight. New Yorkers can report allegations of fraud, …

December 8, 2011

Feds link water contamination to fracking for the first time

Abrahm Lustgarten and Nicholas Kusnetz, ProPublica

In a first, federal environment officials today scientifically linked underground water pollution with hydraulic fracturing, concluding that contaminants found in central Wyoming were likely caused by the gas drilling process.

The findings by the …

November 10, 2011

EPA Finds Compound Used in Fracking in Wyoming Aquifer

Abrahm Lustgarten, Propublica

As the country awaits results from a nationwide safety study on the natural gas drilling process of fracking, a separate government investigation into contamination in a place where residents have long complained that drilling fouled their water …

November 7, 2011

ATSDR Leroy Township report finds elevated well water chemicals – Exact cause of elevated levels unclear

Bradford County, Leroy Township, Pennsylvania
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) investigated the water quality of seven residential wells surrounding the Chesapeake ATGAS 2H natural gas well site in Leroy …

August 16, 2011

Does an Old EPA Fracking Study Provide Proof of Contamination?

1984 EPA Report:  Fracking Contaminated Drinking Water

Three articles dealing with an early but ignored proof of aquifer contamination from hydraulic fracturing. The process was much milder then (in 1984) – less pressure, less volume, less chemicals, but “The report …

August 16, 2011

New York Unplugged Wells

New York State’s Abandoned Wells Priority Plugging List

This list includes some 4,722 old oil and gas wells that NY DEC would plug if only they had the resources.

Of course, why New York should be burdened with these messes …

August 15, 2011

Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Devonian Marcellus Shale of the Appalachian Basin Province, 2011

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated a mean undiscovered natural gas resource of 84,198 billion cubic feet and a mean undiscovered natural gas liquids resource of 3,379 million barrels in the …

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