January 29, 2012

Letter From Joe Levine to NYS DEC

Letter from Joe Levine, co-founder of DCS, NYH2O and Citizens For Water, to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in response to the Draft SGEIS 2011
By Joe Levine, January 11, 2012

My comments focus on migration of …

November 18, 2011

Don't Drill the Delaware / DRBC Regulations Vote–Meeting Cancelled


Delaware’s Gov. Markell and New York’s Gov. Cuomo have stepped off the train; Now it’s time to punch the tickets of the other voting members

October 17, 2011

Submit Your SGEIS / Regulations / NPEDES Comments

Concerned about gas drilling in New York State? — Submit your comments on the SGEIS

The hearings — “unofficial” and “official” — are over (over 6,000 people attended and as many spoke as time allowed — GOOD WORK!). So now …

October 15, 2011

NYC and NYS Are Nearly 7 Miles Apart on Protecting Water Supply

Daily News

Why the State of New York is completely ignoring the Hazen and Sawyer report on this issue is just another fracking mystery.The final NYC DEP report was released 12/23 stating that 6,000 gas wells in the city’s watershed …

October 15, 2011

Comments on Proposed DEC Regulations Marcellus Shale Development

Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D.
Radioactive Waste Management Associates
October 2011

These comments on the proposed DEC regulations on Marcellus Shale Development pertain primarily to health and safety issues. Since the previous GEIS1, DEC has examined the regulatory experience in other states …

October 14, 2011

SGEIS Commenting – page 2 / Hearing Schedule


Each meeting location will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Date: November 16, 2011
Location: Dansville Middle School Auditorium
31 Clara Barton Street
Dansville, NY 14437

Date: November 17, 2011

October 14, 2011

SGEIS Commenting – page 3


In case both the SGEIS and the regs weren’t enough to cover in one meeting, they’re also including the SPDES general permit for stormwater runoff.

ENB – Statewide Notices 9/28/2011

Public Notice

Combined Notice of Public Hearings on …

October 14, 2011

SGEIS Submission Page

Governor Cuomo and NYSDEC require us to submit our comments via a postal service or through their online submission forms. They will not accept SGEIS comments from your personal email account or to the email address they have in the …

October 6, 2011

Overestimation of benefits from shale gas drilling and underestimation of its historic costs

Ronald E. Bishop, PhD., C.H.O.

Remarks to NYS Assembly Committee and hearing on the revised dSGEIS. October 2011

Assemblyman Sweeney, other distinguished legislators and guests, I want to thank you for this opportunity to comment on our Department of Environmental …

May 15, 2011

Road Preservation Local Law: Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement

DELTA Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors

This Draft Scoping Document has been prepared pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQR”), Article 8 of the New York Environmental Conservation Law and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part …

September 16, 2010

NY DEC Information Requests

Prepared for: Independent Oil and Gas Association

By letter dated April 12, 2010, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
(DEC), Division of Mineral Resources, requested additional technical information from the
Independent Oil and Gas Association of New …

April 25, 2010

State Decision Blocks Drilling for Gas in Catskills

State Decision Blocks Drilling for Gas in Catskills
By MIREYA NAVARRO, The New York Times, April 23, 2010

New York State environmental officials announced on Friday that they would impose far stricter regulations on a controversial type of natural gas …

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