July 31, 2012

2nd Letter to NYC Council Re: Joint Hearings on Radon in Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale

We received no response to our first letter. This second letter reiterates the potential for exposing NYC households to dangerous levels of radioactive radon and includes many additional signatories.

Click HERE to read the full letter, including related Block Association …

July 21, 2012

Link Between Low Birth Weight and Fracking

New research suggests the health of newborn babies is adversely affected in areas close to natural gas extraction sites that use fracking
By Kristen Meriwether, Epoch Times, July 19, 2012

NEW YORK—New research suggests the health of newborn babies is …

June 20, 2012

Environmental Groups Say They Will Fight Cuomo’s Gas Drilling Plan

Oppose fracking without an independent assessment of its safety
By Danny Hakim, The New York Times, June 19, 2012

ALBANY — A coalition of environmental groups plans to campaign against a proposal that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is weighing to …

June 13, 2012

NYC's Odd Sense of Good Health: No Big Sodas But Radioactive Kitchens

He wants big soda out of our lives, but Mayor Bloomberg wants to put in our lives, cancer-causing radon.
By Eileen Stukane, Huff Post New York, June 12, 2012

For his desired ban on the sale of 32-ounce sugar-sweetened beverages …

June 5, 2012

Press Release – NY City Council Speaker Quinn is Asked for Hearings on Radon in Marcellus Gas Coming to NYC

Press Release – for immediate release                                              June 4, 2012

Speaker Quinn is asked for Hearings on Radon in Marcellus gas coming to NYC

Damascus Citizens for Sustainability(DCS) and NYH2O along with over 50 signatories have sent a letter to Speaker …

June 4, 2012

Letter to NY City Council Re: Joint Hearings on Radon in Natural Gas from the Marcellus Shale

This letter discusses the potential for exposing every New York household that uses natural gas to dangerous levels of radioactive radon.

Click HERE to read the letter as delivered on June 4.
Read the Press Release here.

For additional information:

May 23, 2012

New Yorkers to Have Radon With Dinner

Future Radon Exposure in NYC Metro Area with Marcellus Shale Gas, at the level expected, could result in thousands of additional cancer deaths.

Damascus Citizens first raised the subject of radon arriving in the pipelines with Marcellus gas last fall …

May 14, 2012

Add Your Name to Our Mother’s Day Letter to Michelle Obama

The Mother’s Project has been officially launched by Angela Monti Fox. Read her powerful letter to Michelle Obama and add your name.

  Add your name to this Mother’s Day Letter to Michelle Obama!

Read this powerful letter which was on …

May 12, 2012

PA ignoring their residents' health complaints

By KEVIN BEGOS — Associated Press

The Pennsylvania Department of Health says it investigates every claim by residents that gas drilling has caused health problems, but several people say the agency’s actions don’t match its words.

Two western Pennsylvania residents …

April 3, 2012

Advocates: Fracking Health Impacts Need to be Studied More

Nationwide, fracking effects lead to heated debates
By Mary Esch, Associated Press, March 31, 2012

ALBANY, N.Y. — While New York regulators have spent four years mulling the environmental impacts of shale gas development, the potential human health impacts have …

March 30, 2012

Does a Provision in PA Act 13 Force Doctors to Remain Silent on Potential Public Health Risks Associated with Fracking?

Provision in Marcellus Shale Bill Prompts Controversy
By Deanna Garcia, Essential Public Radio, March 30, 2012

Public health advocates and some environmental groups are crying foul over a provision in Act 13. The groups claim the wording in the law, …

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