Landscape Disturbance

March 1, 2016

Pipeline Continues New York’s Shame

I spent a recent Sunday in New Milford, Pennsylvania and was reminded of what life is like in a gas field.

I drove on pitted county roads turned into industrial thoroughfares for chemical and waste transport. I spoke with landowners …

November 17, 2015

Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Your snail mail letters have paid off! There is now a ban on high volume hydraulic fracturing in New York State. Governor Cuomo based his decision on the State Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker’s recommendation that drilling could cause “significant public …

August 31, 2015

Call to Stop the Constitution Pipeline!

Call Governor Cuomo Wednesday, September 2, or any day this week, at 877-235-6537, to stop the “Constitution” pipeline.

It’s important that we keep the pressure on NY Governor Cuomo and the DEC this week to Stop The Pipeline!

Let Albany

August 22, 2015

Fracking in the Delaware River Basin Would Threaten Health of 45,000

60% of the population of Wayne County would have their health impacted by fracking
By Natasha Geiling, ClimateProgress, August 12, 2015

Encompassing the longest free-flowing river in the eastern United States, the Delaware River Basin also happens to sit partially …

August 19, 2015

Forest Service Questions Pipeline Plan

Forest Service policy requires a compelling reason for energy projects to cross its lands
Patricia Borns, News Leader, August 5, 2015

If Dominion thinks U.S. Forest Service lands would make a more convenient route than others for its proposed 550-mile …

July 22, 2015

How the World's Wetlands Can Help Stop Climate Change

swamp farming can provide valuable low-carbon energy, wildlife habitat and a means of depolluting waterways – and help reduce carbon emissions in the process
By Arthur Neslen, The Guardian, July 20, 2015

Swamp FarmingOn a boat drifting through a swampy reed …

June 1, 2015

The DCS Frac Sand Poster is Here

Frac sand mining companies come at local communities like a runaway bulldozer going 100 mph. – Ric Zarwell, Allamakee County Protectors

“Frac Sand, Why Worry…” is an educational folding poster that summarizes in easy-to grasp-form the nature and impacts of …

April 11, 2015

The Economic Benefits and Costs of Frac-Sand Mining

A report on Frac-Sand Mining in West Central Wisconsin prepared for Wisconsin Farmers Union, Wisconsin Towns Association and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Executive Summary

A new technology to extract oil and natural gas from geological formations that …

February 20, 2015

Gas Extraction Causing Earthquakes

Exploitation of Groningen gas field causing ground to settle and 1,000’s of earthquakes

This is not about shale gas but about conventional gas: the huge gas field in the northern Dutch province Groningen. See here a very good infographic of …

June 7, 2014

Corbett's Own Witness Lukewarm to More Gas Leasing in State Forests and Parks

It’s bad when your own witness doesn’t really support you, and that was Governor Tom Corbett’s case in Commonwealth Court
By Donald Gilliland, The Patriot-News, June 3, 2014

Frack WellIt’s bad when your own witness doesn’t really support you, and that …

December 6, 2013

Gas Drillers Should Minimize Impact on Nature, Poll Says

A majority of those polled say conservation of natural habitats and water resources should be a higher priority than shale gas development
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 1, 2013

Results of a poll by The Nature Conservancy in the …

November 24, 2013

Landscape Disturbance of Gas Exploration

Measuring Landscape Disturbance of Gas Exploration in 4 More PA Counties
By US Geological Survey, November 21, 2013

Landscape change in Pennsylvania’s Sullivan, Wyoming, Armstrong and Indiana counties resulting from construction of well pads, new roads and pipelines for natural …

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