July 15, 2018

Propane Storage Facility Rejected by NY DEC

Crestwood’s Seneca Lake propane storage facility rejected by DEC
By Jon Campbell, PressConnects, July 12, 2018

It’s over! Crestwood has officially been denied a permit for expanded gas storage on Seneca Lake (see below)! This fight has dragged

January 16, 2018

NYC Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change

The lawsuit against Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell and ConocoPhillips is the latest from a coastal city seeking to hold fossil fuel producers accountable
By Nicholas Kusnetz, Inside Climate News, January 11, 2018

New York City is suing five of the

January 15, 2018

NYC Will Divest Pension Funds from Fossil Fuel Companies

New York City is taking historic steps to address the very real dangers of climate change
By Justin Mikulka, DeSmogBlog, January 10, 2018

Today New York Mayor Bill De Blasio announced a goal to divest New York City’s pension funds …

January 14, 2018

FERC Will NOT Overrule NY's Denial for Constitution Pipeline Permit

FERC decision supports New York State DEC
By Robert Walton, UtilityDive, January 12, 2018

Finally, a FERC decision that does NOT support the oil and gas industry!

Dive Brief:

August 18, 2017

Constitution Pipeline in NY Rejected by Court

Ny DEC had the right to reject the water permit required for the project
By Joseph Spector, Poughkeepsie Journal, August 18, 2017

Download the Court’s ruling as a pdf.
Read NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s statement about the ruling.

A …

June 23, 2017

Fracked Gas Exposes Families in PA and NY to Radioactivity


DCS responded to the NY DEC radioactivity and solid waste regulation changes with important comments

Download DCS comments on Part 380 amendments as a

September 8, 2016

Help Stop the Brookman Corners Compressor Station

A compressor station for the Dominion New Market pipeline project has been proposed in Brookman Corners, NY, and is now before the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for air permits. This compressor station should be opposed on health, quality …

August 30, 2016

Help Stop the Eldred Compressor Station

A compressor station for the Millennium pipeline has been proposed in Eldred, NY, and is now before the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC). This compressor station is opposed by many local groups on health, quality of life, environmental and economic …

August 26, 2016

NYS Model Solar Energy Law

The New York State Model Solar Energy Law and Toolkit are Out


This Model Solar Energy Law (Model Law) is designed to assist communities in New York State adopt zoning provisions that promote solar energy systems while protecting community …

April 27, 2016

New York Denies Critical Permit for Natural Gas Pipeline

Constitution Pipeline Project Halted,
NYS Denies Needed Permit

“The Department of Environmental Conservation said that in addition to its review of Constitution’s application and supporting materials, the agency also considered more than 15,000 public comments before reaching its decision.”
March 1, 2016

Pipeline Continues New York’s Shame

I spent a recent Sunday in New Milford, Pennsylvania and was reminded of what life is like in a gas field.

I drove on pitted county roads turned into industrial thoroughfares for chemical and waste transport. I spoke with landowners …

November 17, 2015

Tell Gov. Cuomo to Go Slow on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Your snail mail letters have paid off! There is now a ban on high volume hydraulic fracturing in New York State. Governor Cuomo based his decision on the State Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker’s recommendation that drilling could cause “significant public …

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