I spent a recent Sunday in New Milford, Pennsylvania and was reminded of what life is like in a gas field.
I drove on pitted county roads turned into industrial thoroughfares for chemical and waste transport. I spoke with landowners …
I spent a recent Sunday in New Milford, Pennsylvania and was reminded of what life is like in a gas field.
I drove on pitted county roads turned into industrial thoroughfares for chemical and waste transport. I spoke with landowners …
Your snail mail letters have paid off! There is now a ban on high volume hydraulic fracturing in New York State. Governor Cuomo based his decision on the State Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker’s recommendation that drilling could cause “significant public …
Call Governor Cuomo Wednesday, September 2, or any day this week, at 877-235-6537, to stop the “Constitution” pipeline.
It’s important that we keep the pressure on NY Governor Cuomo and the DEC this week to Stop The Pipeline!
Let Albany …
Encompassing the longest free-flowing river in the eastern United States, the Delaware River Basin also happens to sit partially …
If Dominion thinks U.S. Forest Service lands would make a more convenient route than others for its proposed 550-mile …
Frac sand mining companies come at local communities like a runaway bulldozer going 100 mph. – Ric Zarwell, Allamakee County Protectors
“Frac Sand, Why Worry…” is an educational folding poster that summarizes in easy-to grasp-form the nature and impacts of …
A report on Frac-Sand Mining in West Central Wisconsin prepared for Wisconsin Farmers Union, Wisconsin Towns Association and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Executive Summary
A new technology to extract oil and natural gas from geological formations that …
This is not about shale gas but about conventional gas: the huge gas field in the northern Dutch province Groningen. See here a very good infographic of …
It’s bad when your own witness doesn’t really support you, and that …
Results of a poll by The Nature Conservancy in the …
Landscape change in Pennsylvania’s Sullivan, Wyoming, Armstrong and Indiana counties resulting from construction of well pads, new roads and pipelines for natural …