July 10, 2024

Campaign for a Safe and Healthy CA Scores Big Win Against Big Oil

After Spending $61 Million in a Failed Effort to Deceive Voters, Big Oil Withdraws Referendum in Defeat

THIS is a big deal! California health and environmental activists got a law passed in 2022 whose implementation was blocked by Big Oil

December 27, 2023

NY Governor Hochul Signs “Birds And Bees” Act

DCS was an active part of getting the New York Birds and Bees Protection Act passed and signed. DCS was part of the brainstorming and activism for this act, including filing comments on the various drafts, encouraging people to sign

November 22, 2022

DCS Working to Pass the Birds & Bees Protection Act in NY

DCS Joins Forces with the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Pollinator Pathway to help PASS THE BIRDS & BEES PROTECTION ACT in New York.

DCS has been protecting public health, educating individuals, officials and organizations, and taking precautionary actions

September 5, 2020

DCS: Still Fighting for a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Why Are The Exemptions to Federal Laws Important to the Delaware Basin? How The Fossil Fuel Industry Wants to Make You Pay – And How You Can Help Fight Back!

The DRBC commissioners take their marching orders from the governors

August 25, 2020

NY State Legislation Classifies Frack Waste as Hazardous

The League of Women Voters of NYS, with avid input and inspiration from DCS Director Barbara Arrindell and member Marge Schab, pushed for this legislation from its introduction in 2011 until this year when it passed.

The logic was to

April 14, 2020

NY State Says NO to Fracking!

On April 3, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the FY 2021 Enacted Budget, which includes a PERMANENT BAN ON HYRDOFRACKING!

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today (April 3, 2020) signed the FY 2021 Enacted Budget. The budget is balanced, …

March 30, 2020

PA Governor Wolf Vetoes Natural Gas Tax-Break Bill

Proponents: Economic impact of new coronavirus pandemic should boost efforts to override veto.
By Susan Phillips, StateImpact PA, March 27, 2020

For background on HB 1100 read Petrochemicals in PA: What You Need to Know by the NRDC.

October 15, 2019

The DRBC Must Pass a FULL BAN on Fracking in the Delaware River Basin NOW!

Press Release Calls for a Full Frack Ban Vote by the DRBC Now
By a coalition of advocacy groups, including DCS

It has been 2 years since the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) voted to ban fracking in the Delaware …

April 29, 2013

Carlucci urges fracking study after PA visit

Westchestesr/Rockland Newsday reports on a trip NY State Senator David Carlucci took to view hydrofracking sites in PA, a trip that has increased his determination to push a bill he has introduced to delay any permits on hydrofracking until three …

April 28, 2013

Fracked-up roads: Texas, NY

The Texas Tribune reported yesterday on legislative attempts to address the damage done to Texas roads by drilling:

“The Texas Department of Transportation has estimated that maintaining infrastructure impacted by the drilling boom will cost $4 billion a year. Advocates

June 29, 2011

N.J. Senate Passes Fracking Ban

MARYANN SPOTO, State House Bureau, The Record —

The state Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation banning the use of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas exploration in New Jersey.

The 33-1 vote came after Sen. Joseph Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) unsuccessfully asked for a …

February 26, 2011

Regulation Is Lax for Water from Gas Wells

By Ian Urbina, New York Times

The American landscape is dotted with hundreds of thousands of new wells and drilling rigs, as the country scrambles to tap into this century’s gold rush — for natural gas. The gas has always …

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